Tuoba Bodhisattva's thoughts turned sharply, thinking about countermeasures. According to his qi induction, the sword crown of the Wu family is less than ten years old. Although his internal aura is strong, it must be limited, and it is even more insufficient compared with himself.

But in this strange field, the opponent's vitality has not declined at all since the fight so far. Presumably, they can get supplements of vitality from the outside world.

Therefore, if you consume your internal energy, you will definitely lose. There are only two ways, one is to directly destroy and kill the opponent, and this field will naturally be broken, and the other way out is to leave this field.

He is a veteran martial arts master, so he naturally knows that the opponent's domain cannot be too large.

Thinking in his heart, Tuoba Bodhisattva's spirit locked on the flickering gray-clothed youth from afar, his eyes glowed with golden light, and the golden aura originally attached to his body exploded with a sound like thunder, dissipating the sword aura around his body .

At the same time, he raised his right hand horizontally and pushed it out violently, forming an exaggerated pale golden air column, which was facing Dugu Qiubai from a distance, clearing away the sword energy in front of him, forming a clean channel shape.

Without being obstructed by the dense sword energy everywhere, Tuoba Bodhisattva stepped on both feet suddenly, and the earth trembled with a bang, and a round hole appeared on the ground, like a golden light, accompanied by a violent explosion of air, which came in an instant. In front of Dugu Qiubai.

At this moment, the powerful strength of Beimang No.1 began to be truly revealed.

Outside the Sword Domain, the two sides had ceased fighting at some point, and all eyes were on the center of the battlefield.

The smoke and dust were raging there, and nothing could be seen, only the explosions like thunder came from inside from time to time.

Everyone knew that the battlefield that had been stalemate for three months was finally about to come to an end.

As for the result, it depends on who wins and who loses among these two people.

The young man in gray wins, and without the backbone of the Tuoba Army God, the Northern Mang soldiers will inevitably lose their morale. Facing the equally fierce Northern Mang Army, they will definitely lose. If Tuoba Bodhisattva wins, after this battle, they will definitely not stay behind. He will no longer be afraid of the one from Wudi City. No one in the entire battlefield can stop this Beimang No.1. Xu Xiao and others have only a dead end.

In the Sword Domain, facing the oncoming golden fist, Dugu Qiubai's face sinks like water. At this moment, he occupies the northern Xuanwu position of the Four Elephant Formation, and Xuanwu is the main defense.

As soon as his mind moved, the transparent basalt sword beside him swayed, and the sword intent and sword energy in the sword field, like boiling water, wrapped in the smoke and dust all over the sky, formed several layers of "curtains" like curtains in front of him.

When the golden fist hit, the curtain was almost shattered by the relentless force of the fist.

After smashing the curtains of several layers of sword energy, the strength of the punch remained undiminished, and it slammed on the transparent sword at Xuanwu's position. The sword collapsed in response, but a new transparent sword was formed almost instantly.

Although the time was short, it was enough for Dugu Qiubai to get away.

Tuoba Bodhisattva's face was serious, and he had expected it in his heart, and began to implement the second plan.

Without hesitation, the figure dashed and galloped into the distance.

Dugu Qiubai's erratic figure paused, revealing his figure, and he knew the opponent's intention in an instant, his body swayed, turned into a gray sword light, and followed him closely.

The sword field is surrounded by smoke and dust from fighting, and these smoke and dust turn into part of the sword energy of the sword field.

So the soldiers of the two countries and the people in the rivers and lakes outside saw this scene.

A large cloud of gray smoke and dust, like a living thing, is moving rapidly. In the smoke and dust, a burly figure exuding golden light is running fast. His feet are stepping on the ground, and the ground is trembling, as if thousands of troops are galloping. appalling.

In people's sights, even though the golden figure was fast, it never got rid of the gray smoke.

Tuoba Bodhisattva also discovered this situation, the gap between his own speed and the opponent's is not too big, and now he is always sprinting across the "Sword River". Although his speed is a little faster, it is impossible to get rid of this strange field.

He also had to be vigilant towards the rear, as from time to time, he would be pierced by unparalleled sword aura.

The shadow formed by the smoke and dust spread into his heart at this moment.

It is not easy for Dugu to seek defeat at the moment. The maintenance of the Sword Domain consumes a lot of energy and energy. Although it can be supplemented by the vitality of the world, the transformation efficiency is not as fast as imagined. If the opponent really keeps running like this, I will definitely stop it. Can't stand him.

Dugu Qiubai silently thought about the countermeasures.

But on the other side, Tuoba Bodhisattva turned his eyes, folded his body horizontally, and rushed towards the Beiliang army formation at an extremely fast speed.

Dugu Qiubai followed closely behind.

The burly golden figure entered the army formation, like a tiger entering a herd of sheep, smashing the Beiliang soldiers who were hiding in front of them to pieces, screaming everywhere.

Those soldiers who were not hit also entered the sword domain because of Tuoba Bodhisattva's approach.


How could these ordinary soldiers resist the terrifying sword aura that was everywhere in the sword domain, their bodies were covered with holes, and they died on the spot.

Dugu Qiubai frowned, and immediately restrained his mind, the dense sword energy that was everywhere in the sword domain dissipated.

But the sword field is still like a tarsal maggot, clinging to Tuoba Bodhisattva.

Tuoba Bodhisattva naturally discovered this situation, and with a second thought in his mind, he went deep into the center of the Beiliang army, wanting to weaken the strength of the opponent's strange field at once.

"Tuoba, it's in vain for you to be No.1 in Beimang, to be so disregarding the face of warriors." A loud shout came from the direction of the generals in Beiliang.

Tuoba Bodhisattva looked calm and didn't care at all.

But immediately afterward, the Jianghu people in Beiliang also began to shout and curse loudly. These people in the Jianghu had a mixed population, some from the noble families, some from the low-level sects, and some from the gangsters.

Those gentry lords and high-ranking sects were reserved, so they scolded a few words, but then shut up.

It was the foul language from around that made them frown.

Those people at the bottom of the rivers and lakes have been struggling in the dark side of society, and their curse words are more and more unpleasant than the words of the gentry lords in their lives.

People from Jianghu in Beimang are also rough people, not to be outdone, the two sides began to scold each other.

The Jianghu people in Beiliang seem to be very excited to be able to scold the No. Postscript Bodhisattva body.

No matter how good-tempered Tuoba Bodhisattva was, he couldn't help being furious when he heard the vulgar words greeting his family in his ear. How could a high-ranking martial artist be insulted by these ants.

He turned his head to look at the Jianghu people in the distance, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"court death."

Tuoba Bodhisattva quickly left the army formation and rushed towards the crowd in the rivers and lakes.

The Jianghu people in Beiliang were horrified when they saw this, and fled immediately, cursing and cursing, but they all knew that killing themselves by the No. 1 Jianghu in Beimang was no different from crushing an ant to death.

After killing more than a dozen people, Tuoba Bodhisattva's anger subsided, feeling the inner breath in Dantian weakened again, and then woke up with a start.

At some point, the fine sword energy that had dissipated appeared again, like countless tiny bugs, constantly obliterating the essence of his inner breath.

At this moment, four transparent swords shook together.

"Om" The Murderous Intent once again filled the field, more prosperous than ever before.

The four domineering and fierce sword qi seemed to be able to penetrate everything and stab him.

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