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Rainwater hit the ridge of the roof, making a dense sound.During the rainy season, even in a place like Beiliang, there is always more rain than before.

Dai Daojin put down the pen in his hand, listened to the sound of rain quietly for a while, stood up, walked to the verandah of the attic, and looked down.

Tingchao Pavilion is built on Qingliang Mountain. With its own height plus the mountain, standing on the highest floor, looking down, the sight line is excellent.

The rain curtain between heaven and earth, like a beaded curtain, is misty and misty, which is in line with the appearance of spring rain. It is dense and does not fall slowly.

The raindrops fell on the lake in front of Tingchao Pavilion, and splashed water.

The fine rain seems to turn into fog when it is far away, covering the entire Great Lake and the Qingliang Mountain in the distance, as if covered with a layer of veil, hazy and faint.

"The mountains and rivers are picturesque..." A voice came from behind.

Dai Daojin stopped still, his face calm.

Li Yishan stepped forward, looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him, his face was more bright than before.

Although his face was still a little thin at this time, it was no longer sick, with a ruddy complexion. In the past ten days, Dai Daojin's body, which had been completely exhausted, had been reshaped little by little.

Life is not hindered, and the scenery is naturally different.

Even though he was fully prepared for life and death, he was not indifferent to life and death. In the past, when he saw this spring rain, he always felt lingering resentment and sadness.How can it be like today, everywhere is full of vitality.

Li Yishan looked at the hazy rain scene, and said leisurely: "Yangyang Pinghu is shadowed by the blue sky, and the colors of thousands of trees are all hazy. Where can you enjoy the spring scenery, most of them are pear blossoms in the twilight rain."

Dai Daojin glanced at him sideways, and said with a faint smile, "Mr. Li is very interested."

Li Yishan shook his head with a smile, "In front of such a wise man who studies heaven and man like Mr., I'm going to be out of line."

In the tone of his speech, there was a bit of an attitude of a junior.

There are many reasons for his attitude. The first is that the other party is his savior. The second is that these days, when talking with the other party, what is hidden in the other party's chest is really something that he has only seen in his life. Those who have their own abilities always have a lower attitude.

The third is the age of the other party. He asked cryptically before, and the other party replied casually that he couldn't remember.Combined with the other party's martial arts cultivation, it is impossible for Beiliang to guess that the other party may be an old monk with good looks.

In addition to these, there is one more important reason.

These days, apart from asking Chen Zhibao to prepare for the start of Kunlun Mountain, Xu Xiao also thinks about failure before winning, thinking about how to save himself if the task is not completed within ten years.Unconsciously, he began to regard the man in black as an imaginary enemy.

Later, they suddenly realized that they and others had fallen into a misunderstanding. The way of getting along between Beiliang and the emperor was different from that between the man in black.

The faint confrontation with the emperor is because Xu Xiao's power has already been established. Once he loses, he will die and his family will be wiped out. The followers of Beiliang and many other interest communities under him will also end in misery. He can't help but relax. To put it bluntly, the emperor will not allow it If someone with such influence on the army is alive, Xu Xiao will definitely die.

But unlike this man in black robe, this man seems to have no intention of power, and the point is that this master seems to be able to coerce His Majesty today.

As long as he becomes his own person, both problems can be solved, so don't worry, ten years later, the sword in the emperor's hand will be aimed at Beiliang again.

After figuring this out, Xu Xiao and Li Yishan have expressed their attachment to the black-robed man over the past few days, but the other party seems to be deaf and dumb on purpose, and there is no response.

Dai Daojin could clearly see the thoughts of Li Yishan and others.

However, he didn't want to make any promises to the other party. One was to put pressure on Xu Xiao and others to complete the fortifications of Kunlun Mountain seriously, but things in the future might have unpredictable changes, and he might not have time to take care of these people.

Dai Daojin didn't care about Li Yishan's attitude, looked at the misty rain outside the attic, and said indifferently: "Today's picture, have you finished drawing?"

Li Yishan smiled wryly, "Not yet..."

Dai Daojin glanced at him, turned around and walked into the building, sat down, picked up a pen and waved it, and saw a rather modern, gear-like thing on top of the familiar text, taking shape in turn.

Seeing this, Li Yishan also walked to another table and began to draw. What he drew was like an altar.

There was a thick stack of paper on the desks of the two of them. Judging from the imprints on it, they had already been drawn.

They spent the past few days like this.

The reason is why Li Yishan, a counselor, draws these things. Speaking of this, Li Yishan was a little horrified. The other party didn't know what kind of magical power he used. He just looked at each other, and his mind flashed, and something more came into his mind.

While enduring his horror, he couldn't help but think that if this person wanted to harm someone, it would be hard to find him, but then he smiled bitterly to himself, how can he guess such a person with treacherous means.


At the entrance of the stairs, a touch of blue appeared, and someone came lightly with a tea set.

Xu Weixiong doesn't seem to like the bright pink color that his daughter's family loves. Today he is wearing a simple blue skirt, black as ink, tall and tall, pretty little face with a slight smile, gentle and clear eyes revealing A hint of wisdom, combined with the bookish spirit on his body, is indescribably pure and refined.

She walked in without saying a word, just found a place to sit down, and started to make tea lightly.

Not long after, a faint scent of tea filled the ninth floor of Tingchao Pavilion.

Xu Weixiong picked up two cups of tea and brought them in front of the two.

Afterwards, she also returned to her desk and began to draw.

These two people are the two laborers that Dai Daojin caught.

Li Yishan was originally addicted to alcohol, but after being warned by Dai Daojin not to drink alcohol, he began to like drinking tea.In fact, strictly speaking, he liked to drink tea a long time ago, and it was only after his health broke down that he started drinking unrestrainedly.

"Hmm..." Li Yishan sipped his tea carefully, feeling intoxicated.

Ever since he was in poor health and binge drinking, his sense of taste stimulated by alcohol has long been unable to taste the taste of tea. This is also the reason why he stopped drinking tea after he started drinking.

Today, I regained my original feeling again. There is no doubt that there is a new feeling, which makes people obsessed.

On the other side, Dai Daojin finished the cup of tea casually. He has never been too attached to drinks like tea and wine.

After more than an hour, when it was almost You hour, the three of them stopped writing. .

Holding a piece of paper in her hand, Xu Weixiong walked up to Dai Daojin, and put the paper on the table, which was densely packed. She pointed to one of them and said, "Sir, what is the explanation here?"

Dai Daojin followed his finger and looked over. It was a math problem involving quaternary high-order equations.

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