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Dai Daojin walked forward with his hands behind his back, ignoring Zhu Lushan's thoughts behind him.

He was thinking at the moment that such a big move by Xu Xiao would definitely not be able to hide it from someone with a heart. In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, someone really needs to sit in the Pantheon Palace to deter all forces.

He sighed secretly, Xu Xiao had indeed offended many people, there were enemies all over the court and the rivers and lakes.

Even if those people didn't know what Xu Xiao was doing, it was very possible that they came to make trouble out of the intention of opposing what the enemy agreed with and destroying what the enemy wanted to do.

Therefore, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the Kunlun Mountain fortification, he must also take some precautions.

In addition to the people in the Pantheon Palace, there must also be some people to help.

Two suitable candidates appeared in Dai Daojin's mind.


Beimang, Yunyuan City.

The city has the unique rough features of Beimang. The streets are paved with gray stones, and people come and go, shouting and shouting, making the city quite lively.

This Beimang city, in addition to continuing the roughness of Beimang on the outside, the buildings and shops in the inner city are mixed with the style of the Southern Dynasty. This is also related to the current political orientation of Beimang. The Queen of Beimang highly respects the Southern Dynasty. Be it institutional or otherwise.

Therefore, the upper and lower classes worked, so that the aristocratic class and even the middle and lower classes in Beimang also began to learn the culture of the Southern Dynasties.

Feng Yin was wrapped in a gray cloak, with a bamboo hat on his head, and a cloth mask to cover up his red armor.Fortunately, most of the rivers and lakes in Beimang are mavericks, not to mention him like this, and even weirder ones are not uncommon, so no one pays attention to him.

He walked on the street alone, thinking about the task entrusted to him by the deity.

He came to Yunyuan City to meet someone,

This person is the former great princess of Chu, the young martial ancestor Jiang Chen, who is Tang Zichen in this life.

Since Liyang unified the Spring and Autumn Period and wiped out the other eight kingdoms, the previous emperors drove Xu Xiaoma to step into the rivers and lakes, and the current emperor sent Jin Yiwei to monitor the world, arresting the survivors of the eight kingdoms everywhere.

This series of operations made some survivors of the Eight Kingdoms miserable, and many people went north to Beimang to seek shelter.

Some of the adherents of the old Chu took shelter under the command of the eldest princess, and Tang Zichen couldn't afford to ignore them directly, so he brought these people to Yunyuan City and hid them completely.

Although these subjugated people came here by fleeing from disaster, they are not in a panic at all, and all of them have rich family backgrounds.

And those who can follow Tang Zichen, the princess of the old country, are all masters who are devoted to the Chu royal family.

In the years since they came to Yunyuan City, these people have been thinking about restoring the country all the time.

Tang Zichen naturally noticed the actions of these people under her hands, but she was not interested in them, and she didn't bother to care about these people, letting them toss.

The people below are not fools, and they can see that the unfathomable eldest princess has no interest in restoring the country, so they set their target on the little princess Jiang Si.


Feng Yin tightened the cloak on his body, mumbled as he came to a courtyard with blue bricks and gray tiles.

He looked up at the "Tang Mansion" on the gate of the mansion, and thought to himself that the location he got from Xingyun's induction should not be wrong.

So he raised his feet and stepped forward, "Dang Dang Dang".


A middle-aged man in a blue shirt showed his head, and his eyes fell on the person in front of the mansion.

Seeing that the man was covered in a gray cloak, he frowned and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

Feng Yin's lips moved slightly, but no sound came out.

The eyes of the middle-aged man shone brightly, and his eyes suddenly became sharp, and he looked at the gray-robed man again.

After a pause, he said in a deep voice, "You are in the wrong place, there is no one you are looking for here."

With that said, he raised his hand and pushed the door, about to close it.


A hand wrapped in a gray cloth held the door.

The middle-aged man pushed the door and did not move, only to feel a mountain blocking the front, and his face suddenly changed.

Feng Yin frowned secretly, and said in a deep voice: "I have no malicious intentions, you just need to tell your master that the old man came to her 30 years ago, and she will agree to see me."

The face of the middle-aged man changed, and he laughed angrily: "My master is not yet 30 years old, why did the old man find her 30 years ago?"

He only thought that the other party knew that this place was where the old princess of Chu was, so he came here to make trouble.

Feng Yin was a little impatient, raised his head under the bamboo hat a little, and the gray cloth covering his face was opened a little, revealing the bright red armor covering his face, and a pair of faint eyes shot out with divine light, piercing through the hollowed-out visor.

When the middle-aged man touched that gaze, he felt as if his soul was being hammered, and there was a rumble in his mind, like thunder.

After a while, he turned expressionlessly and walked in.

Feng Yin stepped over the threshold and closed the door smoothly.

The two walked through the front yard and the long corridor, one behind the other, and finally came to a courtyard in the back yard.

Before entering the yard, a cold voice was heard.

"Which expert is visiting?"

The voice was clear and cold, revealing a faint coldness that repelled people thousands of miles away.

The cold voice of the middle-aged man who led the way filled his ears, and his body trembled slightly, and he woke up.

When he saw where he was standing, a layer of cold sweat broke out on his back, he turned his head suddenly, looked at the gray-robed man behind him with an ugly expression, and his mind was extremely alert.

He thinks he can't compare with the top ten masters in the world, but as the old guard of Chuyuan, he has his own self-confidence.

Feng Yin ignored her, and walked directly into the courtyard.

In the courtyard, a woman in purple clothes stood quietly, her eyebrows were picturesque, and her eyes were like deep pools, making it difficult to tell the depth.

Feng Yin smiled and said, "Tang Zichen, don't come here without any problems."

As he spoke, he took off the bamboo hat on his head, and at the same time, the fluctuations in his mental aura spread out invisible.

Tang Zichen felt the familiar mental fluctuations, raised his eyebrows, and said coldly: "Wu Honghe?"

But then he frowned, feeling something was wrong, "No, you are not Wu Honghe, who are you?"

Feng Yin spread his hands and said with a smile: "I am not Wu Honghe, but Wu Honghe is me."

Tang Zichen listened thoughtfully.

After a moment of silence, her tone was cold: "What do you want me for?" Although she was controlled by others, she still made no secret of her disgust for this person.

Feng Yin smiled and said, "This deity asked me to ask you one thing."

Tang Zichen looked indifferent, "He is so powerful, does he still need my help?"

"Besides, if you ask someone, let him come in person."

Feng Yin blinked his eyes, feeling a little helpless. Although he had made rapid progress, Tang Zichen's kung fu had changed, and even he couldn't see through it.

And this is not the place to fight.

Feng Yin silently closed his eyes.

Tang Zichen noticed his movement and his eyes flickered slightly.

After a few breaths, those eyes opened again, no longer black and white, but turned into a strange silvery white, with starlight surging inside.

At the same time, a dark and evil breath, like a dark river flowing from the underworld, covered the courtyard and enveloped Tang Zichen.

Tang Zichen narrowed his eyes, and the surrounding world disappeared, leaving only endless darkness and the figure standing opposite.

This pair of silver eyes was the second time she saw them.

The first time we met... she died.

It's a long story, but in a flash.

The middle-aged man outside the courtyard suddenly felt palpitations. It seemed that there was a peerless terror in the courtyard, and his mind was trembling instinctively.

Thinking of the eldest princess inside, he endured the chill in his heart, and stepped forward to look at the yard, only to see that strange gray-robed man standing opposite the eldest princess, their lips opened and closed, as if they were talking, there was no abnormality.

Seeing this, he retreated silently.

But what he didn't know was that the four corners of the courtyard were filled with a strange spiritual force.This spiritual force cooperates with the basic forces of heaven, earth, wind, thunder, water, fire, etc., although it cannot reach the level of reversing yin and yang and deceiving heaven and earth.

But it is no problem to do it silently, distort the light, confuse people's mind, and deceive people's perception.

Coincidentally, this middle-aged man has not achieved Yuanshen yet, so naturally he didn't find anything abnormal.

If a master who has reached the first-rank and fourth-level realm looked down, he would be able to find that the sun's rays from a height of about three feet in this courtyard were not straight when they fell, but strangely refracted and distorted.

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