The horns and veins of the heavens.

Dai Daojin opened his eyes and lowered his head to stare at the bottomless Moon Well Sky Mirror.

The entire moon well sky mirror is pure black, with faint lights flickering from time to time, exuding a palpitating atmosphere.

Dai Daojin raised his head and looked at the sky of Jiaomai Zhutian.

The sky is dark and gloomy, except for a red crescent moon hanging in the southwest.

He closed his eyes, and the whole person became silent.

And the horn veins of the heavens began to change.

In the fields of the whole world, or in the barren mountains, many wells appeared silently. The wells appeared dark black. The appearance of these wells did not attract the attention of any creatures from the heavens, as if they had appeared there since ancient times.

The wellheads of these dark wells are in the shape of eight trigrams, with intricate and magical patterns engraved on them.

Seen from the mouth of the well, it was dark, with no light in it.

Dai Daojin's spiritual power is still running endlessly. In his mind, the nebula began to shine brightly. Countless starbursts are like silk threads, interspersed and intertwined like a filter, and finally disappeared.

The starlight filter in the nebula disappeared, and in the wells that appeared, stardust burst out from time to time, the starlight filter appeared in the well, and then disappeared.

Dai Daojin built [-] sub-channels in the heavens, with the moonwell and sky mirror as the main body, forming a complete chain of reincarnation in the whole world, supplemented by a starlight filter to cut off soul memory.

Since then, the general framework of the reincarnation of life and death in the horns and veins of the heavens has been considered complete, but it is still a bit extensive and has to be supplemented slowly.


Human world.

This is a village, almost isolated from the world. Although it is backward, it is considered peaceful and quiet.

At the east end of the village, there is an earthen house and a yard surrounded by fences.

In the yard, a strong woman was working half bent over while her husband went out to work.

After a while, the woman straightened up, her slightly swollen abdomen showed that she was pregnant.

The woman put the agricultural tools in her hand against the wall, turned around and entered the house.

The furnishings in the house are simple, except for the sleeping bed, there is only a wooden table.

Not to mention the rarity of bronze mirrors.

As the sky darkened, the woman finished cooking and waited for her husband.

At night, the villagers all fell asleep.

There is a pottery bowl by the window of the earthen house. It rained just the night before, and there is half a bowl of rainwater in it.

Half a bowl of rainwater, the water surface is as smooth as a mirror.

In the middle of the night, the water surface did not move, and under the shallow moonlight, the bottom of the bowl seemed to become a little blurred, making it hard to see clearly.

A small white soul light group invisible to ordinary people emerged, drilled into the house, and completed the reincarnation.

The half bowl of water in the pottery bowl is still quietly, no different from usual, it is just an ordinary half bowl of water, but under some mysterious power, it has completed certain functions.


In the wild, ruined temples.

A group of people settled temporarily and stayed overnight in the ruined temple.

On the top of the main hall of the temple, several large holes were opened, and the moonlight fell down.

The group consisted of masters and servants. They seemed to be out for fun, accompanied by guards holding sharp weapons.

The servants gathered firewood and lit a bonfire.

In the courtyard behind the main hall, there is an ancient well. The dark green moss in the well is all over the place. The well water is black. The water level is not high, and it is difficult for the moonlight to shine into the well.

In the invisible place, there is a mysterious power connected to the ancient well, and a little soul emerges, going where he should go.

In the ruined temple, there is a woman with a protruding abdomen.

Reincarnation of life and death, the law of heaven, protected by heaven and earth, destroys all evil spirits.


Among the heavens with horn veins, Dai Daojin sat cross-legged in the Youjun Hall of the Central Palace of Jiuyou Prison.

At this moment, he seemed to be transformed into thousands, and countless information turned into a torrent and rushed into his sea of ​​consciousness. If it wasn't for his strong mental power and the support of the Nebula World, he might have been washed away by the spirit god.

In the human world, bronze mirrors, wells, lakes, water tanks and porcelain bowls, including the puddles in the fields after the rain, all of these have some mysterious connection with the Moon Well Sky Mirror, forming a up the channel.

And these passages promote the reincarnation and reincarnation of the creatures of the horned and veined heavens.

At the same time, he sensed that the space of the horn veins began to continue to grow larger, and his strength also increased accordingly, and the Nine Serenity Prison in the horn veins began to become more mysterious and tyrannical.

The entire horn vein world has begun its second growth or evolution.

And just when Dai Daojin was experiencing these changes quietly.

The outside world, behind the Tianmen.

That place where the purple air spread, and the clouds and clouds began to stir in the palaces and residences of heaven and man, which alarmed everyone in the sky.

"What happened?" Majestic and deep words resounded in the north.

"Why is the luck fluctuating?" There was a faint voice from the south, and the male and female were indistinguishable.

After a while, in the far east, a voice sounded as thick as a heavenly emperor whispered, "The way of heaven has been chaotic these years, it seems to be in a thick fog, I can't see it clearly, and there may be a catastrophe..." After saying this sentence, he disappeared.

The rest of the people listened and remained silent.

They are not of the same mind. The two great empires in the world go to war, and each of them makes a move. It depends on who is better at chess, and finally gains more.


Taoists, Buddhists, qi practitioners and martial arts gods all feel something at this moment, but they can't find the reason.

But their activities started to become more frequent. Taoist priests went down the mountain, monks went out, and Qi practitioners began to roam the battlefields of the two countries, also wanting to gain some merit. For almost half a month, it seemed that countless gods and monsters began to dispatch.

Everyone has a premonition that under the condensed luck of the millennium, this life will be a bright century.

It is a great catastrophe, but also a great opportunity.

All the thoughtful people in the world started to take action, came out to look for opportunities, and of course there were those who took the initiative to hide from the world, wanting to survive this catastrophe safely.

When these people were born, they would inevitably be coerced by the war between the two empires. No matter whether they were from Liyang or Beimang, people from the rivers and lakes, no matter how difficult it was to be alone, finally joined the battlefield.

It's just that their battle is not an ordinary army war.

The addition of martial artists accelerated the progress of the war.


Two months later, Dong Zhuo, a famous Beimang general who fought on the Eastern Front, was assassinated by an unknown master from Liyang, his internal organs were shattered with a palm, and Hong Jingyan was also seriously injured.

Gu Jiantang's Guan Ning Iron Cavalry and the Emperor's Shenshu Camp entrusted to him defeated the Rouran Iron Cavalry and the Dong Family Iron Cavalry.

Beimang was defeated on the eastern front, with nearly 20 casualties.

Gu Jiantang, a famous general in the Spring and Autumn Period, finally showed his military strength. Within half a month, he defeated the three major military towns of Beimang, Ligu, and Maolong, and killed nearly 30 enemies. Five, there is no second in the limelight.

The fate of the martial arts master was completely torn off, and the entire battlefield was extremely chaotic.

In addition to forming troops, the two countries also have to guard against the sneak attack and assassination of each other's warriors.

But after all, Liyang occupies the great fortune, and the strength of the rivers and lakes is always higher than that of Beimang. In addition, Xu Xiao from Beiliang dispatched a heavy snow dragon to hold back Tuoba Bodhisattva. If Tuoba Bodhisattva leaves the battlefield, the northwest border will be destroyed To be completely torn apart by Beiliang iron cavalry would be a big defeat at that time.

In this situation, Mount Landa received an invitation from the empress.

On that day, some herdsmen saw it.

On Mount Landa, there is a Buddha covered in golden light. He removed his muddy body to reveal his golden body. The sound of chanting sutras buzzed, and the sound shook the whole field. The Buddha shook his body and turned his face to the south. The golden light on his body was more dazzling than the sun.

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