The martial arts of the heavens start from Wudang

Chapter 612 Simply Handing Out a Sword

The old monk came down the mountain, as if the Buddha was born, and came with a horizontal attack.

The people along the way in Beimang all saw an old monk with white eyebrows crossing the void and walking on the waves.

On that day, the old monk came to the front of the two armies.

He didn't even call for formation, he walked to Liyang's army step by step, all those who blocked him vomited blood and flew out, all of them were broken and died on the spot.

Zhao Bing, the commander-in-chief of the military department, Yan Chi Wang, has his head in a different place.

After killing the man, the old monk uttered the Buddha's name and flew away without anyone daring to stop him.

Later, he was recognized as Liu Songtao, the No. 1 Demon Sect a hundred years ago, the ninth generation leader of the Zhulushan Demon Sect, and people all over the world were in an uproar.

According to legend, Liu Songtao slaughtered the rivers and lakes a hundred years ago, causing the Tianmen to be closed for 20 years.

In this birth, Liu Songtao, who painted the ground as a prison, reappeared the light of the Great Sun Tathagata, turned the devil into a Buddha, and achieved the fairyland of land gods.

Liu Songtao almost swept the central front with his cultivation base in the land gods and fairyland, and the martial arts masters in Liyang suffered heavy casualties.

But even so, the Jianghu people in Liyang were not discouraged, because they knew that the one from Wudi City hadn't made a move yet.

Sitting upright in the city of Emperor Wu, facing the East China Sea, Wang Xianzhi gave great confidence to everyone in the Liyang River and Lake. He always believed that the city lord of Emperor Wu, who had broken a wooden horse and bull, would be the number two in the world, and he would surely sweep everything in Beimang Even Liu Songtao can't do it.

However, Liu Songtao did not wait for Wang Xianzhi, but a woman.

Liu Songtao is no longer an old monk. These days, he is getting younger day by day, and today he has become a young man.

He stared at the woman in front of him, and couldn't help but lament that he had been imprisoned so far, and there was such a powerful junior in the world.

Not far in front of Liu Songtao, a woman in a purple dress stood tall.

The woman in purple had a beautiful appearance, her expression was indifferent, and she exuded an extraordinary aura.

The two were fifty miles away from the battlefield.

Liu Songtao couldn't see any expression between his brows and eyes, and suddenly sighed with some disinterest, and said to the Ziyi woman in front of him: "Things and people are different, I thought that Wang Xianzhi in the Southern Dynasty would take up most of my luck, but I never thought that there would be another one." There are still people like you, it would be a pity if they died young, so let's go."

The woman in purple was Tang Zichen, and she said calmly, "No. 1 in the Demon Way a hundred years ago, this title can't scare people, at least it can't scare me. If I retreat when I encounter a strong force, I won't be standing here today."

"This time I came to kill you, and I was entrusted by others."

When Liu Songtao heard that the woman was going to kill him, his expression didn't change at all, he just wondered: "A person like you is actually driven by others? Is it the emperor of the Southern Dynasty or Wang Xianzhi?"

Tang Zichen shook his head, "I'm afraid you won't have a chance to see him."

After finishing speaking, he stopped talking nonsense, the purple meaning rose in his eyes, and a special energy began to spread. It was a power that was very different from true energy and inner energy, and seemed to be able to touch people's hearts and reach people's original hearts.

Liu Songtao frowned and said, "What a strange power..."

The abnormality born in his mind made him always unable to have nothing in his mind.

Tang Zichen's figure disappeared, tore through the air, and made a terrifying sonic boom. When the figure reappeared, it was already in front of Liu Songtao, and a white jade-like fist, covered with strength, slammed out.

The domineering qi machine evacuated the surrounding air.

Liu Songtao's wide sleeves were swung sideways, and his right hand was pinched inside the sleeve, and suddenly blasted out.

The two fists collided with each other, making a dull collision sound.

Tang Zichen's expression was cold, and he stepped forward, his body like a ghost, came to Liu Songtao's side, kicked viciously with his right foot, and went towards the opponent's heart.

Liu Songtao's aura has been rising since the beginning, and now it is getting higher and higher.

Faced with this stabbing kick, he didn't stop him, his right hand was like a long whip, and he slammed towards the woman's face. If this slap was solid, even the gold and iron would be shattered.

Tang Zichen's left hand was bent like a hook, like a scorpion's poisonous hook, and wiped Liu Songtao's right wrist.

Liu Songtao raised his eyebrows, and struck across with his left hand.

The two fell apart at the first touch, but they were also extremely dangerous.

Liu Songtao only felt that after waking up this time, the world had changed too much, and there was too much excitement. For example, a woman with such domineering punches and vicious moves in front of her did not exist in that era.

Liu Songtao's expression is still Gujing Wubo, he has nothing to do with murder, and it is normal to be killed.

Just what should be done, still have to be done.

Tang Zichen took a deep breath, stepped on his right foot, and the ground shook like a dragon turning over, tearing big holes one by one.The body twisted like a big dragon, smoke and dust rose everywhere, and the figure was like a big dragon flying through the clouds, and a fierce breath suddenly hit Liu Songtao.

The domineering vigor caused large chunks of earth and rocks to fly on the ground.

Two figures were inside, fists and palms clashing with each other.

Not far away, a man in white, with a long sword hanging from his waist, quietly watched the fight between the two.

After a while, the smoke and dust cleared, Tang Zichen and Liu Songtao stood apart, and their aura dropped a bit.

The man in white in the distance said at this moment: "Miss Tang, let me do it."

Tang Zichen didn't look good when he heard this: "Ye Gucheng, what are you doing here?"

Ye Gucheng didn't mind her tone, and looked calm, "Mr. Dai said that you might not work hard, so let me follow."

Tang Zichen sneered, did not refute, even sarcastically said: "Ye Gucheng, no matter what, you are also the Lord of Baiyun City in that world, why can't you rebel, but you are used to being a thug?"

Ye Gucheng's expression is still calm, it seems that it is very difficult for him to have anything that can cause waves in his heart.

Seeing him like this, Tang Zichen didn't say any more. Although she didn't try her best, she also felt that it would be no easy task even if she wanted to kill the No. 1 Demon Dao of a hundred years ago.

Liu Songtao felt strange today, two of the martial arts masters that are rarely seen in the world appeared today.

This white-clothed man with a sword stood there like a lone moon hanging in the sky, obviously the way of the sword had gone a long way.

And who is the Mr. Dai mentioned by the two people?

This arena is indeed much more lively than it was a hundred years ago.

The mountains and fields are empty, and as time goes by, the sky slowly darkens, and a light moon hangs in the sky.

With Ye Gucheng's horizontal sword in front of his chest, he looked at Mo Dao No.1 who was dressed as a monk, and said quietly: "Ye Gucheng, Shanye Jianxiu, killing you today is not my intention and has nothing to do with you."

Although Liu Songtao knew that the young man in front of him was not simple, he was still very interested. In just half a day, two people stood in front of him clamoring to kill him.

But he was not offended at all, because these two people were really qualified to say this.

After a hundred years of painstaking cultivation on Mount Lantuo, the smoothed edges and corners gradually emerged. Liu Songtao's eyes were no longer calm, as if waves were rising in a calm sea, and the stormy waves were about to rise. capital.

"This river and lake is really eye-opening, so good."

After saying the last good word, he held his right hand empty, and held a long sword condensed with energy in his hand.

A hundred years later in the world, people only know that he is No. 1 in the way of magic, killing countless people. Back then, no one dared to take the lead in the gods and wonderlands of the five continents, but few people knew that he was a master of swords, because the world at that time had already No one is worthy of his sword.

Seeing this, Ye Gucheng smiled slightly. Under the light moon, his whole body became more and more bright and lonely. After the flawless sword heart was formed, the realm of swordsmanship has been advancing rapidly. To this day, even Ye Gucheng himself does not know the strength of his sword. How strong is the limit.

The moonlight in the sky shone on his body, and the white clothes reflected hazyly, a little cold, a little mysterious and distant.

Ye Gucheng's figure disappeared.

A full moon rose from the east, making the crescent moon that was originally hanging in the sky even more dim.

The soldiers of the two armies on duty fifty miles away suddenly found that there were two moons in the sky. The meaning of bone marrow is cold.

They don't know, that's not moonlight, that's sword intent.

Suddenly, the full moon rose high into the sky and fell down.

The soldiers of the two armies couldn't help but exclaimed.

Liu Songtao's complexion changed. In his eyes, the young swordsman seemed to be a real swordsman, flying from far away from the sky, and handed out a sword to him. This sword did not change.

A simple delivery.

What was handed out was Thor's fury, the lightning flashed in shock, and the rainbow passed through the sky.

He didn't know that this was the second sword this young man had made in this world.

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