This sword came into Liu Songtao's eyes like a full moon.

Immediately, Liu Songtao smiled freely, and the long sword composed of the vitality of heaven and earth disintegrated in his hand, and there was no sword in his hand, but the breath of his whole body soared again, as if he had untied some kind of bondage, and his whole body suddenly aged ten years.

Qi movement surged like water waves, and sword intent surged like a vast ocean.

The full moon fell into the ocean.

The silvery white moonlight and the raging Taotao sword intent bloomed gently like a firework. It was neither silent nor loud, but it was completely incompatible with the confrontation between these two masters.

Taotao's sword intent is like a water curtain, blocking the approach of the full moon.

However, Yuanyue was firm in her will, and even though she was getting slower and slower, she still stubbornly approached the center of the vortex of the vast ocean.


The aura of the two people in the arena quickly converged, and the aura outside turned into a violent wind.

In the sky, the shallow moon hanging in the west finally revealed its full view, as big as a jade plate, and the cold moonlight swayed down, reflecting the earth.


The long sword in Ye Gucheng's hand slowly returned to the scabbard. The ordinary hundred-smelted iron sword rubbed against the scabbard and made a sizzling sound. In this suddenly quiet wilderness, it was very clear.

Thirty feet in front of him, Liu Songtao stood upright with his hands down.

Liu Songtao sighed lightly, the white moonlight still remained in his eyes, it was the opponent's sword intent that eroded his primordial spirit, that sword, in addition to destroying his body, also pierced the same sword in his spirit and spirit.

In the end, the silver-white moonlight disappeared from his eyes, but his eyes dimmed.

Looking at the young man in front of him, he suddenly thought that even in the Jianghu a hundred years ago, it was difficult to find such an excellent Jianghu swordsman.

My whole life went round and round in my mind, and in the end only a woman was left.

The woman had an ordinary appearance, she laughed and inserted an ordinary hairpin on Mo Dao No. 1's head, and there was a teasing expression on her face.

In the end, the picture flickered a few times and disappeared, and it was suddenly pitch black.

I don't know when, the No. 1 Demon Dao of a hundred years ago, before he died, was facing the north, with tears streaming down his face.

Seeing Ye Gucheng, his heart was a little touched, he thought about it silently, dug a hole on the spot, and buried the body.

He didn't obey Dai Daojin's instructions and took Liu Songtao's body back. Although he didn't know what Dai Daojin was going to do with the corpse, he didn't want such an opponent to be left without peace after death.


Beimang Palace City.

In the main hall, the entire east wall is covered with brocade, and the brocade covers mountains, rivers, city walls, important towns, etc., with unusual details, and the red mark in the middle, the word Tai'an is still scarlet.

There are thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, and the mountains and rivers are picturesque.

Before this detailed map of Liyang, there is a rectangular table.

The empress sat on the chair in the middle, her face was old, and her originally warm eyes were also a little tired at the moment, staring blankly at the huge map of Liyang on the east wall.

This woman who ascended to the throne in a coup d'etat had the ambition to swallow the world from beginning to end.

She has been doing this for this goal for many years.

It's just that Li Yang's sudden war in the past six months has disrupted her rhythm, and also disrupted Bei Mang's rhythm.

The old Confucian scholar next to him said at this moment: "Your Majesty, Liu Songtao is dead, and there is still a need for someone who can take the lead in the middle line to deal with Liyang's masters of the rivers and lakes."

The empress's eyes flashed brightly, the exhaustion in her eyes disappeared, and her former majesty returned.

She whispered: "Who should I send there?"

Taiping Ling pondered: "The world has undergone great changes, the luck of thousands of years has been condensed, and the luck of humanity is boiling. Not only are the national strengths of the two countries growing stronger, but also the masters of the rivers and lakes in Beimang and Liyang are also emerging in large numbers. According to the recent news from the spider web, among the many sects in Beimang, many of the older generations have made progress in spring, and the younger generation has sprung up like bamboo shoots after rain, with excellent seedlings cropping up one after another."

Although the words of the old Confucian scholar were encouraging, they were not bad.

But both of them knew that if Beimang was like this, Liyang might be like this too.

This martial arts master lost his face and started to end, which really made the high-level empire look sideways on weekdays. But fortunately, in front of the two armies, not everyone can drive straight into the land of no one. On the opposite side of the enemy's army tent, if one is not careful, he will be grinded to death by the army formation.


On the center line battlefield, Yan Chi Wang Zhao Bing died. Without the coach, he was temporarily replaced by the deputy general.

The news also reached the upper echelons of the Liyang Empire.

Tai'an City, Huangji Hall.

It was already Chen Shi, and according to the past habits, they had already dispersed early, but today they continued.

In the main hall, Emperor Liyang sat on the jade steps, looking down at the courtiers in the hall, the majesty exuding from his whole body made people dare not look directly at him.

Under the jade steps, nobles and purples of the Manchu Dynasty stood in an orderly manner.

One of the old men was in the first place, and he was talking freely. He looked serious and elegant, and at the same time, he had a strong and convincing aura in his gestures. He was Zhang Julu, the chief assistant of the empire.

Although Zhu Wushi ruled the four poles and sat in the center, Zhang Julu was in charge of the specific affairs of the national war.

In extraordinary times, even the Jin Yiwei under the command of Han Diao Temple must obey its command.

Zhang Julu sorted out the battle reports from the front line. In the main hall, he not only reported to the emperor, but more importantly, he said to the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, because behind these people were the world's powerful martial arts, and they knew the real situation of the empire. contribute to the entire war.

The emperor Qian Gang is arbitrary, and the clans, clans, and military officials all over the world are dormant under his means.

Zhang Julu finally said: "Your Majesty, on the western front there is Beiliang King Xu Xiao's department, on the eastern front there is Gu Jiantang's department, and on the central front now that King Yanchi died for his country, we still need to send someone to take over the war."

The emperor's squinted eyes opened, and a deep and majestic voice resounded through the hall: "What recommendations do you love?"

It's not that Liyang's army is unavailable, on the contrary, it has too many people. It swept the Spring and Autumn and Eight Kingdoms back then, but Xu Xiao and Gu Jiantang were the most famous, and there were still many other outstanding generals.

Zhang Julu was silent when he heard the emperor's question.

He is in charge of the cabinet at the moment, commanding the military and government of the whole country, and has the power to command the Jinyiwei. His power can be said to have truly reached its peak. It is true that one person is under one person and over ten thousand people. Compare.

It was not appropriate for him to speak at this moment.

The others looked at each other and seemed to be silent in agreement.

The emperor stood up, the crown on his head shook with his movements, and the beads made a crisp sound when they collided.

He looked across the main hall and the square in front of the hall, as if overlooking the whole world.

With a big wave of his hand, he said: "Gu Jiantang breaks Pan Xing, as long as he crosses the Xihe River, he will be able to point to the capital of Beimang. Xu Xiao holds down Tuoba Bodhisattva on the border of Beiliang. The faster the whole battle progresses, the better it will be for Liyang. .”

"Anytime the midline breaks through the blockade, it intensifies the process."

"Let Qu Guangji bring one hundred thousand feather guards, and I want to personally conquer..."

The ministers of the Manchu Dynasty looked up in astonishment, in disbelief.

Zhang Julu was the first to kneel down after a moment of silence, "Long live my emperor, long live, long live..."

The nobles and lords of the court immediately followed closely behind.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live..."

Above the imperial palace, the Fate Dragon representing Liyang's national destiny, with its ferocious head emerging from the clouds and mist, faces the north, with its mouth wide open and its fangs exposed, it seems that it can't wait.

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