Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 12 Let's start now!

When Song Jiafeng heard this, why was he so familiar?

Isn't this what I told Niu Yuanyuan not long ago?

Her eyes were red, and she wanted to cry, but she looked at the people around her for help.


When I saw it this way, I was immediately disappointed.

I saw the three girls all maintaining a ladylike standing posture.

Watch the nose with the eyes, watch the heart with the nose, and watch the big world with the heart, without moving.

Song Jiafeng howled in her heart: "Damn you, you're being serious!"

As for the twenty men, all of them were dignified and talkative, and they were definitely elites from all walks of life, but now, all of them bowed their heads and drooped their horns, just like Song Jiafeng. Like a moment of silence.


Song Jiafeng howled in her heart.

It's not like that in bed, you sanctimonious fellows!

"What?" The corner of Ye Chong's mouth twitched, "I toasted Producer Liu's two glasses of wine, but he drank them all, and they were clean! Why did you come to Director Song, and you made up your mind not to give it to me?" How about face?"

"Toast... Toast, right? I...I..." Song Jiafeng stretched out both hands tremblingly, took the wine glass, and spilled more than half of it with a shake of the hand, "I drink... I drink!"


She drank the rest of the wine in one gulp, followed by another cough and spit out half of it.

"It's too wasteful!" Ye Chong reconstituted a glass of wine, smiled and handed it over, "As the saying goes, 'good things come in pairs', Director Song should also drink two glasses! However, this wine is good food, It’s all made from the hard-earned food produced by our common people. I can’t stand waste! If Director Song Da sprinkles it again, my right hand will definitely educate you! Useless!"

"Ahhh!" Song Jiafeng howled, holding up the wine glass with both hands tremblingly, "I'll drink it all!"




Song Jiafeng drank the whole glass of cocktail with her eyes closed without saying a word.

Then, she wiped her mouth, let out a smirk, and immediately shook her body.


She closed her eyes and sat down in the wide chair, obviously a little confused.


Ye Chong frowned and shook his head secretly.

Of course he didn't want to trouble women.

Bullying the weak, bullying women at will, these are things that scumbags will do.

But for a woman like Song Jiafeng who is not a woman, it is a different matter.

Back then, the reason why Niu Yuanyuan jumped to her tragic death was of course Liu Xiqiang who was directly involved, and Song Jiafeng was the one who directed this tragedy from the very beginning.

This bitch, after Niu Yuanyuan fell and was seriously injured, not only refused to save her, but also forged the scene together with Liu Xiqiang, making everything develop in a direction that was not conducive to Niu Yuanyuan.

Ye Chong was reborn and returned by chance this time, so of course he couldn't let this guy go easily.

Because only by conforming to the general development trend and destroying the key nodes, can we take advantage of the trend, quietly change some development tracks, and make Niu Yuanyuan's fate a turning point.


Ye Chong turned his head and looked at the people at the table again.

Undoubtedly, although these guys did not directly harm Niu Yuanyuan's tragic death, they obviously played a role in fueling the flames. Moreover, they all chose to remain silent afterwards, which almost brought his investigation to a standstill.


Ye Chong picked up a cigarette from the table and lit it, took a deep breath, and then said with a smile:

"Producer Liu Da and Director Song Da have both drunk. You behind-the-scenes staff or group performers, shouldn't you have a drink too?!"


Suddenly there was a chaotic noise in the huge room.

"Ye Chong, you are so crazy! Not only do you want to fight against Mr. Liu, but you also want to fight against all of us. Are you not afraid of offending us and making it difficult for you to move forward in society?!"

"Ye, you better understand, we didn't invite you to provoke you, you will regret it sooner or later if you make enemies like this!"

"You are only one person, and there are more than twenty of us here. Each of us can slap you to death! You boy, you still have a lot of points!"


"Don't drink? It's okay! Save the waste!" Ye Chong smiled slightly, "How about this, everyone slaps themselves, and each face is slapped ten times. If you don't get red or swollen, it doesn't count. Start again! Let's start now !"


It was as if a pot had exploded at the scene.

"Bastard! You're too presumptuous!" A tall and strong bald man roared and looked at Ye Chong, his eyes were full of ferocity. Seeking death!"

Da da da!

Ye Chong took a few steps forward and came to the other party, but he didn't want the bald man to kick him violently.

Seeing that a big foot had reached his chest, Ye Chong put his left hand on the big foot, and with a bang of his right fist, there was a sonic boom.



The sound of bone shattering and screams sounded almost simultaneously.


The bald man sat down on the ground, his face was throbbing with bruises, and he was sweating profusely. His right leg had already been broken at the knee.


Everyone at the scene was terrified.

Even Niu Yuanyuan covered her eyes all of a sudden.

"Slap in the face! Hurry up!" Ye Chong said indifferently, "If you don't hit, I will do it for you, but I don't know how to do it. If you smash your head, I won't be responsible!"

Da da da!

A lean man ran towards the door like a girl.

But when he was about to reach the door, his eyes blurred, and a figure stood in front of him.

clap clap clap!

A series of big ear scrapers exploded, and the thin man spun a few times on the spot, just like a spinning top.

At the same time, his bony face suddenly became rosy and plump, like a ripe red apple.


The screams came from the narrow slit under the thin man's nose, like a pig squawking.

"What?" Ye Chong put his hands behind his back and looked around, "Do you want me to do it one by one?!"


clap clap!

clap clap clap!

Crack crack!


In the huge room, the sound of self-slapping suddenly spread.


Ye Chong sighed secretly and shook his head.

If these guys hadn't contributed to the flames at the beginning, and then kept silent and kept silent afterwards, I wouldn't have made it so difficult to investigate.

Today's slap in the face is a small punishment for these sanctimonious hypocrites!

"Ye Chong, let's go!" Niu Yuanyuan walked over quickly, her face was anxious, but her eyes were full of excitement, "If this continues, the problem will get worse."

"No rush! Yuanyuan, go and sit on the side sofa first." Ye Chong smiled slightly, "Our movie hasn't finished filming yet, how could it end suddenly before reaching the climax?"

"But... I'm so scared..." Niu Yuanyuan lowered her head, "I don't know why? I always feel panicked."


Ye Chong frowned, sighed softly, and gently hugged her in his arms.

He understood in his heart.

It's normal for Niu Yuanyuan to feel this way.

Because in the dark, everyone actually has an advance perception of important things that are about to happen.

This feeling is sometimes called the sixth sense.

Especially when death is coming, the inexplicable fear of dying will become more intense.

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