The two of them spent a long time, then climbed the stone steps, and the hall appeared in front of their eyes.

Bei Shengtian's eyes flickered, and he glanced around, not letting go of a single bit of the main hall. He is an expert in civil engineering, and there are some parts of the buildings here that are beyond common sense, and he has also benefited a lot.

The main hall door was open, and the two stood under the door. Visually, the door was thirteen or forty feet high.

There is a stone plaque in the middle, engraved with three ancient seal characters, each of which is one foot in size.

Bei Shengtian needed to consult ancient books in the past, so he naturally recognized the ancient seal characters, and couldn't help but whisper: "The Temple of War God."

Li Tongzhi only felt that the two of them were like ants in front of this building. It was impossible to imagine how human resources in this world could build such a large and exquisite hall.

Hearing Master's words, he couldn't bear it anymore, and couldn't help saying: "Master, could it be that this is really made by God?"

Bei Shengtian took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "Go in and have a look."

The two walked into the hall.

Entering the main hall, the two stepped lightly, as if they were holding their breath.

This hall is really too big, the walls on the left and right sides are fully separated by forty or fifty feet.

On the huge wall facing the two of them, a line of large seal characters was chiseled from top to bottom, running straight down from the top of the hall, with a distance of at least [-] zhang from the beginning to the end. .

"Heaven and earth are inhumane and treat everything as a straw dog"

The eyes of the two fell on the words, their hearts were shaken, and their minds went blank.

The depths of Li Tongzhi's eyes had turned silvery white at some point, with starlight flashing from time to time.

The wind on Jingyan Peak became more violent, and the branches and leaves of the trees rustled.

Dai Daojin opened his eyes, his eyes were no longer dark, they all turned into the color of silver, with flying black hair, his skin was carved like jade crystal, emitting a glimmer of light in the darkness, like the image of a god and demon.

His clothes rattled in the strong wind, clinging to his body.

In the depths of his mind, Nebula World is also shaking.

After a long while, the Nebula World slowly returned to calm, causing several residents in it to wonder what happened outside, which could cause such a shock in that person's mind.

In the main hall, it took Bei Shengtian and Li Tongzhi a long time to come back to their senses, and they didn't dare to look at those words again.

The two took a few deep breaths, trying to calm their beating hearts, and looked away.

It was found that in the middle of the top of the main hall, there was a round stone embedded, emitting a blue-yellow light, like a sun, bathing the entire huge hall in thousands of blue lights.

The light is soft, even if you look directly at it.

The two looked at the ground again. It was paved with huge stones, which was extremely smooth, except that there was a relief in the middle, and something was engraved on the relief.

Li Tongzhi walked over and got closer. On the relief, he saw a god wearing a strange armor and a mask on his face. Sitting under his lap was a monster that looked like a dragon but not a dragon. Flying down from the upper left corner, and heading straight for a big blood-red fireball in the lower right corner, next to each thick cloud, there are nine heavens, eight heavens, and the lowest first heaven written from top to bottom.

There are five large characters on the top of the relief, and he read it in a low voice: "God of War Picture Book One."

Bei Shengtian also came to his side. Hearing his words, he turned his head and looked at the stone walls on both sides. On the stone walls on both sides, there were also stone carvings. He counted silently in his heart. After doing the math, they added up to a total of 49 yuan. .

The silver-white light in the depths of Li Tongzhi's eyes danced and shone brighter.

He didn't know why, but there was an impulse in his heart that drove him to silently and carefully observe each pair of stone carvings, and at some point, his eyesight became much better. Clearing every part of the stone carving is like viewing patterns on the palm of your hand.

Bei Shengtian didn't notice the abnormality of his apprentice, he turned his head and looked around, and let out a little gasp, as if he saw something.

He walked towards the opposite wall, forcing himself not to look at the writing on the wall, but to look at the ground instead.

Li Tongzhi looked at the 49 stone sculptures in "The Illustrated Book of God of War" silently.

On Jingyan Peak, Dai Daojin's silvery eyes seemed to have images flowing, but there seemed to be nothing. After a while, the silvery white in his eyes faded, and his eyes returned to normal color.

Slowly exhaling a turbid breath, Dai Daojin's eyes showed thinking. The hall where the "God of War Illustrated" is located cannot be casted by manpower. It follows the rotation of the stars in the sky, lurking and wandering underground, and it will be opened once every 30 years.

Looking up at the sky, thunder and lightning pierced the sky from time to time, shining on the earth and illuminating Dai Daojin's face.

Did gods and Buddhas really exist in the past?

He slowly closed his eyes again.

In the main hall, Bei Shengtian bent down and looked down at the whole person, to be precise, it was a corpse.

The corpse is like a living person, sitting cross-legged on the ground, facing the wall, with a solemn face, with a serene smile on the corner of the mouth, some of the hair and clothes have disappeared, but the skin and expression on the face are no different from those of a stranger.

Bei Shengtian looked at his clothes, but he had never seen this style at all, and he didn't know when it came from.

He wanted to touch it with his hand, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

The corpse's left hand was hanging on the ground, and Bei Shengtian followed his fingers to see a line of small characters on the ground, "Guangcheng's son is here to prove the Broken King Kong".

He was a little fascinated by watching, and at some point Li Tongzhi also came to him.

Li Tongzhi wondered: "Master, is this man really the legendary immortal master Guang Chengzi?"

Bei Shengtian didn't answer because he didn't know either.

On Jingyan Peak, Dai Daojin opened his eyes, turned around and strode away. He had already got everything he needed, so there was no need to stay for long.

So leaving, he missed something.

Inside the main hall, Bei Shengtian saw that he had finished observing the main hall, and the two walked out of the main hall again, started their old business, and walked around the main hall, which took more than an hour.

But when the two walked to the back of the main hall, they found that there was a high platform only close to the back wall of the main hall. On the high platform, there was a stone statue standing with his hands behind his back, facing the back wall, his face was blurred, and his face could not be seen.

The two watched for a while, but found nothing.

It was Li Tongzhi who said, "Master, if this stone statue is placed in the main hall, will it be like a temple?"

When Bei Shengtian thought about it, it was really so. Putting this stone statue in the center of the hall really looked like a temple.

But everything in this place is very strange, the two of them can only imagine it in their hearts, how dare they really move the stone statue into the hall.

After watching it, the two returned to the main hall, took a few glances, and then left.

But suddenly there was a rumbling sound outside.

Bei Shengtian's complexion changed, a trace of eagerness and worry flashed in his eyes, and he shouted: "Go quickly."


On the second day, Dai Daojin had already left Qianligang and walked along the river.

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