Dai Daojin's silver eyes flashed, he noticed Lu Xiaofeng's strangeness, and said with a smile: "Lu Xiaofeng, do you recognize me?"

Lu Xiaofeng put away his thoughts and said with a smile: "Big Island Master, do you recognize me?"

Dai Daojin shook his head: "I don't know."

Lu Xiaofeng also shook his head: "I don't know either."

Dai Daojin laughed, "It doesn't matter if you don't recognize me, I do now."

Then, he waved his hand and said, "Everyone, please sit down."

Both sides of the long table were filled with chairs, eight people, four on each side, and Dai Daojin and Wu Ming sat at the two ends.

Dai Daojin leaned on the back of his chair and glanced at everyone, his mind was lively and lively, sensing the strength of everyone, he was secretly satisfied.

He laughed and said: "It's a little presumptuous to invite you all to come here, but I am really impressed by your names. There are some good things that are not exclusive to me, and I want to share them with everyone, so I kindly come here."

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and said: "Big Island Master, could it be that you invited everyone here to drink beef soup?"

Dai Daojin's face turned cold, and he said calmly: "Lu Xiaofeng, I don't think I invited you."

Lu Xiaofeng's face froze, he thought to himself that this person is really strange, he turned his face when he said he would turn his back on him, rubbed his nose and said with a sneer: "The visitor is a guest, the big island master doesn't have to do that."

Dai Daojin's complexion changed, and he said with a smile: "It makes sense."

When he was done, he clapped his hands.

Immediately, a group of nine maids came in, and each maid put a bowl of beef soup in front of everyone present, except Lu Xiaofeng and Wu Ming.

From the bowl in front of Lu Xiaofeng was the aroma of wine, a bowl of fine wine.

Immediately, the entire hall was enveloped by the smell of beef soup, which tantalized people's appetite.

Lu Xiaofeng looked at his own bowl, and then at other people's bowls, with a wry smile, saying that it really wasn't there.

The faces of the others were slightly blue, and they looked down at the bowl in front of them.

The beef soup in the bowl was fragrant, but the color was strange, bright red like blood.

Dai Daojin picked up the spoon and gently stirred the beef soup in the bowl, making a crisp sound of collision with the bowl from time to time.

He took a sip and looked up to see that everyone was still.

Can't help laughing: "Drink, everyone, I ordered someone to cook this specially, and added some nourishing medicinal materials, it tastes very good."

He took another sip, but no one moved.

Dai Daojin's face paled, his silver eyes shone slightly, and he said lightly: "You only have one chance, you should seize it well."

Immediately, he ignored them and drank the beef soup in front of him.

In the entire hall, the only sound left was the sound of him drinking soup.

The atmosphere became more and more oppressive, making everyone a little breathless.

Gongsun Lan couldn't help looking at Lu Xiaofeng, and found that Lu Xiaofeng was staring at the big island owner.

Lu Xiaofeng's senses were extremely keen, and he noticed that as the amount of beef soup in the bowl of the big island owner became less and less, the downcast eyes of the big island owner became more and more cold.

At this moment, he found that there was only soup base left in the other party's porcelain bowl.

Turning around immediately, he whispered to Gongsun Lan next to him, "Eat."

Gongsun Lan didn't say anything, and regardless of her ladylike temperament, she picked up the bowl and drank with her head held high.

The others were not stupid, and immediately followed suit.

In the hall, there was a sound of drinking soup.


Dai Daojin put down his spoon and watched everyone drinking beef soup with a smile.

After a while, everyone finished drinking and put down their bowls, all of them had strange expressions on their faces, with a rather tragic feeling.

Dai Daojin smiled and said: "You don't have to do this, if I want to kill you, there is no need to go to such trouble and waste poison."

When everyone thought about it, it was indeed the reason, and they couldn't help but look a lot better.

Dai Daojin suddenly turned cold, looked at Lu Xiaofeng, and said coldly: "Lu Xiaofeng, if you don't eat the toast, will you be fined?"

Lu Xiaofeng lowered his head, only to realize that he was patronizing Gongsun Lan and beef soup just now, but he forgot the bowl of wine in front of him, and took it up with a wry smile and drank it down.


He fell headlong on the long table.

Everyone was shocked, especially Gongsun Lan became anxious and shouted: "You..."

Dai Daojin waved his hand and said with a smile, "Don't worry, he's just in a coma. He's not suitable for the next thing."

Gongsun Lan checked and found that it was indeed the case, so she was relieved.

After Dai Daojin asked Lu Xiaofeng to be sent back to the guest room, he smiled at the rest of the people: "The beef soup is just an appetizer, and the main course is next, please go ahead."

Everyone had such an expression on their faces, they got up and walked out.

People are knives, I am fish, they can only follow suit.

This time, the people who guided them became Yue Yang and He Shangshu.

Dai Daojin and Wu Ming looked at the crowd going to the back mountain with different expressions.

Wu Ming said: "I hope it will be useful."

Dai Daojin's silver eyes were strange, and he said lightly: "It will be useful."

In the Invisible Man organization, apart from those who were killed by Dai Daojin on the spot, together with Yue Yang and He Shangshu, there are still eight people left.

Others, because they practiced blood essence and true qi at the same time, conflicted with each other and went mad and died.

The development of a martial arts system will inevitably require trial and error, and the samples of trial and error must not be too small.

Dai Daojin and Wu Ming are too special. With their martial arts reserves, they will consciously avoid mistakes, but they cannot effectively summarize the mistakes that may occur during the cultivation of the blood element system.

Then the method created by the two of them will definitely not be applicable to everyone.

This is not what they want.

So they need these inner masters to try and make mistakes, intending to find a method that can accommodate the blood element cultivation system and the true qi cultivation system.


When Lu Xiaofeng woke up again, he found that he was already in the fox's den.

Lu Xiaofeng walked to the beach, frowning and looking at the vast sea.

He is not a person who goes to sea often, so even if he has been to the location of a small island in the sea once, there is no guarantee that he can find it again.

But he still had to try.

Lu Xiaofeng took a deep breath, turned and left.

He is going to find the old fox, an old captain of this port, a treacherous and greedy fox.

However, this time he was wrong.

Not only the old fox refused to accept his money, but all the boats refused to accept his work.

He is a little helpless, but here he lacks friends who can help him.

So he decided to return to the Central Plains and find someone to help.

However, he searched for it for two years.

In the past two years, he also went out to sea by boat, but he failed to find the small island.

The island seemed to have disappeared.

He still didn't give up, he was waiting, waiting for Xia Kedao to send someone to invite the masters from the Central Plains to go to the island to drink beef soup.

In the past two years, too many things have happened in Jianghu.

"The Twelve Forms of the Blood God" is still not restrained, and blood repair masters emerge in endlessly.

Well, people in the Jianghu refer to these martial artists who practice the "Twelve Forms of the Blood God" as blood cultivators.

Gradually, Xuexiu has become a force that cannot be ignored in the arena.

People are gradually getting used to the method of cultivating blood and condensing blood essence in addition to the true qi cultivation system, so as to become a master.

Those who practice martial arts have one more choice.

Even if they couldn't help it, the major factions were still suppressing the blood cultivators, because they found that the blood cultivators had already had an impact on their status.

It's not that they don't want to practice the "Twelve Forms of the Blood God", but that they stopped after a series of internal masters practiced and died suddenly.

However, they found that although the blood cultivators were fast-moving, they couldn't become top masters. After a little relief, the various sects were also trying to study the "Twelve Forms of the Blood God" in private, trying to integrate with their own true energy cultivation and complement each other.

They discovered that the blood element training system is not useless, and there are also many commendable things.

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