The martial arts of the heavens start from Wudang

Chapter 367 "Blood Nerves"

The suburban guards in Beijing, where the camp is located.

From a long distance, one could clearly feel a huge bloody aura hovering over the barracks, condensed and not dispersed.

But if you look carefully, you will find that the current camp is much smaller than before.In the past, there were [-] guards in the capital in this guard, and the camp occupied a large area.

But now, it is much smaller.

That's because there are only 3 people in the current guard.

In the square, three thousand soldiers sat silently on the ground, the blood on their heads was thicker, the sun was shining brightly, but the wind was blowing here, making people chill.

The 3000 people seem to be one body, breathing and breathing, as if at the same time, contains a wonderful law.

Get closer, and the sound of sea water washing seems to come from your ears, and that sound seems to impact on your heart, making you feel depressed and uncomfortable.

General Zhu stood on the high platform and looked at the 3000 people below with satisfaction.

These 3000 people are the best of the best, selected from among the 10 people, and the best of the best are selected.

This power is enough to frighten any people in the Jianghu. Put it on the battlefield, it will be invincible.

Looking at these people, he looked smug and remembered an incident three months ago.

Three months ago, Chuuxue, the west gate of Wanmei Villa, and Ye Gucheng, the lord of Baiyun City, made a war agreement. On the night of the full moon, on the top of the Forbidden City, with a sword coming from the west, immortals will fly from the sky.

The sword god confronts the sword fairy, causing a sensation in the world.

Countless ghosts and monsters gathered in the capital.

The emperor had nothing to do with such people, but General Zhu took the initiative to ask Ying to drive these lawless and contemptuous fellows out of the capital.

On the night of the full moon, General Zhu led three thousand soldiers, armored and sharp, into the front of the Palace of Supreme Harmony.

Three thousand blood cultivators, all condensed the blood, and the blood rushed to the sky.

That night, the sky was full of blood, which shocked the people in the nearby rivers and lakes to look horrified.

Even Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng were shaken by the bloody aura of the three thousand blood cultivators, unable to keep the spiritual platform clear, let alone exert their strongest strength.

The two retreated, and the Jianghu people present were in an uproar.

Since then, the name of the blood cultivator has become famous all over the world, and the power of the emperor has become more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Emperor Long Yan Dayue specially named [-] soldiers as "Dragon Guards and Blood Guards" to reward General Zhu.

This time, with this publicity, Xue Xiu stepped onto the big stage of Jianghu and was officially recognized by everyone.


Spring goes and spring comes, another year.

Knight's Island, at the attic.

Dai Daojin lowered his head and "looked" quietly at Gong Jiu. The reddish spirituality occupied his whole body, and where the internal organs were, there were only a little gold, red, black and other colors.

He watched silently, the churning pictures in his mind were constantly reorganized, then torn off, and then reorganized again, strung together into continuous pictures.

That is a person, a growing memory from infancy to adulthood.

Although it is complete, Dai Daojin still has a sense of separation and ambiguity.

He knew that there was one last thing missing, a little bit of true spirit.

Dai Daojin's silver eyes moved, and he said in a low voice, "Soon, soon, soon."

The lingering sound lingered, and the person had already walked out of the attic.

The figure flickered a few times, but after a while, the person had already arrived at the posterity.

As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the grotto, two big men walked out carrying a corpse, followed by Wu Ming.

Dai Daojin glanced down at the corpse, didn't care, looked at Wu Ming and said, "How is it?"

If someone recognizes this corpse, they will find that this person is an elder of the Western Demon Cult, who was captured to this island somehow.

Wu Ming looked a little happy, and said with a smile: ""Blood Nerve" is almost done, but the ninth floor is still in the guessing stage, and it cannot be tested."

Dai Daojin also showed a hint of a smile, and said with a smile: "It's okay, enough."

Wu Ming said with a smile: "This "Blood Nerve" was able to be created. It took the two of us several years of hard work and exhaustion, and even 98 masters of the rivers and lakes died. It is the supreme method of the blood element cultivation system, the general outline of blood cultivation. "

"Are you really willing to spread it to the rivers and lakes and become a popular commodity?"

Dai Daojin's silver eyes flashed with brilliance, strange light flickered, and he said with a smile: "I had to wait at least seven or eight years for the spread of "The Twelve Forms of the Blood God". Who would have thought that the imperial court would help us out, and now the seeds are enough."

"The "Twelve Forms of the Blood God" can no longer satisfy their cultivation, and there is no way forward. As the Dharma preachers, we must take the initiative to offer them the guiding truth."

"The emergence of "Blood Nerves" is enough to make the top masters in blood cultivation appear, which can compete with the true energy cultivation system."

Wu Ming sighed, and said: "Unfortunately, although the blood element cultivation system and the true energy cultivation system can be cultivated at the same time after improvement, the simultaneous cultivation of the two will inevitably lead to slow progress. It is better to practice only one to make it faster."

Dai Daojin said with a smile: "It's not perfect, it's good enough."


Three months later, "Blood Nerves", an upgraded version of "Twelve Forms of the Blood God", began to spread throughout the world.

It not only records the further method of the blood element cultivation system, but also avoids it.

What attracted the attention of the major sects was an article in it, which described how to cultivate blood essence and true energy at the same time.

All blood cultivators in the world celebrate.

The court reacted very quickly, and got the "Blood Nerve" immediately.

In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the emperor sits high.

Standing with His Highness were General Zhu, Wei Ziyun, Commander of the Ouchi, and Li Jiang, Commander of Jin Yiwei.

The emperor said: "Commander Li, how is the investigation going?"

Li Tian knelt down on the ground: "Reporting to Your Majesty, this subordinate is incompetent and has not been able to find out the source of this sutra. Every time I find a place, the place where it is located has been emptied."

The emperor frowned and said: "This force is extremely secretive. I don't know what purpose it has. Continue to investigate."

Li Tian cupped his hands and said: "Yes, the minister is in command."

The emperor looked at Wei Ziyun: "Commander Wei, how about this method?"

Wei Ziyun is the head of the four major commanders in the Ouchi. He is over fifty years old, but he is no different from a 30-year-old middle-aged man, which shows that his internal strength is extremely deep.

He cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, this "Blood Nerve" is beyond the imagination of the predecessors. It is really exquisite, and it will also resonate with the spirit and soul after practicing it, and it will feed back and strengthen the mind. It is really wonderful."

The emperor said: "Even so, you have to be careful. After you go down, you should try it first, find some people to practice it, and if there is no problem, then hand it over to General Zhu and pass it down among the dragon guards."

Wei Ziyun and General Zhu cupped their hands and said, "Yes, Your Majesty."

The emperor said again: "General Zhu, half a year ago I asked you to send [-] out of the [-] troops to the north to test their quality. What's the result?"

General Zhu said with a smile: "Thanks to Your Majesty's blessings, these 1 ministers will cooperate with General Bian Zhenxia's 10 horses to smash the enemy's [-] cavalry and behead more than [-]."

The emperor was overjoyed and said with a smile, "Okay."

General Zhu frowned and said, "However, according to the news I got, those people in the north also got the "Twelve Forms of the Blood God". However, due to their lack of supplies, they have trained less than 5000 people in total."

The emperor snorted coldly, but he was also helpless, the territory of Ming Dynasty was vast, and the "Twelve Forms of the Blood God" was widely spread, so he couldn't guarantee that the barbarians in the north would not get it.

I had no choice but to say: "I have entrusted this army to you, don't let me down."

General Zhu bowed and said, "Yes."

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