
Dai Daojin lived in this small courtyard for more than a year.

For more than a year, he has also been well-known in this city, and the wood carvings in his hand can be regarded as a feature, and the business is quite good.

Even some aunts in the neighborhood wanted to help him as a mediator, but he politely refused.

Day by day, Dai Daojin felt that the connection with that spiritual force was getting stronger and stronger, and Dai Daojin was not in a hurry. Regarding the whereabouts of the two, he also speculated in his mind that the time should be fast.

On this day, Dai Daojin was still sitting in front of the door, casually put down the carving knife in his hand, and looked up at the sky.

After watching for a while, he stood up, the stall was a long table, and he began to pack the things on the table.

After a while, he cleaned up the stall and returned home.

He just stepped into the hall with his front foot, not long after, there was a rumbling sound in the sky.


There were several thunderclaps, followed by raindrops, which crackled and smashed on the roof, and the smashed tiles made a loud sound, hitting the ground, creating a pit and kicking up faint dust.

The rain in summer comes quickly.

Dai Daojin stood in front of the rain curtain hanging down in the hall. Through the closed courtyard door, he could still clearly hear the hurried footsteps of pedestrians and the sound of shouting to each other on the street.


On the afternoon of June [-]st, Bei Shengtian and Li Tongzhi left the city behind locked doors as usual.

However, Bei Shengtian and Bei Shengtian looked at each other with hidden excitement in their eyes, which showed that their trip was different from the past.

When passing the corner of the street, Li Tongzhi also greeted Dai Daojin who was setting up a stall.

The two left the city and went straight to Jingyan Peak in Qianligang.

The sun was setting to the west, Dai Daojin looked at the sun, got up unhurriedly, closed the stall, locked the door, and walked slowly into the street.

After shopping around, I ate a bowl of wontons on the street, paid the bill, and left the city.


Bei Shengtian and Li Tongzhi set foot on Jingyan Peak when it was getting dark.

The two didn't delay, and went directly into Jingyan Palace.

The entire Shocking Wild Goose Palace, except for the main hall and the side hall, which is built with a material that is almost marble, is all wooden buildings.

The main hall, Yanxiang Hall, is located at the core of the palace, and there are two side halls on the left and right, each connected by a corridor about [-] feet long, like wild goose wings flying out from both sides.

The two auxiliary halls are named after the Left Yanyi Hall and the Right Yanyi Hall. There is a deep and wide river in front of Jingyan Palace, which introduces the stream from Qianligang and becomes a natural barrier.

Apart from climbing down the mountain from Qianligang, the only way to Jingyan Palace is a large stone bridge that leads directly to the main entrance. The stone bridge is very wide, as if cast in one piece, across the water bank.

As long as there are a few Anza warriors at the head of the bridge, there will be no way out.

Into the palace, the main hall Yanxiang hall, two side halls on both sides, one master and two assistants, the weather is strict.

The two of Bei Shengtian had already been here, and they didn't look much, they directly entered the main hall. The main hall and the auxiliary halls on both sides had several corridors communicating with each other. The drafts blew through the hall, making a humming sound, like a ghost whistling, frightening abnormal.

At some point, Jingyan Peak had already blown a strong wind.

On a hilltop not far away, Dai Daojin stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes closed tightly, sensing that spirit from afar.

At this time, in Yanxiang Hall, Bei Shengtian took out a compass from his back, and Li Tongzhi next to him quickly brought the torch up.

The time has come to the ugly time of the second day.

Bei Shengtian looked at it for a while, calculated silently in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "There is still an hour."

He looked at the main hall and the two corridors leading to the auxiliary hall, wondering where would the hidden entrance appear?

Immediately, the two waited quietly in the hall, except for the sound of the wind, there was only the crackling of the torches burning fat.

Time passed slowly, and Yin's time finally arrived.

Bei Shengtian listened carefully, and there was a faint clicking sound, which came from the left Yanyi hall, his eyes burst into light, he raised his feet and strode towards the corridor on the left, Li Tongzhi hurriedly followed.

Arriving at Zuo Yanyi Hall, nine dark holes appeared on the solid steel wall originally built against the mountain.

The entrance of the cave is three rows across and three rows up and down, like nine black holes that choose people to devour.

With excitement in his eyes, Bei Shengtian stared at the compass and lowered his head, counting silently in his heart. His forehead was covered with beads of sweat not long after. tied to a stone pillar in the temple.

After a while, Bei Shengtian stretched out his fingers and said in a low voice, "Let's go."

Li Tongzhi looked along his fingers, pointed to the third hole in the second row, threw a torch, and then followed Master closely, and burrowed into the black hole.

Holding the hemp rope in their hands, the two entered the cave, only to feel blind and unable to see anything, and the cave wall was smooth, so they didn't exert any effort.

The two were suspended in the air and fell down along the hemp rope.

The two fell straight for forty or fifty feet, and their bodies suddenly landed on a net. The net was extremely elastic, and they bounced back and forth several times before they settled down, got off the net, and walked to the ground.

Li Tongzhi blew on the torch that he had prepared, illuminating the faces of the master and the apprentice, both of whom were sweating profusely.

Bei Shengtian wiped his sweat and turned his head to look around. Seeing the scene around him, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, and Li Tongzhi next to him also opened his mouth slightly.

The two were standing in a huge hall with a square bottom. On one side of the wall was a huge circle with many designs and patterns carved on it. Because they were standing in the center of the hall, they were at least two feet away from any side wall. It was ten feet away, so I couldn't see what it was.

Bei Shengtian took the fire folder from his apprentice and walked towards the circle. When he got close, he saw clearly that those lines and patterns turned out to be a star map.

In addition to the 28 mansions in Sanyuan that he recognized, there are also countless arrays of stars, which opened his eyes.

After watching for a while, Bei Shengtian looked back and saw that except for this wall, there were three stone gates on each of the other three walls. He walked slowly through these three walls with a fire pocket, and passed one of the gates of the middle wall In front of him, the flames on the fire folder danced, and there was a faint fresh wind blowing.

The two looked at each other, cheered up, and pushed the door open.

Passing through the dark corridor, the two heard the sound of a rumbling waterfall. At the end, as expected, a Milky Way hung straight down.

This kind of secluded exploration gives people a sense of stimulation.

The two rested for a while, looking at the faint red light from the waterfall, they knew that the secret was behind the waterfall.

After resting, the two used lightness skills to pass through the waterfall.

Unexpectedly, there is a lake behind the waterfall, and the two had no choice but to swim to the distant shore.

While swimming forward, I felt apprehensive, fearing that a monster would suddenly appear in the lake and swallow the two of them.

Fearfully, they swam to the shore, and when they landed, the two discovered that this shore was actually a small island with buildings on it. This huge building directly made Bei Shengtian, a civil engineering master, dumbfounded.

There is a large hall on the island. Based on this stone island, the hall covers almost [-]% of the area, which is really huge.

At this time, the two realized that what they were stepping on was not the ground, but stone steps. The stone steps leading to the huge hall, at a glance, there were countless stone steps, from the hall to their feet.

Bei Shengtian looked back and found that a part of the stone steps extended into the water. It was unknown how far away, as if part of it was submerged by the lake.

The two of them took a rest and began to climb up the stairs.


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