Just when Dai Daojin turned to go back to the house, the courtyard door of two houses separated by seven or eight zhang from him opened, and a gray-haired old man and a middle-aged man left the house with a backpack on their backs and walked out of the city.

This gray-haired old man was unattractive, a little thin, dressed in gray clothes, carrying a sash like an old farmer in the field, but his eyes were deep and unusual, revealing a sense of wisdom.

This person is Bei Shengtian, the number one expert in the world, and the middle-aged man next to him is his disciple Li Tongzhi. The two of them went out to check today as in the past.

After the two left the city, they walked forward silently without speaking.

After walking for more than an hour, the two arrived at the foot of a mountain, and the two began to climb the mountain silently again.

The two of them climbed for another half an hour before reaching the Jingyan Peak in Qianligang.

Beishengtian climbs high and looks far away, overlooking the entire Liuma Plain. The mountains in the distance stretch like a dragon lying on a pan.

The two looked at it for a while, then untied the strap behind them.

Remove the gray cloth on the back strap, take out paper and pen, picks, ropes, compass and other things from it, the back strap is like a treasure chest.

Bei Shengtian held a compass, and Li Tongzhi held a pen and paper. The two walked along the mountain road, looking at the terrain while walking.

At a certain place, Bei Shengtian stopped, looked at the compass in his hand for a while, and looked at the terrain in the distance for a while.

Suddenly, he said with admiration: "It's really a miracle."

Li Tongzhi asked, "Master, what's the matter?"

Bei Shengtian said: "Tongzhi, do you still remember what we saw when we entered Jingyan Palace last time?"

Li Tongzhi pondered for a while, and said: "Master, you mean that after viewing the location of Jingyan Palace that day, you found that there is a mysterious fit with the movement speed of the three walls and 28 constellations in the sky, the five-star sun and the moon, so you calculated the fundamental It was not built by the legendary Song Taizu's younger brother Zhao Beibei, and it may have been longer."

Bei Shengtian stroked his beard and said, "That's right, the Zhao family never allowed outsiders to find out about this place. Only now that the artifact has been shifted can we get a glimpse of it. Every plant and tree in the palace is arranged in a mysterious sequence, not from Heluo." Lishu or the gossip of heaven and earth. Everything here is operated according to the way of heaven, earth and man, without human hands. The sky is the stars in the sky, and people are the palaces we see with the naked eye. Only the "earth" cannot be guessed. The inference should be that there is another mystery under our feet."

Li Tongzhi was startled, and said: "The master said that there is a secret way deep underground in Jingyan Peak."

Bei Shengtian shook his head slightly, "If it's just a simple secret way, it's not worthy of such a big deal. It should be a big secret."

Li Tongzhi became curious and asked, "Then, can Master find out how to enter the underground?"

The reason why he asked this question was not because he was thinking of digging with manpower, but because the master and his apprentice had observed the geographical terrain during this period of time, and observed that the Jingyan Palace was under the Jingyan Peak, and it was filled with a kind of hardened and refined steel. Not to mention using manpower to excavate the marble, even artillery bombardment will not work.

Bei Shengtian heard his apprentice's question, his old eyes sparkled, and he said excitedly: "In the past six months as a teacher, I have studied the terrain and looked at the stars, and finally found a way to enter the underground of Jingyan Palace. The answer will be untie."

Li Tongzhi hurriedly asked, "How to enter?"

Bei Shengtian regained his excited mind, and said: "The method has been found, but we still need to make more preparations, and the time has not come, so it is useless to talk more."

Li Tongzhi nodded without asking further questions.

The two continued to survey the terrain, trying to make things perfect.


Time is like running water, and it is a month in a blink of an eye.

At some point, Bei Shengtian and Li Tongzhi discovered a small stall in front of a house on the corner of the street.

The owner of the stall was a handsome young man. The stalls were filled with nothing but small wood carvings. Some had animals, some had scenery, and some had objects. The wood carvings were vivid and lifelike.

On this day, Bei Shengtian was resting in the small rented courtyard, the door was pushed open, and Li Tongzhi walked in.

Bei Shengtian saw the things in his hands, and asked with a smile: "My friend, when did you like these little things?"

Li Tongzhi came over, sat down, put the wood carving in his hand on the stone table, and said with a smile, "I bought this thing for my little grandson."

Bei Shengtian was taken aback for a moment. He was taken aback not because of the wood carving, but because he saw a wound on Li Tongzhi's right hand, and some blood dripped to the hem of his shirt.

Seeing the master's expression, Li Tongzhi explained: "Just now when I passed by the intersection and saw the vivid wood carvings on the stall, my disciple thought that my little grandson was born not long ago, and we didn't know when we would go back, so I wanted to give it to him. He bought one, but who would have thought that the carving knife of the stall owner accidentally dropped on the ground, the disciple didn't pay attention at that time, so he went to pick it up."

"But who would have thought that the carving knife had no handle, it was a blade that opened at both ends, and when I didn't notice it for a while, it cut the palm of my hand and bled a little."

It was only then that Bei Shengtian realized that although their master and apprentice were great experts in civil engineering, they were average in martial arts.

Li Tongzhi said with a smile: "The owner of the stall is kind-hearted. He waived the money for the wood carving and insisted on dragging me to see a doctor. I didn't go."

Bei Shengtian smiled, and looked at the wood carving on the stone table. The wood carving was quite peculiar. It was obviously a monkey's face, but it was wearing human clothes, holding a stick, grinning, quite funny.

It's just that there are some red blood stains on the edge of the bottom of the wood carving, which should have been accidentally stained by the apprentice.

Bei Shengtian was a little apologetic, and said with emotion: "My friend, you have worked hard. Your grandson was born, but you have no time to go back and have a look. You can only use wood carvings to talk about the pain of missing you."

Li Tongzhi took the wood carving in his hand, stroked it, shook his head and said with a smile, "What did Master say? If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have known that I died in that wilderness."

Bei Shengtian smiled, but did not speak.

At night, the master and the apprentice went to sleep.

In Li Tongzhi's room, on a few tables near the window, a wooden sculpture was quietly placed there under the cold moonlight.

At this time, a small courtyard not far away.

Dai Daojin sat cross-legged on the bed with his eyes slightly closed. On the table three feet away, there was a strange blade with two sharp edges shining coldly. On the table were scattered wooden carvings.

His mind is silent in the nebula, using blood as a medium to sense it from afar, following the seemingly invisible spiritual sense, he faintly senses a faint spirit, echoing him from afar.

Not far from here.


Besides going to survey the terrain with his master every day, Li Tongzhi often took out the wood carving and played with it in his hand.

There was an unconscious smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was fantasizing about his lively and lovely grandson.

Unknowingly, a ray of spirituality hangs firmly on this small wood carving over time.

And Dai Daojin, like an ordinary craftsman, set up his woodcarving stalls at the street corners every now and then, without shouting, and sat quietly for a whole day.

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