The ancient civil engineering mechanism contains all aspects of knowledge, including geology, geomantic omen, mechanism and mechanics, etc. The learning is very miscellaneous and contains great wisdom.

This unremarkable old man could be sent out by Temujin, so Dai Daojin would not underestimate him.

Obviously, Bu Honghou had been prepared for a long time, and took out a piece of paper from his pocket. After spreading it out, there were some lines on it, outlining the appearance of a building.

Dai Daojin got off his seat, lowered his head, and looked carefully.

Bu Honghou laughed and said, "My lord, please take a look. This is a house designed for the Great Khan, what do you think?"

Dai Daojin looked at it for a while, then suddenly smiled and said, "The benefactor is from the southeast region, right?"

Bu Honghou's complexion changed slightly, and he asked in surprise, "How do you know?"

The people around were also surprised, it had not been long since Bu Honghou defected to Mongolia, the venerable had absolutely no way of knowing this person, how could he know that he was from the southeast region.

Dai Daojin said indifferently: "The buildings designed by the benefactor are large in scale, different in shape, well-proportioned and unique in style, but they are structurally supported by thick rammed earth walls, and the interior is a wooden structure. Clearly, it is the architectural feature of the southeast boundary, and it has absorbed the feature of the Huizhou area, which is centered on a high and deep patio to form an inward courtyard, forming a pattern of "four waters return to the hall". Similarly, you have also absorbed the architectural features of the north, strictly according to Fengshui geography. The design is facing south from the north, the gate is opened at the southeast corner, and there is a screen wall inside the gate, outsiders cannot see the activities in the courtyard."

"The layout is solemn, and there are many characteristics of winding paths leading to secluded places. It is actually a collection of the characteristics of various schools, and they are coordinated with each other, which is appropriate and beneficial."

Bu Honghou was originally a calm person, but now he couldn't help but look happy.

"But..." Everything is afraid of a but word.

Bu Honghou said sternly, "Please give me your advice, my lord."

Dai Daojin turned around and looked at Temujin with weird eyes: "The Mongol army is powerful and looks at the world, and I don't know how to sweat it. How do you plan for the future of Mongolia?"

Hearing this, Temujin laughed and said, "Longevity is in the sky, this whole world will be the grassland's pasture."

Many generals below all looked at the king with bright eyes.

Dai Daojin chuckled, noncommittal, and said indifferently: "That is to say, sweating profusely has the heart to take over the world and become an emperor."

Temujin nodded.

Dai Daojin turned his head to look at Bu Hong and said kindly: "This building can be called perfect as a whole. Whether it is ornamental or livable, it is fine if it is for a wealthy family to live in, but it is not suitable for profuse sweating, let alone the building. Khan who wants to be emperor."

Bu Honghou is a person who is extremely serious about his profession. Hearing this, his expression was solemn, and he said, "Please tell me."

Everyone, including Temujin and Meng Chixing, stared at Dai Daojin fixedly, waiting for him to answer why this building can be lived in by ordinary rich and noble families, but not by the Khan?

Dai Daojin glanced at everyone, and said indifferently: "House buildings are grand and handsome, broad and kind. They are in harmony with the heaven and the universe, and in harmony with the five elements of heaven and earth. Where you live is naturally different.”

"Since you want to annex the world, you must integrate the mainstream culture, otherwise you will still be called a barbarian."

When everyone in the hall heard this, their faces were a little ugly.

"Since Qin Shihuang swept Liuhe, the idea of ​​the supremacy of the monarchy in the world has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. With the monarchy as the core, it permeates the ethical concepts of the people in the world. This idea is also integrated into the architecture."

"The donor's design is only missing these most critical parts, such as..."

Bu Honghou listened carefully to Dai Daojin's words, his eyes revealed a look of deep thought.

After the words fell, Bu Honghou sighed and bowed deeply, "Bu Honghou pays homage to him."

Dai Daojin smiled lightly and nodded.

The generals sitting below, including Temujin, heard for the first time that the house they lived in would involve so many things, such as Confucianism, centralization of monarchy, and imperial thinking.

Only Meng Chixing had a strange look in his eyes. He was also a little touched by the connection between the building and the way of heaven that the lama said, and admired his rich knowledge.

But for some reason, he seemed to sense a hidden meaning from the words of the lama in red, as if some disdain for these guys who only conquered by force and did not want to learn the essence of the advanced culture of the Han family, he turned his head and looked The bewildered eyes of many generals below showed that the lama seemed to be carrying a hint of sarcasm.

Meng Chixing couldn't help but glanced at this person, Dai Daojin seemed to sense it, and looked at him too.

The eyes of the two met, and then they staggered away.

Temujin pondered over the conversation just now, and couldn't help sighing: "The culture of the Central Plains is really extensive and profound. His Holiness studies heaven and man, and he studies it so intensively, which is admirable."

Dai Daojin returned to his seat, and smiled slightly upon hearing this.

Next, of course, it is not over, Yi Xue, Buddhism, astronomy and calendar, etc., are all consulted by him.

Dai Daojin did not refuse anyone who came, easily defusing the opponent's offensive, and subdued the opponent with more profound knowledge.

Everyone present, after many years, still can't forget how that figure in red has a beautiful chest and wisdom like a heavenly man.

Because at this moment, everyone present felt that compared with the other party, they were illiterate.

Finally, Temujin sighed, "Your Majesty is really the Holy One Hui Zhuang, the living Bashipa."

Bashiba means "sage" in Tibetan.

From then on, everyone called Dai Daojin "Bashiba" to show respect for him.

Temujin even named him "King of Tibet, Mongolian National Teacher"

Dai Daojin didn't care much about these titles and titles, and after discussing the Tibet issue with Temujin, he took Sangqing and Sangzhu and left in a hurry.

So far, the name of Bashiba, the Mongolian national teacher, has spread all over the world. It is said that he has profound wisdom, is a martial arts god, and is like a god and a devil.


After more than a month, Xiang Ji returned to the market.

Inside the pub.

Seeing that he returned safely, the old beggar breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly asked, "How is it? Did you find out?"

Xiang Ji smiled wryly and said: "I have no chance to get close to the Mongolian camp. From a distance, there are seven or eight air mechanisms that are close to me, which can threaten my life. The Mongolian cavalry patrolling the periphery are also fierce and abnormal, obviously extremely The elite royal guard."

The old beggar laughed and said: "Tiemuzhen lives in it, if you can sneak in casually, you are still needed, Taoist Huandan Taoist and other masters of the Central Plains martial arts have already picked Temujin. Heads are on the list."

Xiang Ji smiled wryly and took a sip of wine.

The old beggar said with a smile: "You don't have to be depressed, the person you want to inquire about has already been famous all over the world within this month."

Xiang Ji was taken aback, he had been sneaking carefully for a month, and hadn't come into contact with any news from Jiang Hu.

The old beggar took a sip of his wine and said in a low voice: "The monk in red is now the national teacher of Mongolia, called Bashiba. According to the news, Temujin made him the king of Tibet. He is a very powerful person. People don't know the depth, so it's better not to provoke them."

Thinking to Ji Yanlu, he nodded slowly.

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