
Mongolia, inside the residence of Meng Chihang.

Zhan Jingtong sat on the chair, holding a wine glass and drinking a small wine leisurely.

Footsteps came.

Zhan Jingtong turned his head to look, Meng Chixing came out from the inside.

"How is it?" he asked.

Meng Chixing shook his head and said lightly: "It's okay."

Zhan Jingtong was well aware of his apprentice's martial arts, even if he was not sure of defeating him, but when he met the lama, he was injured before making a move.

He asked curiously: "Is Ba Shiba's martial arts really so terrifying?"

He went out to play, and not long after he returned to Mongolia, he found out that his apprentice was injured, and he also learned about the situation of the competition that day from others.

Meng Chixing thought for a while, his expression was a little serious, he is a proud person, he always said something, said lightly: "Very strong, he is the strongest person I have met so far."

But the light in his eyes flashed, obviously this failure did not have any negative impact on him.

Looking at his expression, Zhan Jingtong was not surprised. As a disciple of his own, his will was as firm as steel, and he would never be defeated by one failure.

He said: "I have heard for a long time that Tantra has a magical spiritual method called "Spirit of Changing Heaven and Earth", which can evoke the memory of thousands of enemies and make them lost in endless reincarnation. The opponent used this method ?”

Meng Chixing shook his head, "No."

Zhan Jingtong smacked his lips, so the lama didn't use all his strength?

Meng Chixing said suddenly: "Teacher, there is one more thing to trouble you?"

"What's the matter?" Zhan Jing said.

Meng Chixing said: "I'm going to retreat for a period of time. During this time, I will trouble the teacher to protect the sweat."

Zhan Jing with a serious expression: "Why do you suddenly want to retreat?"

The light in Meng Chixing's eyes flashed, and he said: "I have gained something during this time, so I have to retreat for a while."

Zhan Jingtong nodded in agreement.


Potala Palace, inside the Spirit Pagoda Hall.

Dai Daojin was dressed in a red cassock, sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, like a Buddha statue in a side hall.

At this moment, the mind shines on the whole body, and the flesh and blood of the whole body are immediately visible. Every drop of pale golden blood in the blood vessel is seen by him. back to the heart.



The heart beats slowly, but each beat is almost like a powerful hydraulic pump, sending blood to all parts of the body.

Dai Daojin clearly felt that this pale golden blood exudes a kind of pale golden essence, qi and blood all the time, penetrating the internal organs, flesh and bones, and being absorbed and devoured by it.

The mind continued to condense, and the flesh and blood magnified, and he could even see every fiber of flesh devouring the pale golden essence, qi and blood, until he felt a sense of fullness.

This kind of situation is happening everywhere in his body.

In his prediction, when the flesh and bones of the whole body are completely infiltrated, the body's functions and internal and external integration will be the time for him to achieve a diamond body and a body without leaks.

At that time, with only his physical body, he will be able to rule the world.

After carefully examining the physical body, Dai Daojin's mind was silent, and while his spirit was moving slightly, the content of "Spirit of Changing the Sky and Earth" slowly flashed across his mind in the vast memory of his mind.

Today, he intends to practice the spirit of this tantric supreme power.

"Spirit of Changing the Sky and Earth" is only a few more than 100 words in total, with subtle words and great meaning, combined with the cultivation experience of the previous generation Zhu Bigu, Dai Daojin understood it thoroughly in almost half an hour.

Slowly opened his eyes, in the dark pupils, there was a divine light opening and closing.

In fact, this method is not as miraculous as the outside world has said. It can reveal the reincarnation memory of a person's soul and make people lose themselves in countless memories.

In the final analysis, this mental method uses some special spiritual methods, which can entangle with the soul of the enemy and construct different human memories for it, as if the two have experienced thousands of lives.

Different from ordinary spiritual charm or illusion, this method is more subtle, directly acting on the soul of the opponent.

The enemy will never doubt that it seems that the memory of decades of life, and then ten and hundreds of lives is false, artificially constructed by the caster.

Because the person who created this spirit is truly gifted, first spread the effectiveness of this method, making people subconsciously think that this extraordinary skill can evoke people's memories of previous lives.

And ingeniously, its memory is from the back to the front.

That is to say, under the effect of "Spirit of Changing Heaven and Earth", the caster will be entangled with the soul of the recipient, recalling the memory of the recipient's life, and the memory of this life is naturally true and false, in the view of the recipient , is naturally a real memory.

Immediately, the two will sink into the constructed memories of the previous life. Because the souls of the two are intertwined and the performer deliberately did it, the lives of the two also intersect in these memories.

So, isn't this method powerful?

On the contrary, the power of this method is that the souls of the caster and the recipient are intertwined, immersed in the constructed memory, which has become the real memory of the soul, that is to say, the caster also Like the recipient, he will feel and experience these thousands of lives.

The experience and insights in it cannot be faked.

That's when the fake becomes real.

This has also resulted in the extremely demanding requirements for the practice of the "Spirit of Changing the Sky and Earth".

If you want to practice this method, you must be able to withstand the impact of these memories, so you must be mentally strong and firm in your mind; in addition, constructing these worlds and memories involves all aspects, and its knowledge reserves will reach an astonishing level, so practice is required. Those who are extremely intelligent and naturally intelligent, and their knowledge must be all-encompassing.

From Dai Daojin's memories of inheriting the previous Zhu Bigu, he also learned that although "The Spirit of Changing the Sky and Strike the Earth" is the supreme spiritual martial art of Tantric Buddhism, in the entire history of Tantric Buddhism, only a handful of people have practiced it.

The gist of this practice flashed across Dai Daojin's mind again, his eyes flashed, revealing his thoughts, and he had some thoughts in his heart. This practice gave him some inspiration, and what benefited him was the use of some spiritual power in this practice Skill.


Time flies like water, and it is the second winter in a blink of an eye.

On the thirteenth floor of the Red Palace, Dai Daojin stood in front of the Spirit Pagoda Hall with his hands behind his back, looking at the snowflakes falling from the sky.

This heavy snow has been falling for half a month, and there is still no sign of stopping. The sky is full of strong winds, snowflakes are all over the sky, and the sky and the earth are white.

According to the news from the subordinates, the Tibetans can only suffer silently in front of this mighty force of the world. Countless cattle, sheep and livestock died of freezing, and the loss of property is immeasurable. Recently, some people began to freeze to death.

Under his order, the granary of the Potala Palace was opened for disaster relief.

On weekdays, the food and drink of tens of thousands of monks in the Potala Palace are all obtained from the offerings made by believers in the whole of Tibet. The materials accumulated in the warehouse can even pull up an army.

Dai Daojin didn't waste his title of Mongolian National Teacher, he handed a letter to Mongolia, and he got a response three days later, saying that a batch of disaster relief food funds would arrive.

He did this not to value the lives of these people, nor to win the praise and love of everyone, but he ate and drank other people's food, and these believers were about to freeze to death. In return, he did whatever he wanted That's all.

Dai Daojin looked at the vast sky and earth, and suddenly became active spiritually. With a movement in his heart, a ray of spirit extended downward.

Then he opened his hands slightly, the big red cassock on his body fell off his body, and flew back to the pagoda hall, revealing a thin light outfit, stepped out with one foot, as if stepping on an invisible ladder, walked forward, and crossed the fence.

The originally clean and shiny head, within a few breaths, a head of black and thick hair came out in the wind, messily scattered behind the back.

After a few steps, it disappeared into the vast world.


The blizzard got bigger.

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