A year later, on the grasslands in the north, it was midsummer at this time, with green grass and scorching sun hanging in the air.

In the vast grassland, there are few people.

At the end of the road, three figures appeared. The leader was wearing a red cassock and striding forward. It was Dai Daojin who was going to Mongolia for an appointment.

He didn't bring too many people with him on this trip, only Sang Zhu and Sang Qing.

The three of them traveled by foot to Mongolia.

Behind them, Sang Zhu and Sang Qing, with strong bodies and bulging monk robes, with glints in their eyes, obviously good at martial arts, silently followed behind Dai Daojin, looking around from time to time with vigilance.

Dai Daojin's face was calm, and his steps were not fast, but if he was careful, he would find that his feet were not solid every time he stepped on the ground, and there was always a gap between the soles of his feet and the ground. There was a cyclone that was constantly arising and passing away, lifting him up.

The scorching sun shone on the three of them, but there was not even a trace of sweat.

Not long after, bustling voices came from ahead.

Dai Daojin glanced around, but found a market on the grassland.

After thinking about it, he didn't eat for ten days and half a month, it's not a serious problem, considering that the two people behind him still need to eat to replenish their strength, so he said softly: "Sang Zhu, Sang Qing, go to the front and take a rest, eat A potluck."

Sang Zhu and Sang Qing clasped their hands together and said respectfully, "Yes, Your Honor."

Although this market is located outside the customs, it is quite lively with people coming and going. Many caravans from Mongolia and the south are resting here and exchanging items.

The three of them walked into the market, and the crowd around them suddenly fell silent.

Some people are born extraordinary, like lights in the dark, they are extremely dazzling, and they will attract everyone's attention when they stand there, and Dai Daojin is such a person at this time.

The tall body is like a white jade sculpture, the complexion is white and rosy, and the eyes are unfathomable, but they reveal a sense of compassion, as if the Buddha who walks the world in order to save the world, but he is wearing a red cassock. Strange charm, with a posture that is superior to all living beings.

Dai Daojin's complexion remained unchanged, and he continued to walk forward without being aware of the eyes of the people around him.

Sang Qing and Sang Zhu were not surprised. They even felt that this was normal. When their gods came here, these mortals should kneel down to greet him and stare straight at him. That would be disrespectful. Be magnanimous, don't care about these people.

In a tavern not far away, a thin man and a patched beggar got together, looking solemnly in the direction of the monk in red.

The two looked at each other with horror in their eyes.

A skinny man with long arms and legs and bright eyes said in a low voice, "Old beggar, this guy came from there, why haven't I heard of it?"

The beggar squinted his eyes and shook his head: "You inquired about Ji's "Ghost Stealth Technique", which is the best in the world. You don't even know it. How could my old beggar know?"

"But judging by the way the three are dressed, they should be lamas from the Western Regions."

Xiang Ji frowned, "A lama from the Western Regions? Don't you want to go to Mengren after passing here?"

The old beggar shook his head: "I don't know about that."

Xiang Ji was a little worried, and said in a deep voice: "Meng is already powerful, and his martial arts are unfathomable. If he joins Meng Ting, his future life will be even more difficult."

The old beggar also sighed.

Just now, the two of them stood not far away, using their spiritual perception, but they only felt their own spiritual power, like a mud cow entering the sea, disappearing, and wanted to find out again, but felt a chill in their hearts, it was a warning sign before danger came, and the two of them did not agree. Dare to make another move.

Xiang Ji's eyes were fixed, and he had a decision, and said: "No, if the Meng people have some tricks to deal with us, it will be too late."

The old beggar was surprised: "You want to follow up?"

Xiang Ji nodded.

The old beggar shouted decisively: "No, your wife just gave birth to a son for you. You can't let this child lose his father at birth."

Xiang Ji looked calm and fearless, just thinking of his wife and newborn son, a trace of tenderness and guilt flashed in his eyes, but then turned into firmness, and said lightly: "You don't need to persuade me, I have made up my mind."

The old beggar was silent and sighed inwardly.


Under the reflection of the Lingtai, Dai Daojin already knew about the spying of the two of them.

But he didn't care, there are dragons and snakes mixed here, there are people from all schools and schools, and it's normal for hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

He felt that on the way he walked into this inn, there were at least seven or eight qi machines sensing him, two or three of which were not weak in martial arts.

At his level, if he can get a good evaluation from him, he can already be called a top master in the arena.

Dai Daojin sat down, and Sang Qing and Sang Zhu sat at the table next to him.

Dai Daojin didn't say anything about sitting together, just like he didn't tell the other party not to do so when he received a big ceremony in the Potala Palace.

This is the way of the emperor, and it is also a tradition with its own unique principles, so there is no need for him to break it.

The tea is light blue in color and has a faint tea fragrance.

Dai Daojin picked up the teacup and took a sip. It wasn't good tea, and he wasn't a good tea person either, so he didn't mind.

The originally lively lobby of the inn became much quieter after Dai Daojin walked in. When some people talked, they whispered in low voices.

Dai Daojin pondered in his mind, in ancient times, there were caves and blessed places, Taoist temples, and spiritual heavens, which were the places where those with great powers lived. In other words, once a person has cultivated to a certain level, he can change the surrounding Magnetic field, changing the surrounding Feng Shui.

Dai Daojin thought about his own situation, and thought to himself: It's interesting.

With his current state, the naturally leaking spiritual aura is far from being able to change the feng shui climate, but it affects the mental state of the people around him.

It is quite a bit like "where I am, I am the spiritual heaven".

After a short rest, the three left the town and continued on their way.

Dai Daojin was rushing on the road, when suddenly his heart moved, and his spirit sensed that there were three little tails behind him. It can be seen that there are still many people in the town who are interested in him as a person who came out.

He smiled lightly, didn't care, and continued on his way.

Sang Zhu and Sang Qing didn't realize it, they still followed the Venerable's footsteps.

There was nothing unusual about the three people behind them, each using their own means to follow the red figure from a distance.


The sky is blue, the sun is shining, a place in the grassland.


The sound of ram's horns can be heard far away.


The drumstick hit the cowhide drum hard, making a dull sound.

Dai Daojin stands tall, with a faint smile on his face, looking at Temujin like a lion, followed by powerful generals, all of them with bright eyes, he is no ordinary person.

When the sound of drums and horns stopped, Dai Daojin and Temujin raised their feet and moved forward.

Tiemu Shen laughed loudly, "Welcome Your Majesty."

Dai Daojin clasped his hands together and said with a smile, "Thank you, Great Khan, for your hospitality." Out of the corner of his eyes, he glanced at a young guard standing with Temujin.

Temujin smiled and said, "It's the right way to welcome His Holiness, please."

Dai Daojin smiled and said, "Khan, please."

The two then walked together.

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