The large reception tent is like a spacious palace, which accommodates nearly 20 people, but there is no sense of being crowded or stuffy.

As the host, Temujin took the upper seat in the center, Dai Daojin sat next to him, and on the two sides below were Mongolian high-ranking officials.

Everyone looked in the direction of the two and sat upright.

Temujin smiled and said, "Earlier I heard that His Holiness is endowed with extraordinary talents and wisdom, so I asked Borhu to invite His Holiness to come and talk about it."

Dai Daojin smiled lightly and said, "Big sweat is too much."

Temujin shook his head and smiled and said, "No, no, since Boerhu returned to Mongolia and told the story of His Holiness, many people in my tent have admired His Holiness for a long time, and they want to see the extraordinaryness of His Holiness. place."

As soon as the words fell, Bor suddenly came out and said: "Since the last farewell, I haven't seen the venerable for a year, and you will be fine."

Dai Daojin turned his head to look at him. He was dressed in armor. His figure and appearance did not change from when we met last year, but his temperament became more refined, his aura was concentrated, and the light in his eyes opened and closed. It was obvious that his martial arts had improved a lot compared to last year.

Dai Daojin said with a smile: "General Boerhu's skill is becoming more and more profound, gratifying and congratulatory."

Bor suddenly clenched his right fist and put it on his left chest, bowed and said, "Thank you, Your Honor." If it wasn't for the mental training that year, and after he subdued his inner demons, his skill would not have grown so fast.

Fortune and misfortune depend on each other, that's it.

Dai Daojin nodded with a faint smile, he did it at random back then, and this person's aptitude is not bad, otherwise it would not be a chance, Boer suddenly overwhelmed his fear, and his skills would naturally improve to a higher level, but on the contrary, if the will is not firm, It is inevitable that martial arts will stagnate, and there may even be a risk of retrogression.

Although Boerhu overcame his fear of Dai Daojin, he still held in awe of Dai Daojin's unfathomable martial arts.

At this time, Temujin smiled and said: "My lord, I heard from Borhu that your lord's martial arts are also extraordinary, and it happens that there is a person beside me, who is the number one master in my Mongolia. Today, there are two amazing people who are amazing. When we meet, if we can learn from each other, it will definitely be a good story afterwards."

The lowered eyes of Meng Chixing who was beside him opened slightly, and there was a glimmer of light in them.

When Dai Daojin heard the name Meng Chixing, his eyes flashed, his heart moved slightly, and then he smiled lightly and said: "Since Da Khan has this intention, he should obey his orders."

Temujin laughed and said, "Okay."

Turning around to look at Meng Chixing, he said: "Meng Chixing, the venerable is a guest from afar, and we will compete in martial arts, so we must not hurt our peace."

Meng Chixing bowed and said, "Yes, sweat."

Everyone stepped out of the tent one after another, wanting to watch this earth-shattering duel.

Dai Daojin and Meng Chixing looked at each other, waved their hands at the same time and said, "Please."

The two raised their feet and walked forward at the same time, and everyone couldn't help but stare at their figures.

At some point, the weather was originally sunny, but the wind gradually blew up, making everyone's clothes rattle.

On the other hand, the two standing opposite each other seemed to have an invisible barrier around them, preventing the wind from blowing, and their clothes remained motionless.

One of them was wearing a red cassock, the other was wearing a tight-fitting black dress. Both of them were tall and majestic.

Dai Daojin clasped his hands together, his eyes were calm, his fair and translucent complexion gleamed with shimmering light, which had a sense of detachment and refinement, not like ordinary people.

Meng Chixing's eyes are blue like a deep lake, like two precious jades wrapped in the night. He is naked, with a straight nose and sharp corners of his lips, showing extraordinary perseverance and determination. He is dressed in black and has white skin. , the contrast is strong.

Both of them are dragons among men, but their temperaments are completely different.

If it is said that Dai Daojin at this time is an unfathomable deep pool, the water surface is still without waves, and he does not know what kind of earth-shattering power is hidden in it, then Meng Chixing is like that violent tornado, with a terrifying momentum.

Meng Chixing's eyes were sharp like blades, and he clenched his fists, locking the figure in red with all his energy.

Dai Daojin was smiling, unaware of the sweeping momentum, like a flat boat on the undulating sea, ups and downs, but always floating steadily on the water.

The aura of Meng Chixing's body became more and more intense, and the skill of his whole body was concentrated, as if an arrow was on the string, and it seemed that a thunderbolt would strike at any moment.

The people watching the battle not far away seemed to have a stone on their hearts, and they were extremely depressed, and they couldn't help but retreated a little.

Boer suddenly looked at Meng Chixing's expression, and frowned slightly, feeling a little bad in his heart.

Meng Chixing's face turned blue and white, he initially sensed the opponent's flaws mentally, and tried to strike a thunderbolt, but at the beginning, he found that the monk in red was full of flaws, he was vigilant and did not dare to attack him. Move rashly, but the strength has been accumulated, and it has reached the time when it has to be used, and delaying it will be very harmful to oneself.

But just when he wanted to boldly choose a flaw to attack, he suddenly found that the opponent's whole body flaws disappeared, and the source was one, without any flaws.

This change, coupled with the accumulation of blows all over the body, which cannot be vented, made my heart extremely depressed, and my spirit suddenly became dry.


Meng Chixing's pale complexion looked much better after spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Before he could make a move, Meng Chixing vomited blood and was injured.

The Mongolian high-ranking onlookers turned pale with shock, and their faces were a little ugly. They had no doubts about Meng Chixing's martial arts, and he was the number one master in Mongolia, but they did not expect this result.

In the crowd, Sang Qing and Sang Zhu, the two brainless fans, looked like they were taking it for granted.

Even if their venerable ascended immediately, they would only be happy, kneeling on the ground with fanaticism to see him off.

Dai Daojin clasped his hands together and smiled lightly: "A martial arts competition is not a fight to the death, let's stop here."

Meng Chixing was expressionless, showing no attitude.

"Haha, yes, yes, it really is an eye-opener." Temujin laughed and walked over, followed by everyone.

Temujin looked at Meng Chixing and said with concern: "It's all right."

Meng Chixing's expression remained unchanged, and he shook his head slightly.

Dai Daojin was at the side, smiling and not saying a word. In fact, Meng Chixing hadn't grown up at this time, and he naturally had no chance of winning against him.

Next, Temujin invited Dai Daojin back to the big tent, accompanied by everyone.

The people are seated.

Temujin clapped his hands, and a group of beautiful maids filed in, and all kinds of gourmet delicacies were delivered to the big tent, including meat and vegetables, and there were many rare treasures.

Temujin raised his glass and looked at Dai Daojin, saying: "Please."

Dai Daojin toasted, "Please."

After drinking for three rounds, among the people sitting below, there was a short, stout old man with big rough hands and bright eyes. At this moment, he got up and walked to the center, bowed and said, "Damn Khan, I have heard that His Holiness is proficient in astronomy and calendar, Fengshui geography, classics and history collections, civil engineering and five elements, and his wisdom is as deep as the sea. Xian, I want to ask a question or two."

The high-ranking Mongolian officials, who had been a little depressed because of Meng Chixing's defeat, were refreshed at this time, and they couldn't help but look forward to it.

Others don't know, but they do know that this stout old man is Bu Honghou, a well-known master of civil engineering in the world. He once competed with Bei Shengtian, the number one expert in the world. Also dare not underestimate.

Temujin looked at Dai Daojin, "This..."

Bu Honghou bowed again: "Please the Great Khan, and please the Venerable."

Dai Daojin had a half-smile on his face. He knew the intentions of these people clearly. His actions were related to the true ownership of Tibet, and involved all aspects of interests. The contest between the two parties had already begun when he stepped into the Mongolian camp.

He glanced at the old man standing below again, and nodded with a smile: "Of course."

A civil dog, let the horse come over.

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