Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 163 The Corridor of Swords

The second layer is the arsenal of primary warrior weapons.

Although the space here is equally tall and spacious, the contents inside are much less than those of ordinary standard weapon arsenals.

Especially the interval between items and items, the span is very large.

This gives people the feeling that the items in the ordinary standard weapon arsenal seem to live in high-rise and multi-storey buildings, while the items in the junior warrior's weapon live in townhouses.

As soon as Ye Chong entered the door, he saw a black sword.

The corner of his mouth curled up involuntarily, and he walked over.

That's right.

Night Knife.

The name, shape, handle, edge, length, and thickness of the blade are almost exactly the same. The only difference is that the manufacturing time engraved on the back of the blade is different.

The knife in front of him was produced three weeks ago, while the night war knife he used was produced two months ago.

"Looks like I was right.

The Dark Night Knife of the Coastal Guard Force of the East China Sea is indeed a standard saber.

Judging from the labels in the window, this standard saber belongs to the low-level weapons of low-level warriors, and it belongs to the same level as the magic weapons such as Tai'a and Yuchang in the old days.

It's just that the current manufacturing process is more advanced, and the refining materials are better and more complete, and even incorporate a little basic pattern of law.

Therefore, if the low-level warrior's weapon such as the Dark Night War Knife was placed in ancient times, it would definitely be a magic weapon like Fang Tian's Halberd, Qinglong Yanyue Knife, or Zhangba Snake Spear. "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

"It's just a pity.

The environment has changed significantly.

This kind of magical weapon that was enough to dominate the three parties in ancient times can only be used as an entry-level weapon for killing ordinary mutant beasts.

During my trials in Yingdao, I had reached a certain level in the use of the Dark Night Saber, and with the insights from this period of time, if I were to use this sword again now, its power should be increased by [-]% compared to before.

Even if I encounter an S1-level monster like the Mutant Siren Snake again, I am confident that I can kill the opponent in less time in the process of dealing with it.


This is not enough.

I'm afraid that compared with the progress of mutant beasts, my progress is really a pearl of rice, which is hard to shine.

In particular, the fact that Principal Yan Jinglei led a team to Qinshan Town on a mission explained a lot of problems.

The monster that can make Principal Jinglei, who is at least at the level of a junior martial arts fighter, return home, is probably at least S3 or above.

Otherwise, the teachers and students of the Nine Martial Arts Academy would not have suffered such heavy casualties.

Because it can be clearly judged that they did not encounter a beast horde, but were ambushed and attacked.

Think about it and know.

The monsters that can deal a blow to veterans like Principal Yan Jinglei from the martial arts world, whether it is IQ or force, will never be inferior.

In other words, their level will not be low, and it is not unexpected to reach S3 level, and it may even be higher.

So, considering the reality and the future, it is a bit inappropriate for me to use the low-level low-grade warrior weapon, which is a bit difficult to eliminate even S1 level monsters. "

When Ye Chong thought of this, he couldn't help frowning, especially when he looked at the price tag of the Dark Night Knife, his face obviously looked a little ugly.

99 points!

The price of the Dark Night Knife, a low-level weapon for warriors, is nearly 10 points!

When Ye Chong saw this price, he really went crazy.

At that time, after the trial in Yingdao was over, he once asked the relevant personnel if he could keep the Dark Night Saber for his own use.

But the answer he got was indifferent eyes.

Now that you know the price of the Dark Night Knife, think about it back then, it was more polite if someone gave you a cold look. If you have a bad temper, you will definitely sneer, or even sneer.

"My goodness.

The price of a low-level warrior's weapon is so high, what about the low-level mid-level warrior's weapon?

And what about the primary top-rank warrior weapon?

Even the weapons of intermediate warriors?

emmm, it's unimaginable. "

Ye Chong smiled wryly and shook his head. He subconsciously grasped the campus card with his left hand. Now he really felt that the points were too important, but his points were too few, which made him completely lose confidence.

Speaking of which, there are a lot fewer people in the primary weapon arsenal on the second floor than in the ordinary standard arsenal on the first floor.

It is estimated that there are two reasons.

One is because the entry fee of 50 points needs to be deducted by swiping the card to enter the primary warrior's weapon arsenal, which stops those who want to go shopping.

One is because the things here are really not cheap, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can easily afford, which makes people with little money dare not come in.

There is one more difference.

Not only are there few people in the primary weapon arsenal, but there are no patrolling teachers. In this way, Ye Chong can observe and appreciate it quietly in it, and he will not be as stressed and stressed as he is in the ordinary standard arsenal. .

However, after he walked along the corridor for a short distance, his face became ugly.

He likes knives. Of course, he started with the Knife in the Night and walked along the corridor of knives.


The further he walked, the slower his steps became, and his body was still a little fluttering and precarious.

Dark Night Knife, a low-level weapon for warriors, priced at 99 points.

The Great Wind Saber, a low-level low-level martial artist's weapon, costs 101 points.

Krypton Gold War Knife, a low-level middle-grade weapon for warriors, priced at 218 points.

Chaotic Times Crazy Sword, a weapon of junior mid-level warriors, priced at 263 points.

The Knife of Destiny, an elementary and high-grade weapon for warriors, costs 532 points.

Doomsday legend, a primary top-grade weapon for warriors, priced at 558 points.

The entire corridor of knives is just these few knives, each looking more powerful than the other.

On top of that, one is more expensive than the other looks, and it's prohibitively expensive.

"This is simply stealing money!" Ye Chong let out a deep breath, and slowly closed his eyes.

"Follow the instructions of Corridor of the Sword.

The dark night sword and the big broken wind knife are two low-level weapons for low-level warriors. The upper limit of monsters that can be killed is S1-level monsters.

In other words, if the user is not too bad, using this weapon can still kill S1 level monsters.

In fact, I have already done it during my trials on Yingdao.

However, S1-level monsters are already the upper limit for this level of warrior weapons. If you want to kill S2-level monsters, it is the same as killing a tiger with a wooden knife.

Pain is to make the other party feel pain, but it has a fart purpose, it can't kill him at all, it's just to arouse the other party's anger.

And the monsters I will face in the future, it is impossible for the highest level S1 monsters, so I can't choose the weapon of low-level warriors.

Facing the future development, this thing is tasteless to me, it is tasteless to eat, and it is a pity to discard it.

It's not appropriate for me to spend 10 points to buy something like this. "

Ye Chong sighed softly, couldn't help laughing at himself, and shook his head slowly.

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