The death of Tuoba Bodhisattva brought a blow to the Northern Mang soldiers, almost similar to the collapse of faith.

Xu Xiao's battle was the smoothest one he had fought in the past few months. The enemy's determination to resist was almost non-existent, and they all retreated while fighting. In the end, except for a few teams, they escaped from Beiliang's siege and fled north.

Even so, the Beiliang iron cavalry continued to pursue.


Centerline battlefield.

The sky was getting dark, and in the emperor's big tent, Zhu Wushi was dressed in a bright yellow robe and was meditating with his eyes closed. Han Diao Temple, who was bowing and waiting beside him, almost melted into the shadows, like a ghost.

After a while, there was no sound at the foot of Han Diao Temple, and the candle was lightly lit.

The tent suddenly became much brighter.

"Step... step..." There was a soft sound outside the tent.

Han Diaosi glanced at the emperor, walked slowly to the curtain, opened the curtain, and walked out.

Outside the tent, a middle-aged man was wearing a raccoon-like flying fish suit with horns on its head, and an embroidered spring knife hanging from his waist, just like a Jinyiwei.

When Han Diao Temple saw this man, his soft and evil eyes flickered slightly, and his thin eyebrows raised slightly. He was in charge of Jinyiwei, so he naturally recognized this person, and he was his right-hand man. Department of intelligence collection, instigation and other things.

Could it be that something big happened to Xu Xiao?

When Dun En saw the eunuch in the red python robe in front of him, his originally cold eyes turned into awe, and he bowed to salute.

Han Diaosi waved his hand.

Dunn took a few steps forward and whispered something in his ear.

Han Diaosi heard this, his eyes flashed, and he said in a low voice: "Come in with our house." He thought it would be better for Deng Enze to tell the emperor himself about this matter.

Immediately, he turned and entered the big tent, followed by Dunn.

Dun Enze entered the big tent with his waist half bowed, and then knelt down on the ground, looking down at the carpet under his feet. Not only the majesty of the superior, but also a kind of overlooking coercion at the level of life.

In fact, logically speaking, as the commander of Jin Yiwei, he has seen the emperor quite a few times, but he has never felt the way he does today.

Like a giant wild beast, it closed its eyes and fell asleep beside it, and the breath naturally overflowing from its body made the lower beings tremble.

Han Diaosi stepped forward and whispered, "Your Majesty."

The emperor opened his eyes, the eyes were reddish gold, the big tent suddenly lit up, Han Diao Temple and Deng En heard the faint and inaudible dragon chant.

Han Diaosi whispered: "Your Majesty, Deng En has something to report."

Zhu's gaze fell on Dun Enze who was kneeling under the hall.

Dunn's heart sank.

"Get up and talk."

Dun En felt relieved, kowtowed to thank him, and then stood up.

He raised his head slightly, not daring to look directly at the emperor's dragon face, but stared at the golden dragon on the emperor's bright yellow robe, and narrated.

"Your Majesty, news came from the spies of the King of Beiliang that Tuoba Bodhisattva, the main general on the western front of Beimang, was killed, the Beimang army was defeated, and the Beiliang army chased and killed Baili.

"In addition, the King of Beiliang may rest for a few days before moving forward, passing through Shaquan Mountain, Fenglai Town... and advancing towards the capital of Beimang."

Zhu Wushi heard that Tuoba Bodhisattva had died, his eyes flashed, and when Dun En finished speaking, he paused and said softly, "Who killed Tuoba Bodhisattva?" He didn't remember such a person in the Beiliang Army.

Deng En said in a low voice: "It should be Wu Di, the sword crown of the Wu family's sword tomb. Some people in the rivers and lakes recognized him at that time."

Zhu ignored it, and probably had a guess in his heart.

No one spoke in the big tent, and suddenly fell silent.

Dun En stood by and waited for the emperor's instructions.

After a while, the emperor opened his mouth and said: "It has been passed on to me that the King of Beiliang has defeated the army of Beimang. I am very relieved. He has achieved outstanding results. After the victory, he will have his own reward. Now order him to detour to the east and join the army on the central line. Completed his meritorious service in one battle and wiped out Beimang."

Dunn took the order and withdrew from the big account.


Beimang's espionage organization spider web, although not as pervasive as Liyang Jinyiwei, has been established for a long time, and it has already enveloped Beimang like silk threads spit out by spiders.

Zhu ignored the news of Tuoba Bodhisattva's death, and Empress Beimang was not too late.

The golden wolf flag was floating, but the atmosphere in the king's tent was rather depressing.

Empress Murong's old face was calm, and her slightly closed eyes made it impossible to see her emotions.

Down below, the heads of many prairie clan leaders looked at each other in blank dismay, a little flustered for no reason.

Don't look at their usual belittlement of Tuoba Bodhisattva, a martial artist, which is even more stumbling behind, but that is because of the conflict of interests between the two parties, and they have to do it.

But now that the enemy is in front of them, these old prairie clan lords can't wait to Tuoba Bodhisattva's martial arts realm will improve rapidly, become No. 1 in the world, and lead troops directly to Tai'an City.

The news of Tuoba Bodhisattva's death suddenly came, and these prairie clan leaders were a little flustered.

Because they knew in their hearts that for Tuoba Bodhisattva, they scolded him, and in terms of ability, they didn't even have the right to eat ashes behind him.

Before, even if Gu Jiantang broke through the eastern front, advanced to the hinterland of Beimang, and attacked the city, everyone was impatient, but they didn't have much sense of urgency, because the military power of Beimang was basically complete, and there was Tuoba Bodhisattva in the military. Dinghaishenzhen, the imperial court has a female emperor and a Taiping order to rule.

Now, Tuoba's death is tantamount to losing the sharpest knife in Beimang.

These politicians, who enjoy their wealth and wealth, finally began to feel a sense of imminent crisis.

Sitting at the lower head of the empress, Taiping Ling also frowned at this moment. In his plan for Liyang, Tuoba Bodhisattva played a very important role and also assumed a very important role. In his cognition, unless Who can kill Wang Xianzhi from Wudi City going north?

He felt distressed, this incident completely disrupted his plan, other than that, the blow to the top and bottom of the Northern Mang army was crucial.

Everyone had different thoughts, but seeing the empress with a face as heavy as water, none of them dared to open their mouths to touch this brow.

After a long silence, Taiping Ling said: "Your Majesty, General Tuoba died in battle. This matter has a great impact, and we need to deal with it pretentiously."

The empress opened her eyes, and glanced at the people below. The eyes that were warm in the past were only cold.

"Do you have any idea?"

Taiping Ling pondered for a while, and said: "General Tuoba is of great significance to Beimang. The news of his death in battle must be blocked, especially when Emperor Liyang personally marched. The enemy army is less than a hundred miles ahead. If at this time If the news leaks out, the morale of our soldiers will definitely be affected."

An old man with gray hair and gray beard in the tent said: "But, so many people on the battlefield have seen it, how did you hide it?"

This person is the leader of the Dalan clan in the grassland, and the Dalan clan specializes in cavalry.

The Taiping Order glanced at the crowd and said: "As long as you can hide it, don't the news come that General Tuoba's body was snatched back by his personal guards? Since there is no proof of death, who can prove that General Tuoba has died?" die?"

"Furthermore, General Tuoba is the No. 1 martial artist in my court. He is invincible in supernatural powers. He has the means to survive death, or fake death to escape. Who can say anything?"

Everyone couldn't help looking at each other, but they had to admit that this was a solution. After all, there were not many people in the world who could reach the level of Tuoba Bodhisattva, so naturally they couldn't understand what kind of incredible abilities the martial arts gods at that level had. .

Taiping sighed secretly, he had no choice but to change the overall plan temporarily at this time, which was no different from courting death.

He turned his head to look at the empress, "Your Majesty, we still need to find a martial arts expert to pretend to be General Tuoba."

Empress Bei Mang calmed down a little and nodded.


Liangzhou, official road.

Luoyang, who was dressed in white, squinted his eyes with purple eyes, looking at the man in black in front of him.

"who are you?"

Dai Daojin looked at this woman with a smile on his face. She was dressed in a decent white shirt, her black hair was tied up with a purple hairpin, her face was cold and beautiful, and her body exuded a cold aura, like a piece of thousand-year-old ice.

Hearing the other party's question, he smiled lightly and said, "My concubine, I am the king of Qin who you have been thinking about day and night for eight hundred years."

Luo Yang's face turned cold, and his eyes instantly turned purple.

Dai Daojin smiled unabated, the black robe on his body fluttered, and a black to dark aura flowed like ink, covering the space in an instant, enveloping the woman in white in front of him.

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