Shen Tianci sighed: "Grandpa, I can't do it anymore. Your father and your uncle have mediocre qualifications. I'm afraid they won't be able to practice "Tianxin Lotus Ring" in this life. I thought you could take up the burden of Tianlianzong, but... ..."

Shen Mingda's face turned red. Although he is the eldest son of the third generation of the Shen family, he doesn't have much interest in martial arts, and his heart is not focused on it. The "Heavenly Lotus Heart Sutra" of the Tianlian Sect is also making slow progress.

Shen Tianci didn't care about him, and regret flashed in his eyes, and said: "Your sister Yaojing's aptitude is the best in my Shen family, but it's a pity that she was young..."

Before finishing speaking, he sighed again.

Shen Mingda heard the words, thinking about the past and the past, he was extremely gifted in business, naturally he was not stupid, he hesitated and said: "I remember my sister was in danger when she was a child, and she was rescued by an expert, could it be that this person is Bei Shengtian?"

Shen Tianci nodded and said: "That's right, back then he was kind to my Shen family, and even the Shen family's garden in the south of the Yangtze River was also designed by him."

Shen Mingda understood it, but he didn't expect so many things to be involved in it.


In a room separated by several rooms, Dai Daojin sat cross-legged on the bed.

At this time, the eyebrows moved slightly, a smile appeared on the corner of the mouth, and he thought to himself: I didn't expect to meet someone from the Tianlian Sect, and I don't know how the other branches of the Demon Sect are doing now?There are also Cihang Jingzhai and Jingnian Chanyuan. Most of these people can't shrink back on weekdays, and only come out to make troubles when the world is in chaos.

His mind was silent, and he recalled that he traveled east from Tibet and did not enter Sichuan and Shu, but went north to the border of Gansu.

And here, you happened to meet Shen Tianci and his group, and this group had connections with Bei Shengtian.


Of course not, since Dai Daojin's time, when the nebula and the starry sky are in harmony, there is no reason why the mind moves. No matter what you do, follow the thoughts in your heart as the guide, and there will be guidance in the dark.

It wasn't because of some tyrannical character's manipulation, but because his spirituality was strong to a certain point, and he naturally realized the way of heaven, which was an instinct.

Just like Zhu Bigu of the previous generation, after Dai Daojin was reincarnated, on a whim, following the instinct of mind and spirit, he came to the place where Dai Daojin was.

It's the same now, Dai Daojin was walking in the heavy snow, his mind was clear, and he gradually merged with the sky and the earth. The direction of his body's walking changed accordingly. Instead of entering Sichuan and Shu, he came to the border of Gansu, where he met Shen Tianci and his party.

The power in the dark.

When Dai Daojin thought of this, the light in his eyes flowed out, there was no space or thought in his heart, he slowly closed his eyes, and his mind was wandering.


The next day, early in the morning.

Dai Daojin got up early and sat in the lobby of the inn.I ordered a porridge with meat buns, and a pickle.


The pickles were crunchy, salty and sweet. Dai Daojin chewed carefully, then took a bite of the meat bun and drank the porridge, carefully experiencing the different tastes.

Sour, sweet, bitter, hot and salty, the fireworks of life.

He stands high in the Potala Palace, like a god, and is worshiped by everyone. Over the years, he has gradually left the world, and he has a taste of being out of the world. This state has advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that his own martial arts have improved rapidly over the years, and he has also thoroughly grasped all kinds of unique skills in Tantric Buddhism.

The martial arts plan for oneself is to carefully polish the physical body to achieve a flawless body, a diamond body.

However, there are also disadvantages of being born into the world. The understanding of heaven and earth and the way of heaven cannot be achieved by sitting quietly and practicing. You still have to sharpen your own spirit and enter the world.

"Entering the world" and then "coming out of the world", cutting off three thousand mortals, then is the time for him to truly understand himself.

But "entering the WTO" is not just eating a meat bun or drinking a bowl of porridge. It needs to understand the thousands of thoughts and life in the world.

Thinking of this, Dai Daojin couldn't help but frown a little. He has experienced several worlds, but he has never experienced love, hate and sorrow, or experienced an ordinary but full of flavor life as an ordinary person.

After all, his heart has not moved.

Dai Daojin stared blankly at the porridge in the bowl, a little lost in thought.

"Hey, brother Zhu, you got up so early?"

A crisp sound sounded, followed by a faint fragrance.

Dai Daojin sighed secretly, let go of his thoughts, looked up at the pretty young girl in front of him, looked at the shyness in the bright eyes, and thought to himself, am I going to fall in love with another woman again, then marry a wife and have children? Various things?

Shen Yaojing's fair and pretty face flushed slightly, and she was a little embarrassed to be stared at by Dai Daojin, but she stiffened and did not turn her head away, but her trembling eyelashes somewhat exposed her inner tension.

Dai Daojin smiled faintly, "Please sit down, little girl."

Shen Yaojing pouted, and said: "Brother Zhu, don't call me a little girl, you are just a little older than me."

Dai Daojin nodded with a smile, a bit older, I am indeed only a few thousand months old.

Shaking his head, without saying anything, he lowered his head and finished the porridge.

Shen Yaojing propped her chin, staring at Dai Daojin in a daze, a little lost in thought.

After Dai Daojin finished his porridge, he wiped his mouth, glanced at her, and secretly sighed that girls are not immune to handsome guys.

He could naturally see the girl's affection for him, but he didn't intend to have anything to do with this girl.

Even if you want to practice in the world, you have to follow the direction of your heart, otherwise you can't really enter the world, so why talk about being out of the world and understanding yourself.

Not long after, Shen Tianci, Shen Mingda and others also came down.

Everyone met and greeted each other.

Dai Daojin said directly: "Meeting is fate, but there will be a difference, so let's say goodbye."

Shen Tianci was surprised: "Brother Zhu, are you leaving now?"

Dai Daojin nodded, cupped his hands, turned around and left without saying anything.

Shen Yaojing next to her looked anxious, stood in front of Dai Daojin, and said anxiously: "Brother Zhu, why did you leave? You are not looking for that Bei Shengtian?"

Dai Daojin said with a smile: "People are naturally looking for."

Shen Yaojing said: "In that case, why did you leave?"

Dai Daojin laughed and said, "If you don't leave, how can you find someone?"

Shen Yaojing blinked and said with a smile: "Our Shen family has business everywhere, so it's easier to inquire about news. We'll help you find it. When will you find it yourself?"

After finishing speaking, he also glanced at Shen Tianci and Shen Mingda.

Dai Daojin turned his head to look at the two of them, his eyes flashed, and he said with a smile: "No need, we meet by chance, so it's no trouble."

As he spoke, he bypassed Shen Yaojing and strode out of the inn.

Shen Yaojing's expression darkened, she looked at his back, a little absent-minded.

Shen Tianci and Shen Mingda looked at each other, but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Regarding Shen Yaojing's reaction, the two didn't take it seriously, thinking that she should be fine after a while.

After everyone had finished their breakfast, they packed up and were about to leave.

When it was time to reconcile the accounts, the shopkeeper told them that their account had already been settled by the young man just now.

Shen Tianci remained silent, this was undoubtedly to repay the favor of everyone for taking him along.


The cold wind is still biting, howling between the sky and the earth.

As Dai Daojin walked forward, he thought about the follow-up arrangements in his heart. He still wanted to find Bei Shengtian. He was a master craftsman in civil engineering, and in the end he solved the mystery of the maze under Jingyan Palace.

But how to find it, and how to get close to it, so as to enter the Palace of Shocking Wild Goose and watch the "Illustrated Record of the God of War" requires careful planning.

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