
Liu Xiqiang tremblingly picked up the wine glass, drained it with the blood, and immediately coughed violently due to the spicy liquor.

"That's right!" Ye Chong's mouth curled up, "Producer Liu, just now you forced me to toast, and I really came to toast, but you didn't drink, and you are capricious. You are really a villain, so naturally you want to beat me! Now Well, since you drank this glass of wine, then this matter will be over, and I will reward you!"

"What? Reward me?" Liu Xiqiang drank a glass of high-strength liquor, obviously a little dizzy, "I have money, but I don't want money!"

"Money?" Ye Chong smiled slightly, "How is it possible? President Liu is so rich, how could I reward you with money? I just saw that you had a good time drinking, you are a man, so... I will reward you with another drink."

"..." When Liu Xiqiang heard this, his face was miserable, and he was a little dazed, and his head was confused for a while.

You must know that the full glass of wine he drank just now was held in a large goblet glass for drinking wine, 285ml, which is about half a catty more wine.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Ye Chong poured half a glass of white wine into the 285ml tall glass again, and then swished his left hand, and the liquor inside began to spin counterclockwise.

Immediately afterwards, he added some beer to it, and finally added some red wine.

The three liquors are distinct, and they rotate separately, looking dazzling and mysterious.

The strangest thing is that even though a full glass of wine was spinning rapidly, not a single drop fell down.


There was a burst of commotion at the scene. Although the crowd didn't applaud, their eyes were already dumbfounded.

"Please, Producer Liu!" Ye Chong passed the wine glass forward, "This is the reward you deserve!"

"I...I won't drink!" Liu Xiqiang tilted his head and stared at the other party, a trace of refusal and anger appeared on his bloody face, "I can't drink enough, I can't drink anymore!"

"Well, are you sure?" Ye Chong raised his right hand, looked at the palm of his hand, then raised the corner of his mouth, and looked at Liu Xiqiang, "I told you earlier! Look, I have spent so much effort to prepare the goose tail. Wine, if you don’t drink it, isn’t that showing me face?!”

"..." Liu Xiqiang's eyes flickered for a while, and he looked around.

Immediately, there was a commotion from the crowd, and the dissatisfaction continued.

"Ye, you are too much! Mr. Liu's social status is very high, it is a crime for you to humiliate and force him like this!"

"Ye Chong, it's almost over! Boss Liu is also a famous person. He joked a little too much with you just now, and the past is over. Don't hold on to it! If you continue to make trouble, things will get serious!"

"It's such a full glass of wine, and it's still a cocktail. Who can bear it if you drink it all?! Don't you get alcohol poisoning?! Don't drink it! Don't drink it!"


"What?" Ye Chong smiled slightly and looked at Liu Xiqiang, "Should I kneel on the ground and offer it with both hands?"

"Okay!" Liu Xiqiang looked at the right hand slowly raised by the other party, his eyes trembled, and he took the wine glass with both hands, "I... I will drink! I am Xiaoqiang! I can't be beaten to death! I can't drink to death either!"


As soon as Liu Xiqiang raised his neck, he drank 285 milliliters of wine in one gulp, followed by his feet, and burped.


The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

After hundreds of years of experience in scientific development and medical progress, he is very clear that chemical substances and their reactions are of great significance in the application of pharmacology, but what is more significant than this is the physical reactions and their sequence combinations.

To put it simply, such as eating, what to eat first, and what to eat second, are actually particular.

If you eat indiscriminately, it will often have an extremely profound impact on the body invisible.

Of course, under normal circumstances, no abnormality can be perceived, but it does not mean that there are no changes quietly happening deep in the body.

In the face of food, regardless of whether various ingredients will have chemical reactions, just in terms of the order, interval, proportion, etc. of eating, a unique eating key will be formed under different circumstances, and this secret The key corresponds to some secret switches deep in the body.

Some secret keys, after turning on the corresponding secret switch, can make the body's functions stronger, such as turning on the longevity gene.

Some secret keys, when the corresponding secret switch is turned on, will cause the body to suffer from immune system deficiency, resulting in weakness, and even a gust of cold wind can kill a person with a cold and fever.

Some secret keys, after turning on the corresponding secret switch, will automatically remove a certain type of lesion in the body and restore the body to health. This is actually a bit like drinking Chinese medicine or diet therapy.

Some secret keys, after turning on the corresponding secret switch, will cause the body to enter a kind of collapse that can be quick, slow, big or small, which is a bit like drinking poison or eating poisonous food.

Ye Chong's cocktail seems to be fine, but the order, proportion and rotation speed are all in place. Drinking this kind of thing is fine for a short time, but after a long time, it will produce a strong hallucinogenic effect.

Liu Xiqiang drank the glass of wine in one gulp, and naturally there was no exception.

"Yuanyuan, you are really stupid!" Song Jiafeng looked at Niu Yuanyuan mockingly, "Look at him, is there something wrong with his head? He has no money and no power, relying on his own strength, he can Dare to offend someone like Brother Liu, hehe, doesn’t he know that Xiqiang Group has a security training base? The people who come out there are very powerful in combat! Ye Chong is not even a fart in front of them!”

"Song Jiafeng, I don't want to talk to you!" Niu Yuanyuan glanced at the other party, moving her body away, "No matter what Ye Chong does, I will support him! Because I know that everything he does is for I'm good!"

"Hehe!" Song Jiafeng sneered, and when she was about to continue to say something, she froze for a moment.

I saw Ye Chong slowly walking over with a 285ml goblet shaking in his left hand, coughing lightly and laughing:

"I just thanked President Liu, the producer of this big realistic movie tonight. Now, according to the order, I should thank Ms. Song Jiafeng, the director of this big movie! Hehe, Director Song, I'll toast you! "

"..." Song Jiafeng suddenly turned pale, and she was completely confused. She waved her hands in a panic and said incoherently: "I don't drink...I don't know how to drink...Ye Chong...go away !"

"Huh? Are you disrespecting me?! I remember that you persuaded Yuanyuan to drink just now, why didn't you drink it yourself?!" Ye Chong's face turned cold, he raised his right hand to look at it, and said coldly road:

"Although I don't like beating women, but if the person who wants to be beaten is not worthy of being a woman, then I can let my right hand taste the taste of a woman's face!"

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Song Jiafeng was so frightened that she had shortness of breath and coughed continuously. She grabbed Niu Yuanyuan's arm like a life-saving straw, and wailed, "Yuanyuan, help me! I don't know how to drink!"

"Really? You really don't know how to drink?" Niu Yuanyuan gave the other party a cold look and shook off her arm, "I remember that time in the dormitory, you drank a lot more than me, isn't it all right?" ?!"

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