More than two months later, Dai Daojin finally received the news from Borhu, and after explaining to him, he left the Potala Palace again.


In the palace of Kaifeng Mansion, a young man in a fine attire stood with his hands behind his back, his brows and eyes were looking forward, and his light was faintly visible, like a long sword drawn from its sheath, sharp and seductive. Beside him stood silently in black armor.

Different from Borhu's iron-blooded temperament of a veteran in the battlefield, this young man's eyes are lofty, with a kind of nobility, a kind of temperament of a natural superior.

This person is Xu Liewu, the younger brother of Kublai Khan.

Xu Liewu looked at Borhu, smiled lightly and said, "General Borhu, is that Bashiba really so scary?"

Bor suddenly said in a deep voice: "Hulagu, although you are a descendant of the Great Khan, I still want to advise you, don't provoke him, or the Great Khan will not be able to save you."

Although the opponent was a member of the Golden Family, Borhu, as a general who was single-handedly promoted by Genghis Khan, did not have too much awe of these royal families who had not yet taken power, so his tone was quite tough.

He couldn't help but be tough, thinking of the first time he met Ba Shiba, when he confronted mentally, it was like a scene of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and that person was actually a soft-hearted person.

Boer was not afraid of death, but he didn't want to die in such a useless way, because he was killed by a dude because of his involvement.

Xu Liewu is naturally not a dude. Although he is younger than Borhu, his martial arts has already entered the family. As a descendant of the Golden Family, besides fighting in the battlefield, he also yearns for martial arts in the world.

Moreover, his vision is very high, in the whole Mongolia, there are only a few people in Meng Chixing who can catch his eyes. Since Ba Shiba can beat Meng Chixing, Xu Liewu is naturally cautious.

So Xu Liewu saw Borhu's reaction, and said with a smile: "Borhu, you don't have to do this. He is the Mongolian national teacher, and the Great Khan treats him very politely. I will not trouble him."

Boer suddenly had no expression on his face, and said lightly: "It's best to be like this."

Xu Liewu stopped talking, he came here only because he accidentally learned that Bor suddenly used the Mongolian intelligence system to find a man named Bei Shengtian, and it happened that he had never seen this Tibetan saint who was deified by the Mongolian people. So I became curious and came to see it.

The two fell silent and stopped talking.

After a long time, the sun slowly set to the west.

Boer suddenly closed his eyes slightly and remained silent, but Xu Liewu gradually became impatient.

Just as he was about to attack, a voice came from outside the door.

"Borhu, has anyone been found?"

The voice was soft, as if someone was whispering in the ear.

At the door, a red figure walked in.

Boer suddenly looked up, hurriedly stepped forward, bowed and said: "Boer has seen the national teacher."

Dai Daojin waved his hand, "There is no need to be polite."

His eyes fell on Xu Liewu, and his brows were slightly frowned.

Boer suddenly saw his heart skip a beat, and said, "Master, this is Xu Liegu, the grandson of the Great Khan."

Xu Liewu stared fixedly at the big lama in red, from top to bottom, with the meaning of looking at him.

Dai Daojin's eyes flashed, Xu Liewu, Kublai Khan's younger brother, Tuo Lei's son, but he didn't intend to alarm too many people about Bei Shengtian's matter, why did this person come here?He couldn't help squinting his eyes.

As his eyes narrowed, Xu Liegu felt his heart suddenly clenched, his face turned red and then turned pale.

Those eyes seemed to be boundless, Xu Liewu only felt that he was about to sink into them, and it became extremely difficult to breathe.

Dai Daojin turned his head, looked at Borhu, and said softly, "Where's Beisheng Tianren?"

As his eyes shifted and he spoke, Xu Liewu came out of the water like a drowning man, panting heavily, his eyes were full of fear, and he didn't dare to look directly at the monk in red again.

Boer suddenly realized that he had brought another person over, which made the person in front of him unhappy, and felt a little uneasy.

He hurriedly said: "The person has been found out. According to your order, he was not alarmed, but someone was sent to follow him from a distance." He said, and handed over a piece of paper.

Dai Daojin nodded, took the paper, looked down, and there was an address written on it.

Bor suddenly looked at him, and said hesitantly: "Reporting to the national teacher, Xu Liewu's trip is just to see the national teacher, and has no other intentions. He will never interfere with the national teacher's affairs."

He didn't care whether Xu Liewu died or not, but he must not die in front of him, otherwise Temujin would not spare him, so he said boldly.

Xu Liewu is not stupid, knowing that Boer suddenly spoke for him, he hurriedly said: "Xu Liewu has seen the national teacher, and once talked with Meng Chixing. He praised the national teacher very much, so Xu Liewu was curious. , I just want to see you, there is absolutely no other intention."

He is worthy of being an outstanding man, judging the situation and cooperating with Borhu to speak.

Dai Daojin nodded, noncommittal.

Xu Liewu was tall and straight, with a handsome appearance. At this time, he smiled and said: "I have heard for a long time that the national teacher is a scholar of heaven and man. In addition to Mongolian and Tibetan culture, he is also very proficient in the Han family culture of the Central Plains. Xu Liewu is also quite familiar with the Central Plains culture." For the sake of love, I specially chose a Han name for myself, called Si Hanfei, and asked the national teacher to correct me."

Dai Daojin said lightly: "The name is just a code name, it doesn't matter much."

Xu Liewu hurriedly said: "What the national teacher said is true."

Dai Daojin glanced at the two of them and said, "Okay, I'll go first."

Borhu and Xu Liewu hurriedly said: "Respectfully send off the national teacher."

When he looked up again, the monk in red had disappeared.

Boer suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, while Xu Liegu's face was cold and serious, his cheeks were tense, his eyes were shining, and he didn't know what to think.

Boer suddenly turned his head to see his appearance, didn't bother to say anything, and strode away.


Liuma Plain, located at the junction of Qinghai and Qinghai in northwest Xinjiang, is a barren land.

Between heaven and earth, at first glance, it seems that except for the occasional vegetation on the ground, there are sand, gravel and loess within sight, giving people a sense of desolation.

Fifty miles to the south of Qianligang, a county seat is located here. Many travelers come and go here to rest, and the popularity is quite strong.

On this day, south of the county seat.

Dai Daojin walked into the courtyard, turned his head and looked around from time to time.

A middle-aged man next to him held a booklet in his hand, and hurriedly introduced: "Guest officer, look, this house is not gorgeous, but it is neat and clean, and it is quite comfortable to live in. Take a look..."

The spittle flying in the middle-aged man's introduction made Dai Daojin feel like he had encountered real estate sales in later generations.

He didn't make too much fuss, looked at the furnishings of the house and found that there was no major problem, so he said, "That's it."

The middle-aged man was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Your distinguished guest, this house..."

Dai Daojin waved his hand to stop his words, took out a bank note from his pocket, and handed it to him.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man hurriedly took the bank note, thanked him many times, and then left. Naturally, he still needs to go through the handover procedures at the back of the house.

Dai Daojin stood in the small courtyard, watched the middle-aged man leave, shook his head, turned and went into the house... Mobile version URL:

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