In March, the Mongolian general Borhu led [-] fine horsemen and stationed in Shanxi.

At the barracks, blood and evil spirits soared to the sky, and banners were flying.

Suddenly, a young man in black armor hurried out of the barracks. After leaving the barracks, the young general walked under a big tree in the distance.

Under the big tree, a figure stood with hands behind his back, as if waiting for him.

The young generals used lightness skills, galloped all the way, and arrived at the place not long after.

When he arrived at the place, facing the person in front of him, the young general bowed and said, "Bor suddenly pays homage to the national teacher."

That person is obviously Dai Daojin.

Although Borhu is the leading general, Dai Daojin is now respected as the Mongolian National Teacher, and his status is still higher than that. In addition, Borhu is very awed by the unpredictable martial arts of the National Teacher, so the National Teacher called , he dare not neglect.

Dai Daojin was still wearing black hair and shawl at this time, but Borhu was very familiar with his aura, so naturally he would not admit his mistake.

The real masters in this world will hardly study disguise techniques, because no matter how radically your appearance changes, your mental fluctuations and aura will not change.

And the masters who are successful in martial arts will judge a person's identity by distinguishing a warrior's spiritual energy.

Extreme masters are usually good at concealing their aura.

Dai Daojin smiled lightly and said: "Borhu, you are leading the army outside and have made military exploits. Congratulations."

Boer suddenly looked solemn, bowed and said: "The national teacher has won the award, I don't know if the national teacher recruited Boer to come here, what's the matter?"

Dai Daojin said: "Help me check a person's whereabouts."

Boer suddenly asked, "Who?"

"Bei Shengtian."

Boer suddenly muttered something, without asking why, he bowed and said, "Yes."

The Mongols roamed the world. In addition to their invincible iron cavalry, their secret news channels were also spread all over the world.

Originally, Dai Daojin wanted to find it by himself, but almost all the influence of the Potala Palace is in Tibet, and the Central Plains has hardly been touched, so in desperation, he had to use the Mongolian news network.

Dai Daojin warned: "After you find someone, send me a message immediately. Don't disturb them. This matter is very important. If anyone messes it up, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Boer's heart froze suddenly, although the national teacher's tone was light, but the cruel killing intent hidden in it gave him a chill down his spine.

Borhu said seriously: "Don't worry, the national teacher. At this time, Borhu will do it himself, and there will be nothing wrong with it."

Dai Daojin nodded and waved his hand.

Boer suddenly bowed, turned and left.

Dai Daojin looked at Bor's back suddenly going away, his eyes showed thoughtfulness, and then left here.

Before Bei Shengtian was found, taking advantage of this spare time, he planned to go back to Tibet.

The reason why he went back was because of a message sent to him by Sangzhu.


More than three months later, in the Potala Palace, inside the Lingta Hall.

Dai Daojin returned to his bright red cassock, half-sitting on the futon mountain, staring at the young man in front of him with gleam in his eyes.

The young man was dressed in a plain monk's uniform, kneeling on the ground, looking at the red-clothed monk in front of him in awe.

I just feel that under the gaze of the other party, my whole body seems to be seen through from the outside to the inside.

The light in Dai Daojin's eyes disappeared, and he returned to calmness. He turned his head to look at the big lama next to him, and said calmly, "You stay here, you can go down first."

The big lama saluted and said respectfully, "Yes, Your Honor."

Immediately, get up and leave.

After he left, Dai Daojin looked at the young man, thinking of the news he had received, that a young monk in the Tantric sect was newly recruited, he was extremely talented, and in just over half a year, he had penetrated the three channels and five chakras, leaving only the brow chakra and crown chakra. A thorough understanding is really a natural genius.

Dai Daojin also used his spirit to perceive it just now, but this young man is born with a strong spirit and is full of spirituality. It is no wonder that he is learning martial arts and progressing at such an exaggerated speed.

He pondered in his heart, turned some thoughts, as far as he knew, Bashiba in the original time and space was a heavenly genius, who was crowned king of Tibet by Temujin at the age of 16, he couldn't help but speculate about the identity of this young man .

When the teenager saw the legendary venerable, the initial nervousness gradually calmed down over time. He looked at the king of Tibet with bright eyes. His tall body gave people a kind of pressure even when he was sitting. White and transparent as crystal, she has an air of otherworldliness.

Dai Daojin looked into the boy's eyes, and said with a soft smile, "Would you like me to be your teacher?"

The young man was stunned for a moment, a flash of astonishment flashed in his eyes, and then turned into a look of surprise, but he still tried his best to maintain his composure, and hurriedly said: "Return to the venerable, the disciple is willing."

Dai Daojin nodded lightly, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and said, "Come up now."

The young man hurriedly got up, went to Dai Daojin and knelt down, waiting for instructions.

Dai Daojin looked into the young man's eyes, and said softly, "From today on, you are my disciple, so don't use your previous name, just Yuan Shiba."

The boy straightened his face, knelt down and said, "Disciple Yuan Shiba pays homage to Master."

Dai Daojin's eyes flashed, and he said with a smile, "Raise your head."

Yuan Shiba hurriedly raised his head, looking at his master.

Dai Daojin's eyes twinkled with silver-white starlight, he stretched out his right index finger, touched Yuan Shiba's brow, and said, "Calm and concentrate."

Afterwards, the power of mind and spirit flowed, imprinting the martial arts memory of the previous generation Zhu Bigu on Yuan Shiba's heart with the method of heart seal, which contained the secret skills and cultivation experience of martial arts from basic to deep level.

Yuan Shiba frowned, feeling his head was about to explode, and the pain was unbearable.

After a while, Yuan Shiba, who was in a trance, came back to his senses, saw his master smiling at him, and suddenly woke up, feeling the things in his mind, and felt a little excited.

Dai Daojin smiled and said: "You are good at practicing martial arts, I will teach you a task as a teacher."

Yuan Shiba said respectfully: "Master, tell me."

Dai Daojin said: "As a teacher, I give you three years to defeat your five senior brothers Sang Qing and Sang Zhu. Is it possible for you to do it?"

Yuan Shiba has some understanding of the five senior brothers Sang Qing, and they are the five strongest members of the new generation of Tantric Buddhism. Although he is making rapid progress, these senior brothers are also improving. He has no confidence in defeating them in three years .

A strange color flashed deep in Dai Daojin's eyes, and he smiled softly: "If you can complete this task, you will be the next Zhu Bigu."

Yuan Shiba's heart skipped a beat. Although this young man is a genius, he is not deeply involved in the world. What happened today is beyond his imagination. It seems that he has gone from a small lama to Potala in an instant The lord of the palace is within reach.

He gritted his teeth, his eyes fixed, and said: "Master, don't worry, this disciple will definitely work hard and complete the task."

Dai Daojin waved his hand, "Go, I'll wait for your good news as a teacher."

Yuan Shiba saluted respectfully, "Disciple leaves."

Dai Daojin watched the young man leave the Spirit Pagoda Hall with a smile, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

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