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The weirdness of the darkness was constantly eroding Tang Zichen, and she felt as if she was in some kind of vortex.

The light in Tang Zichen's eyes turned cold, and there was a purple feeling flowing in the depths, which was extremely miraculous.

At the same time, an inexplicable energy circulates around the body, resisting the erosion of darkness from all around, keeping it three feet away from the whole body.

Seeing this, Dai Daojin's silver-white bewitching eyes became brighter and brighter. Staring at Tang Zichen, he smelled a familiar scent.

"The power of the mind?"

No matter how powerful the martial art is, it has its shackles, and Tang Zichen knows it.

And the aura of heaven and earth in this world is extremely strong, which has already completely changed Tang Zichen's martial arts. After going to the end, she finally returned to her most fundamental innate power.

The cultivation of Tang Zichen's spiritual power was somewhat beyond Dai Daojin's expectations. She seemed to have gone one step further and reached another realm.

After a moment of silence, Dai Daojin slowly said, "I need your help with something."

Tang Zichen looked cold, "Why should I help you?"

Dai Daojin was silent for a moment, his voice was low: "Tang Zichen, you don't want to go to Wang Chao anymore?"

Tang Zichen looked even colder and did not speak.

Dai Daojin continued: "The energy of heaven and earth in this world is very active, but at the same time, the barriers of this world are equally stable. Looking at your aura, it seems that you have entered the land fairyland. You should understand that even if you open the so-called gate of heaven, It is nothing more than entering the so-called 'fairyland'."

"As another small world connected to this world, it doesn't mean you have jumped out of this universe. You will still be imprisoned by this world."

Having said this, he stopped talking.

Tang Zichen understood what he meant. Since she was promoted to the land gods and wonderland, she had secretly opened the gate of heaven, but after a little testing, she never entered.

With the supreme spiritual sense in her heart, she naturally felt that the so-called fairy world is no different from this world in terms of the original breath, it is nothing more than the richer energy of heaven and earth.

And what Dai Daojin meant was to tell himself that when you enter the fairyland, you just jump from one of the two connected puddles to the other.

The result has not changed, I am still a fish in the water, unable to jump out of this world.

And if you want to jump out of this world, you can only rely on the other party's magical ability to travel through time and space.

Tang Zichen thought in his heart, but did not speak.

Dai Daojin didn't urge him, but waited quietly.

From the changes in Zhu Wushi, Tang Zichen and others, he knew that these people each had their own destiny.

These people are the proud sons of heaven in various worlds. After raising the upper limit of the world, the speed and height of their growth make people look sideways.

Dai Daojin didn't want to coerce them with the restraint in their souls, and was always happy to maintain a cooperative attitude with everyone, but that didn't mean he was really so easy to talk to.

The fortifications of Kunlun Mountain are crucial to the subsequent development of this world and cannot be missed.

If Tang Zichen really doesn't want to...then there's no need to stay.

Do I really think that someone has worked so hard to bring you into this world, so that you can break through yourself?

Give when you should give. If you don't have this vision, what are you doing alive?

In the dark space, Tang Zichen's expression did not change, but the slight tremor in the depths of her spirit indicated that her instinctive spiritual sense felt a murderous intent.The breakthrough in spiritual cultivation has made her perception of danger far beyond "seeing and not hearing, sensing danger and avoiding it".

There was no change in the other party's mental energy, but her spiritual sense had already felt the infinite malice coming from all around.

Tang Zichen clearly felt that this person was much more evil and tyrannical than when he met last time.

Neither of them said too much, but both knew what the other meant.

After a while, Tang Zichen said slowly: "What's the matter?"

Hearing her question, Dai Daojin's silver eyes flickered: "I have a dojo in Kunlun Mountain called 'Pan Shen Gong'. You go there to sit in the town and shock others. Later, there will be three thousand warriors at your command."

"As for subduing these three thousand unruly warriors, it should be no problem for you."

Tang Zichen brushed his hair and didn't speak.

Seeing this, Dai Daojin didn't say any more, the silvery white in his eyes slowly faded, and the darkness around him began to shrink.

At this moment, the purple meaning in Tang Zichen's eyes suddenly exploded, dyeing the entire eyes purple. He clenched his fist with his right hand, wrapped it with the power of the mind, and slowly pushed it out. The terrifying aura distorted the darkness.

The lavender fist hit Dai Daojin slowly and quickly.

Punches like guns, piercing the darkness.

The silver starlight in Dai Daojin's eyes continued to dissipate, looking at the fist that was close at hand, his face was calm.

The surrounding darkness finally shrank to a size of one foot, covering Tang Zichen's fist.

Tang Zichen frowned, and his fist was still moving forward, but it seemed that there was a world away from the target, and he still couldn't reach the target.

The sun shines, and the darkness disappears completely.


There was a muffled sound as fists and palms intersected.

Feng Yin shook his hand, knowing that the deity's work was done, so he didn't wait any longer, cupped his hands, turned and left.

Tang Zichen retracted his fist and stood silently.

The punch just now was aimed at Wu Honghe, part of his strength was consumed by the weird darkness, but he finally met the red-armored man who came.

That punch never hit the opponent, as if the two were in different spaces.

It is a bit close to Taoism, and the mustard seed characteristic of Buddhism.

But no matter what, it means that the opponent's martial arts cultivation base has reached an incredible level, almost having the effect of supernatural powers and spells.

After a while, Tang Zichen breathed out a foul breath, suppressed the heaviness in his heart, and said coldly: "Huo Guang."

The middle-aged man from before walked into the yard and bowed and obeyed.

"Call Si'er and those few here, I have something to arrange."


Feng Yin left Yunyuan City, and hurried towards the Western Regions.

At the head of Emperor Wu's city, Guanhai Pavilion.

Two figures, one black and one white, stood side by side.

Wang Xianzhi had his hands behind his back, and the white clothes on his body were grinning under the sea breeze, looking at the undulating waves of the East China Sea.

"You have something to do with me?"

Dai Daojin said: "I will lend you three thousand warriors from Emperor Wu City."

Wang Xianzhi looked sideways at the man in black.

After a pause, he still asked, "What do you do?"

The reason why he asked this question was because the person in front of him was too ruthless and treacherous, and he was afraid that the other party would ruin the lives of these 3000 people.

Dai Daojin seemed to know what he was worried about, and said with a smile: "I want to dig a hole in Kunlun Mountain to prevent people from disturbing me, so I borrow some people from you to defend it."

Wang Xianzhi nodded, and didn't ask him what he was doing digging holes in Kunlun Mountain, but said: "Turn back and let Wu Nu take you there."

Dai Daojin hummed.

Although the [-] warriors in Wudi City are not loyal to Wang Xianzhi, it does not mean that Wang Xianzhi, who dominates Wudi City and dominates the world, is a loner, and there are not a few warriors attached to him at his command.


Two months later, in Baishui Town, Ledu County, a large number of people and horses carried food, grass and luggage through the valley and walked deep into Kunlun Mountains.

This situation has happened five times in the past two months.

At the only entrance of Yagu, there is a flag with gold characters on a red background rolled up by the wind, and the words Pantheon Palace appear from time to time.

The movement here has already alarmed some people, who came to investigate, but they were all repelled by the mysterious force "Pantheon Palace" that suddenly appeared. .

Half a month ago, a diamond-level master trespassed into the cliff valley and was beheaded by the mysterious Palace Master of the Pantheon Palace, which shocked some people in the dark.

On this day, Feng Yin brought a young man whose clothes were washed white into the cliff valley.

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