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Seeing this, Dai Daojin was a little surprised.

That day, when Xu Weixiong was called to draw the blueprints of the Kunlun Mountain fortifications, Xu Weixiong was very interested in the calculations of the organs inside, and couldn't help asking Dai Daojin for advice.

Dai Daojin talked a little casually, and asked her some questions for her to ponder on her own.

Among them is a math problem of quaternary high degree equation.

Dai Daojin was surprised that in addition to the quaternary high-degree equation questions, there were also binary and ternary questions in front of it. Xu Weixiong directly asked the quaternary questions, which meant that she had already done all the previous ones. Understood.

He thought to himself, this girl is quite talented in counting.

But it was just a little surprised in his heart, he didn't have the time to devote himself to teaching and training him to be a master of arithmetic.

The fortifications of Kunlun Mountain are imitated from the "Qianlong" artifact made by Liang Xiao, the founder of West Kunlun in the previous world. It uses the principle of Western gears and levers, and incorporates the ideas of Liang Xiao, a generation of great calculators. Endless wisdom, the many sophisticated devices inside, and the techniques of various mechanisms are almost the pinnacle of skill.

Liang Xiao was extraordinary in arithmetic, so what he created naturally included it. tv mobile terminal

When Xu Weixiong was drawing pictures, he naturally became interested in these things.

Although Dai Daojin said something casually, he didn't mean to fool her.

For example, the problem of quaternary high-degree equations that Xu Weixiong referred to is not that Dai Daojin made things difficult for her with modern mathematics.

These things appeared a long time ago. It is recorded in the "Siyuan Yujian" that "the heaven element is one on the bottom, the earth element is on the left, the human element is on the right, and the object element is on the top", with "tai" in the middle. , use the four elements of "heaven, earth, person, thing" to set the unknown.

The clever ancient calculators developed the "One Qi Hun Yuan", "Two Qi Hua Yuan", "Three Talents Yun Yuan" and "Four Xiang Hui Yuan" to deal with modern one-yuan equations, two-yuan equations, and three-yuan equations respectively. , Quaternary equation problem.

Therefore, travelers, in ancient times, it is best not to show off in front of real mathematicians with quadratic or quadratic, otherwise it will be embarrassing.

Because even at the beginning, they may be a little awkward about the name of the noun, but after understanding it, they can instantly clarify the truth inside and tell you that this kind of arithmetic is not called that way.

Dai Daojin shook his head, picked up the brush and drew a few times, and told Xu Weixiong the correct solution.

Xu Weixiong's eyes flickered as she listened to the answer. She discovered more and more that as she understood arithmetic more and more, combined with the devices on the blueprints, there were faintly hidden knowledge such as Qimen Dunjia, Yin-Yang and Eight Diagrams.

In fact, she was right. There has always been a saying that "the origin of numbers" is Hetu Luoshu.

As Xu Weixiong draws more and more pictures, she gradually becomes confused about what the person in front of her is going to do. All kinds of sophisticated linkage instruments, and the mysterious Taoist altar. The research is not thorough.

After Dai Daojin finished speaking, he asked: "The master civil engineer and iron smelter I asked you to find, have you found it?"

Xu Weixiong nodded and said, "It's easy to find a civil engineer, but it will take some time to find a blacksmith who can make such precise iron objects as you said."

Dai Daojin nodded, not surprised.

In fact, strictly speaking, after finding all the people, Dai Daojin will teach them to cast steel again. The smelting technology of this era cannot meet his requirements.

Otherwise, if it is a simple matter, after the thing is made, put it in Kunlun Mountain, activate the formation, and gather huge energy, it may be difficult to persist for a long enough time.

Dai Daojin rubbed the center of his brows, but things were still not in a hurry.


Two months later, in a desolate valley eighty miles west of Qingliang Mountain.

There are rows of huge stone houses, and there are clanging sounds in many stone houses.

In one of the stone houses, a strong old man leaned over, stroking the thing in his hands with his rough hands, the silver-white icy texture was hard, it was a gear-shaped thing, but the edge of the gear protruded, which was extremely strange.

As soon as the light in the room dimmed, someone walked in with great strides.

The old man looked up and saw two people coming, one was the armored general he often saw, and the other was wearing a black robe.

When the old man saw the man in black, his eyes were excited, and he cupped his hands and said, "Sir, please look."

Dai Daojin looked calm, took a few steps forward, looked at the things on the stone table, and checked carefully, the secret passage was barely enough.

This place was specially built by Xu Xiao for him to produce these devices.

In the past two months, Dai Daojin has not been idle, explaining to these master craftsmen what is the steel pouring method, which is used to mass-produce steel materials to create the precision devices used.

After Dai Daojin looked at it for a while, he and the general turned and left.

Only the old blacksmith was left, looking at the black figure excitedly. He knew that if the lord allowed it, then the whole world's iron smelting technology could be raised to a higher level. What an exciting thing this is.

Dai Daojin didn't know what the old craftsman behind him was thinking, except behind the door of the stone house, he turned his head and said to the general: "Just follow the standard just now and start making step by step."

"Yes." The armored general said yes.

Dai Daojin waved his hand, his figure flickered a few times, and then disappeared.


The Kunlun Mountains stretch for thousands of miles, and the mountains are majestic.

Although Dai Daojin was whimsical, he did not have wishful thinking, trying to dig through the entire Kunlun Mountains.

He only took part of it, but it was nearly a thousand miles away.

At this time, the preparations for the Kunlun Mountain fortification had not yet been completed, but the Kunlun Mountain was already very lively.

Located near Baishui Town, Ledu County, surrounded by mountains, the terrain is like a lotus flower, which is wonderful and unusual.

Originally, the top of the mountain where the grass and jungle started three months ago, now the houses are located, and the pavilions and buildings, large and small, are hidden in the dense forest. wonderful.

And the terrain is like a lotus stamen, a brand new and huge palace is located there.

There is a golden plaque hanging in front of the palace, with three gilt characters "Pantheon Palace" written on it.

At this moment, in front of the hall, two figures, one black and one blue, stood.

The man in blue is huge, with a feeling of bloat and fat. He is Zhu Lushan, one of Xu Xiao's adoptive sons. He looked up at the Pantheon and smiled respectfully: "Sir, you asked me to prepare these. Do you want to prepare these?" Do you want to establish a sect? Or do you want to establish a power in the world?"

Dai Daojin looked calm, stretched out his finger to the west, and said: "Starting from this place, the land stretching for thousands of miles is the scope of the Kunlun Mountain fortifications. When Xu Xiao comes to do this, there must be a lot of movement, so we have to cover it up."

Zhu Lushan didn't seem to care about the other party calling his adoptive father's name directly, and said: "You want to build the Kunlun Panshen Palace to deceive people."

Dai Daojin turned around and walked down the mountain.

"Yes, this place is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and the only entrance to the cliff valley is Baishui Town. As long as the name of the Pantheon Palace has an effect, it can deter some people."

Zhu Lushan thought for a while, and said: "When the time comes, a large number of people will move in Beiliang, which will definitely attract the attention of certain forces in the world. It is admirable that you have prepared for a rainy day, but... if some powerful people come, you will be there again at that time." Not here."

The implication is that your old man must have been watching here all the time.

Dai Daojin rubbed his feet and said as he walked, "If I have nothing to do, I will naturally be here." The implication is that if there is something to do, I will naturally leave.

Zhu Lushan didn't ask any more questions. He was ordered by Xu Xiao to follow the instructions of the man in black. The current Pantheon Palace was built in his hands. Since the other party did this, there must be his arrangements.

The two were extremely fast, descending the mountain, exiting the cliff valley, and entering Baishui Town.

There are quite a lot of people coming and going in the town, traffickers and pawns, doing their own thing.

Zhu Lushan's fat body is unusually eye-catching, attracting the attention of people in the small town, he seems to be used to it, and doesn't care.

He looked left and right, and said in a low voice: "Sir, there are so many people in this place. In the future, many laborers will have to enter from here. It is inevitable that there will be negligence, and people will get in, why not?" He said, raising his right hand to chop .

There was a sense of ruthlessness in the voice, as if the more than 1000 people in the town in front of me were chickens, ducks and livestock waiting to be slaughtered at any time.

Dai Daojin turned his head and glanced at him, and said lightly, "No need."

Zhu Lushan frowned darkly, he did not care about small things when he accomplished great things, this person destroyed a city at every turn, could it be that he has become a good person today?

As soon as he had an idea, a middle-aged man standing in front of him on the left turned around, looked at him and said, "If all the people in the town are killed, no matter how careful they are, they will leave traces."

Another squatting peddler, a woman in her 40s, stood up and looked at him and said, "If people know about it, Xu Xiao's big fight will definitely attract more attention."

A child eating candied haws in the front right swallowed the candied haws in his mouth, walked up to him, looked up at him and said, "You are in charge of the spy organization under Xu Xiao, why are you so reckless in doing things, how did you get to this place? seat?"

Zhu Lushan stopped in his tracks, the fat on his face trembled slightly, and the pupils in his eyes shrank to needlepoints. This was caused by extreme fear. The chill behind his back rushed straight up from the tailbone, and he felt his hands and feet were cold.

Because...the voices of these people were exactly the same as that of the black-robed man walking forward slowly.

And...he discovered something even weirder.

I don't know when, the small town was dead silent, there was no movement at all, it was like a dead place.

He twisted his fat, almost invisible neck, looked around, and saw that everyone on the street turned to look at him with calm and blank eyes.Even when he saw the waiter in an inn on the right, holding a teapot in his hand, he didn't pour tea for the guests, but just turned his head and stared at him.

Zhu Lushan trembled all over, he killed no one, but at this moment he was terrified to the extreme.

His lips trembled a few times, and he saw the man in black robe who was still walking forward.

Zhu Lushan rushed up quickly, and followed behind the man in black, cautiously, not daring to show his breath, like a fat big quail.

After a while, the two walked out of the small town. As soon as they left, the people in the small town became lively again, as if nothing happened just now.

The lively voices behind him came to his ears, but Zhu Lushan didn't dare to look behind him anymore, and understood what the black-robed man meant.

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