Since Dugu Qiubai's battle with Wang Xianzhi that day, the flickering kendo field has given him a lot of inspiration.

His kendo does not blindly pursue art or Tao.

Instead, one step at a time, from surgery to another.

In the early stage, he pursued swordsmanship skills, a Dugu Nine Swords, covering all his life's knowledge, it can be said to be the pinnacle of his own swordsmanship skills, and then slowly put down the sword in his hand, and began to pursue the supreme swordsmanship in his heart.

Until his later years, the world was limited, and he could not pursue the sword in his heart under the guise of external forces, and finally let go of the sword in his heart.

It is because there is no sword in the hand, and there is no sword in the heart.

The realm of cultivation in the past life, and the proof in the present life, is beyond description. If it weren't for the martial arts that emphasize the resonance of the three aspects of spirit, energy and spirit, and go hand in hand, his strength would be much higher than today.

Dugu Qiubai looked at Bei Mang No.1, which was poured with golden aura, and felt the shocking fluctuations of aura on his body. Instead, he felt a sense of emptiness in his heart. His whole body exuded an inexplicable charm, as if an invisible magnetic field began to envelope him. This side of the world.

He didn't know what it was, but when his swordsmanship started to move in this direction, he found that in this world, he seemed to be the master of the world, with an exaggerated control power.

Everything here can be turned into a sword and driven by it.

The last time I met Dai Daojin, he looked a little strange, saying that his evolution direction was very strange, what is evolution, Dugu Qiubai did not understand, and the other party did not explain.

But the man gave himself a name for this strange martial art, called "Sword Field".

Simple yet appropriate.

Dugu Qiubai's heart throbbed, and the sword field slowly opened. His heart was empty and flat, but the killing intent in the sword field was full. This kind of heart clearly had no killing intent, but it seemed to have the most killing power. It is similar to Taoism's theory of existence and non-existence.

Tuoba Bodhisattva's skin is tingling at this moment, the world is filled with sword intents that are flat or bursting, soft or cold, warm like spring or cold like ice, like living things, stimulating one's aura .

For the first time, he felt that a person's sword intent was so rich and changeable.

Tuoba Bodhisattva's complexion gradually became serious, and he slowly felt that although things in this world have not changed, it seems that there are countless swords and soldiers aimed at him, as if... the world wants to kill me.

Just as he was about to move, his eyes suddenly shrank.

Right where he was standing, in the four directions of east, west, north, south, each sword weapon slowly formed into a transparent shape, and then a drop of blood essence suddenly appeared, attached to the transparent sword body, and the transparent sword energy became blood essence. Attached, slowly becoming more solid.

The reason why Tuoba Bodhisattva's heart tightened was that just after the appearance of the four sword qi, the murderous aura in the world seemed to be ignited by a frying pan, surging more than five times stronger.

With lowered eyelids, he caught a glimpse of the golden aura on his body surface being smashed by the dense sword aura during his breathing, and he began to feel a burning pain when he breathed through the nasal cavity, and he hurriedly held his breath.

All this is a long story, but two or three breaths.

It was the first time for Dugu Qiubai to use such a move against the enemy, and he was a little surprised at the impact of the four swords on the sword field.

After discussing with the man in black last time, he told himself about an ancient figure called Master Tongtian. According to that person, Master Tongtian was a saint after the creation of the world, and he held a treasure called "Four Swords of Immortals" in his hand. It is the number one killer in ancient times.

The four swords are "Xianxian Sword, Killing Immortal Sword, Absolute Immortal Sword, and Trapping Immortal Sword". The names are first-class and overbearing. With the picture of Zhuxian Formation, it is the first killing formation in heaven since the creation of Hongmeng, "Xianxian Formation".

The man in black seemed to be very interested in talking about it that day, and strongly suggested that he could go in this direction.

Dugu Qiubai felt as if he was listening to a fairy tale, and the ancient legend he heard did not have the figure of Tongtian Sect Master.

What Dai Daojin described was too terrifying. In his mouth, once the four swords of killing immortals are sacrificed, the chaos will be enveloped by the aura of infinite destruction, and the primordial mists will be covered by the color of endless killing. , even if it is a Daluo Jinxian, it will be wiped out in an instant.

At that time, Dugu Qiubai only listened to it as a story. Although it was regarded as a story, he borrowed the idea of ​​swordsmanship from it.

How did he know that Dai Daojin was just a bad taste for a while.

Dugu Qiubai looked at the four transparent swords, he was not arrogant enough to name them "Xianxian Sword, Killing Immortal Sword, Absolute Immortal Sword, Trapping Immortal Sword", so he didn't name them for the time being, as for the sword array, he hadn't considered it yet.

The four swords are distributed according to Taoism's secrets, two appearances and four phenomena. Dugu Qiubai didn't make too complicated magic formation, but only used the most basic four-phase formation to stimulate the power of the sword field.

Dai Daojin was talking nonsense at the time, and he didn't know how to kill immortals.

In the domain of swords, the eastern blue dragon master "traps", the western white tiger master "kills", the southern red bird master "attacks", and the northern Xuanwu master "defends".

The pressure on Tuoba Bodhisattva's mind and spirit became more and more intense, he shouted angrily, his whole body surged violently, and he punched out.


The air machine twisted, twisting the invisible and fine sword air in the sword field, and the sound was like squeezing glass.


Dugu Qiubai's figure disappeared, and in the sword domain, the whole person was extremely fast, and at the same time controlled the four transparent swords with his mind.

Tuoba Bodhisattva saw the sword light flicker, and a unparalleled sharp sword light shot directly at the door.

He punched out, and the wind on the fist was fierce.

The sword light collided with the strength of the fist, and Tuoba Bodhisattva's fierce and unshakable fist force dissipated the sword energy, but before he could recover, the same sword light surged from behind his body, pointing directly at the back Heart.

"Bang... bang..."

In a few breaths, Tuoba Bodhisattva threw out more than a dozen punches, but the sword light seemed endless.

He understands that he can't continue, if it goes on like this, sooner or later he will run out of vitality and end in defeat.

Tuoba Bodhisattva caught a glimpse of the floating transparent sword, his figure flashed, and at the same time, the tyrannical palm force came out.

But with the flicker of the sword floating in the north, the vitality of the whole world fluctuated violently, turning into sword curtains, and at the same time, the green and yellow weeds, insects, ants and beasts on the ground all turned into swords, densely packed and countless.

This sword field seemed to turn into a river of swords and a sea of ​​swords, and Tuoba Bodhisattva ran in it like wading across a river.

He looked down, only to see that the clothes on both legs were torn and disappeared, and the muscles on the legs were covered with small and dense wounds at some point, and only at this moment did he feel a pain.

Tuoba Bodhisattva used body skills, only to find that his speed was blocked by the "Sword River", which made him much slower.

Dugu Qiubai's figure appeared, the transparent sword suspended in the south shook, and four mysterious and gloomy sword auras suddenly shot at Wufu Beimang, two of them shot at his eyes, the other two shot at his heart, and the other shot to the left waist.

Tuoba Bodhisattva's right palm spread out in front of his eyes, the two sword qi collapsed, his left palm was gathered into a knife, and he slashed at the sword qi at his left waist, his right foot was lifted suddenly, and he stepped straight ahead towards the heart. Sword Qi.

After doing this, endless sword energy surged forward, front, back, left, and right.

After a dozen or so breaths, Tuoba Bodhisattva's energy began to decline gradually. With such an exaggerated consumption, even with his strong internal energy, it became obviously difficult at this moment.

The most important thing is that he cannot be supplemented. The vitality of this world is full of various sword intents. The sword intent and vitality are glued to each other, regardless of each other. Absorbing and devouring vitality must be accompanied by that sword intent. Swallow, but that would only make things worse.

Tuoba Bodhisattva slowly cut off the impetuousness in his heart, his mind returned to calm, and the Qi mechanism in his body gradually became more solid, attaching to the body surface to form a defense.

The sword energy here is so fierce that even his physical body can't stop it.

This strange field must be broken, otherwise I will be consumed to death, Tuoba Bodhisattva thought in his heart.

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