
Dai Daojin was wearing unlined clothes, with black hair and a shawl, and his feet stepped on the snow, making creaking sounds.

He was heading east, and he wanted to go to the Central Plains.

Except for that strand of hair, his overall appearance has not changed, but because of his introverted spirit, his temperament has become much more ordinary.

At this time, he looked no longer the aloof king of Tibet, the Mongolian national teacher and the god of the Brada Palace, but more like a son of a wealthy family, with white and clean eyes and gentle eyes.

Even those who have seen him before may not be able to recognize him for a while.

Sometimes, a change in a person's temperament can really change the whole person.

At this time, if there is any difference between him and ordinary young people, it may be that he is a little too handsome.


The cold wind was like a knife, and the snowflakes were lifted into the air by the wind, and then fell one after another, charming the eyes.

Dai Daojin was like an ascetic monk, walking forward step by step.

Not long after, a layer of white snow fell on the whole body, like a snowman walking on the ground.

As he walked, Dai Daojin's mind scattered in the sky and the earth, every strand of his thoughts seemed to turn into pieces of snowflakes, slowly flying around the walking person, filling the vast sky and earth, with a lively spirit.

He stepped on the ground and moved forward firmly.

Before he knew it, he forgot the time and hunger, and when he recovered, he found that the snow had stopped.

Although the snow has stopped, the wind has not stopped, the world is still chilling, and the cold wind is howling.

Dai Daojin stopped and turned his head to look around. At this time, he was standing beside a road. His clothes had already been stained with dust, and he looked a little dirty, which was caused by the wind and sand.

He didn't care. After looking around, he guessed in his heart that he should have reached the border of Gansu.

But if it is not, you have to ask others.

Thinking of this, he raised his foot and continued to walk forward.


The sound of a carriage came from behind Dai Daojin. He didn't look back, but moved to the side to make way for the carriage behind him.

In the leading carriage, one old and two young were wrapped in thick cloaks. The carriage should be specially designed. There should be a heater under the mattresses that the three of them sat on. The whole carriage is as warm as spring.

One of the girls was wearing a felt hat, with big flickering eyes, staring at a book in her hand, with her small mouth slightly opened from time to time, her eyes shining brightly, showing a look of surprise and excitement.

The old man next to him had kind eyes and looked at the girl with a smile, and the young man next to him also shook his head slightly with a smile on his face.

The girl bluffed and said: "Grandpa, brother, look at the 'Shocking Swordsman' Shui Yucheng, who wiped out nearly a hundred bandits in Huihua Township three days ago. He is really a young hero, which is admirable."

She pointed to where she got the tabloid in her hand, and told the other two people in the carriage what she had discovered in a startled manner. She was already lively and agile, and she made such an expression at this time, which was even more adorable.

The old man seemed to be quite doting on the girl, and nodded with a smile.

But the young man reminded his sister and said with a sneer: "Huihua Township is less than fifty miles away from here. Our family also has a semicolon there. I have never heard of any bandits, and they are close to a hundred. I guess they are some young heroes. A reputation that costs a lot of money."

Hearing this, the girl was very dissatisfied, and glared at her brother, blaming him for breaking her beautiful fantasy of a young hero.

The young man turned a blind eye, this was not the first time, he looked down at the ledger on the table.

The girl opened the curtain of the carriage, and angrily threw the tabloid in her hand out.

Dai Daojin suddenly stopped his feet and looked down at the rough tabloid.

"Wow..." The cold wind blew, and the tabloids were about to fly away.

Dai Daojin grabbed it, spread it out in his hands, stared at a name on the tabloid, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and murmured: "The best hand in the world, Bei Shengtian..."

The center of my mind was spinning, and a place came to my mind.

Jing Yan Palace!

Before he could think about it, a tightly wrapped middle-aged man in a green coat and hat walked towards him.

Dai Daojin held the tabloid in his hand and looked at the man calmly.

The middle-aged man was originally quite imposing, with the Shen family standing behind him, not to mention being arrogant, but he couldn't weaken the Shen family's momentum, but seeing the calm eyes of this man, he couldn't help feeling guilty.

The words changed when the words came to his lips, and he said politely: "Brother, my lady accidentally left this tabloid outside the car, and ordered me to come and retrieve it."

Dai Daojin looked behind him, and sure enough the convoy had stopped, as if he was really waiting for the middle-aged man to retrieve the tabloid.

He casually handed the tabloid to this person, ignored him, and walked forward.

The middle-aged man hurriedly took it, turned his head to look at the man's back, frowned, then shook his head, put it behind him, turned around and trotted away to the leading carriage.

"Dong dong..."

The curtain of the carriage was pulled open, revealing a pretty face, and said with a smile, "Uncle Li, something?" He stretched out a small hand while speaking.

It turned out that after she threw away the tabloid, she regretted it a little. She hadn't finished reading it yet, and it would take several hours to get to the town ahead. She still had to rely on this book to pass the time, so she asked someone to pick it up.

Uncle Li smiled and handed the tabloid to her, his eyes moved back and landed on the old man, but he said: "Master..."

The old man in the carriage looked surprised, and said, "What's the matter?"

Uncle Li hesitated for a while, but still told what happened just now.

Hearing this, the old man showed his thoughts. This middle-aged man has been with the boss of the Shen family for more than ten years. His eyes are not poisonous. He leans against the Shen family. ?

The old man was still thinking, but the girl was already full of excitement. She quickly jumped out of the carriage, looked forward, and said, "Where is the person? Where is the person?"

Meeting an expert on the road, this is the standard plot of the stories circulated in the rivers and lakes, how can I not make the girl excited when I meet today.

Seeing the figure who had already walked to the front of the convoy, the girl lifted her hem and ran forward.

The old man and the young man in the car were startled, and immediately said: "Hurry up and follow."

Uncle Li hurriedly greeted him, called the two guards of the convoy, and hurriedly followed.

Dai Daojin walked forward by himself, naturally aware of the footsteps behind him, but he didn't care.

After a while, a gust of fragrant wind drifted by.

Immediately, a pretty face of happiness and anger appeared in front of him, blocking his way.

Because the person opposite was too tall, Shen Yaojing had no choice but to look up at him, and seeing this person's handsome face, she couldn't help being fascinated for a while.

Her eyes sparkled, staring straight at Dai Daojin.

Dai Daojin frowned, and said softly: "Little girl, what do you do?"

Shen Yaojing came back to her senses, knowing that it was quite polite for her to stare at a man like this, her pretty face blushed, but her eyes were still excited, an expert is an expert, and in such a cold day, she was only wearing a single shirt.

"Sir, what's your name?"

Dai Daojin was stunned and quite speechless.

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