Facing these four sword qis, Tuoba Bodhisattva sensed a hint of danger.

There is a lively spirituality in it, with a hint of inexplicable charm.

He felt very strange, there was clearly a murderous aura as thick as water flowing in this field, but these four sword auras didn't even have a trace of killing intent.

However, the four sword qi without killing intent brought him an inexplicable sense of danger.

Running the inner breath again, the fist wrapped in the golden qi machine suddenly smashed into one of the sword qi.


The transparent sword energy dissipated.

But immediately after, the other three sword qi formed a straight line at the same time, following the trajectory of the first sword qi, stabbing in an instant.


A sword aura as thick as a finger hit Tuoba Bodhisattva's chest with bloody light.

Tuoba Bodhisattva's cheeks twitched, he glanced at the blood hole on his right hand, and then lowered his head to look at his chest. There was a crack on the armor on his chest.

He looked up at the gray-shirted youth who had revealed his figure.

The tone was full of surprise: "You didn't give your best just now?"

Dugu Qiubai remained silent.

He stretched out his right hand obliquely, and a long sword was shot from outside the sword area, and he held it in his hand.

At the moment when the sword is held in the hand, it is like a peerless divine sword that has been hidden for many years. Straight into nine days.

Those who know its origin know that it went from having a sword to not having a sword, but no one knows that the moment when he holds the sword is the most lethal moment.

Sword main kill, nothing fancy.

A deep and subtle voice sounded, "Guimei turns to Wuwang, Wuwang turns to colleagues, colleagues turn to Dayou, A turns to C, C turns to Geng, Geng turns to Gui, Zichou's friend, Chensi's friend, Wuwei's friend... "

Tuoba Bodhisattva saw nothing else in his eyes, except for the vague voice, there was only a long sword in his eyes.

He swung his fists and palms together, and any martial arts moves were strictly restrained by the long sword.

Tuoba Bodhisattva saw for the first time at this moment, what is swordsmanship that is close to Tao.

At the same time, in the sword field, the four swords in the four positions of the four elephant formations in the south, east, west, and north shook from time to time, and began to strangle the enemies in the sword field.

The sword field rotates slowly, it is not a dead thing.

At this moment, it seems to be turned into a millstone, and Tuoba Bodhisattva is the grain on that millstone, first exhausted of inner breath, then exhausted of energy and blood, and then physical strength.

After an unknown amount of time, the figures of the two separated again.

The long sword in Dugu Qiubai's hand is covered with fine cracks, it seems to be broken when touched, but it is condensed by a force of energy, forcing it to come together. On his chest, there is a clear palm print only two inches away from his heart. Cough up blood.

But the image of Tuoba Bodhisattva on the opposite side is even more miserable. His armor has long been broken, as if he had been cut by sword energy, his hands and feet were covered with fine wounds, and blood beads stained the white shirt inside, especially the left chest. The blood hole is clearly visible.

When Tuoba Bodhisattva breathed, the pierced lung on the left side contracted, causing him great pain.

He felt that every wound, including the penetrating wound of the lungs, seemed to have a fine sword energy as small as a worm, constantly "gnawing" on the wound, blocking the automatic healing of the wound, causing secondary damage.

Trying to mobilize the inner breath in Dantian, but there is no response, the inner breath has already been exhausted.

Tuoba Bodhisattva looked at the young man on the opposite side, he naturally knew that the other party's internal energy was running low, but he was better than himself, at least this strange field could still be maintained.

Those four strange swords have long since disappeared.

Tuoba Bodhisattva endured the burning pain in his lungs, and sighed: "It's really unimaginable, you are only less than [-] years old, and you are even more amazing than Li Chungang back then."

Out of respect for this martial arts master, Dugu Qiubai said indifferently: "A certain Dugu Qiubai has been reincarnated and lived for more than 90 years."

Tuoba Bodhisattva suddenly revealed his face, and said, "No wonder..."

Although he is a master of martial arts, he is still a person. All the skills he has cultivated in his life for decades have been destroyed by a teenage boy today. It would be a lie to say that he has no depression in his heart.

Hearing that the other party is Bing Jie's reincarnated celestial being, he naturally felt much better.

Dugu Qiubai was not afraid that the other party would deliberately delay time, but the fact that the other party's chest, abdomen, lungs and organs were seriously injured, both Qi and blood were lost, and he was no longer able to fight, and the more vigorous he was, the faster he would die.

Tuoba Bodhisattva looked towards the east and sighed: "It's a pity that I haven't fought that Wang Xianzhi yet. This glorious world has never come to the end."

Instead, he let go of the situation in Beimang at this moment. Once a person dies, he doesn't care so much.

A few days ago, he had secretly sent a letter to his cheap brother Tuoba Amitabha, wanting him to fight against Liyang Jianghu, but he did not receive any reply.

Dugu Qiubai slowly crossed his sword across his chest, looking at the former Beimang No.1.

He has seen a lot of life and death, and his heart is peaceful.


Tuoba Bodhisattva was panting like a bellows, and his lungs were bleeding, which had begun to fill his entire chest cavity. His body became heavier and heavier, and his conscious reaction began to slow down.

The figure of Dugu Qiubai disappeared in a flash, and the long sword in his hand cut Tuoba Bodhisattva's throat.

The cracked long sword, accompanied by a string of blood beads, completely shattered.

Tuoba Bodhisattva's eyes suddenly brightened, and then turned gray.

Outside the sword field, countless people paid attention to the place shrouded in smoke and dust.

After an unknown period of time, someone noticed that the smoke began to dissipate slowly, and everyone stretched their necks, wanting to know the final result.

Xu Xiao and the others from Beiliang were no exception. They couldn't help but to take a few steps forward, with anticipation and nervousness in their hearts.

Without the maintenance of the sword field, the smoke and dust will eventually return to the earth.

There was only one figure standing proudly in the field. The broken armor, blood-stained clothes, and the wound cut by a sharp knife on the throat clearly fell into everyone's eyes under the sunlight.

As for the other person, he had long since disappeared.


Everyone was stunned, Tuoba Bodhisattva, the Northern Mang Army God died unexpectedly.

Wen Hua in the distance was dazed, and murmured: "My darling..." Although he knew that guy was strong, he never thought that the guy was really strong enough to kill Bei Mang No.1... …

The Northern Mang army was crowded with people.

Beiliang Xu Xiao and the others were overjoyed, and a messenger shouted, and the horse galloped, "Tuoba Bodhisattva is dead...Tuoba Bodhisattva is dead..."

Immediately afterwards, Xu Xiao attacked with beating drums.

The backbone of Bei Mang was absent, and the morale of the army was broken. Facing the wolves and tigers of the Bei Liang Army, they were defeated in an instant and retreated in a hurry.

Only Tuoba Bodhisattva's personal guards were desperately moving forward, instead of retreating, they wanted to take back Tuoba Bodhisattva's body.

Xu Xiao had nothing to do to stop him. He insisted on leaving Tuoba Bodhisattva's body behind. He had more important things to do, and that was to besiege and kill the Northern Mang army and wipe out the opponent's troops as much as possible.

People from the rivers and lakes in the distance also fought together.

In this wilderness, blood was splattered everywhere, and stumps were flying everywhere.

The warm scorching sun shone on a land of purgatory.

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