The martial arts of the heavens start from Wudang

Chapter 368 Profound Entrance 1 Orifice

Knight Island, by the sea.

Dai Daojin held Jiang Shaman's waist, looking at the vast sea with endless blue waves.

Smelling the delicate fragrance of the beautiful woman beside him, Dai Daojin raised his hand to caress her hair that was tousled by the sea breeze.

After a while, Dai Daojin said softly, "Go back."

Jiang Shaman nodded docilely. This stunner-like woman has adapted to such a life and began to enjoy it a little.

After all, this man is not bad to himself.

After letting Jiang Shaman go back, Dai Daojin turned and went back to the Houshan Grottoes.

There are still seven people in the grotto.

In the past few years, Dai Daojin felt that it was too troublesome to invite people to drink beef soup with great fanfare, so he directly snatched the masters of the rivers and lakes from the Central Plains and used them as resources for experiments.

Otherwise, "Blood Nerve" would not have been created in two years.

So far, after coming and going in the grotto, there are only seven people left.

Dai Daojin raised his foot and walked in. In the grotto, six men and one woman were meditating with their eyes closed.

The only woman is Gongsun Lan, the leader of the red shoes.

When these seven people were meditating, their bodies were full of qi and blood, which condensed and did not disperse. It was obvious that the qi and blood had been condensed into blood yuan, and they had practiced "blood nerves", so their postures were no different from ordinary people.

Even the Eighteen King Kongs have returned to their normal appearance now.

In addition, Dai Daojin's spirit clearly sensed that besides the blood power in the blood vessels of these seven people flowing slowly, the true energy in the meridians was even more like a big river, which was abnormally deep.

Feeling the familiarity of spirituality emanating from the blood in the blood vessels of these seven people, Dai Daojin smiled slightly.

Moreover, his mental perception was extremely delicate, and he clearly felt that in just a short while, the spirituality of the blood in the blood vessels of the seven people began to gradually penetrate deeper into the body.

He felt it for a while, then turned and left.

The seven people in the grotto obviously possessed both blood and true energy, and their martial arts were extremely high, but they turned a blind eye to Dai Daojin's comings and goings.

And on the surrounding stone walls, at some point, due to the erosion and corrosion of the energy and blood of many people here, the stone walls are soft, the energy collides, cracks are everywhere, most of them are blurred, and the original appearance has long been unclear.

Dai Daojin went back to the attic and had dinner.

At night, the moonlight outside the window is cold and mysterious.

He sat on the chair in front of the bed where Gong Jiu was lying, his silvery white eyes flickered slightly, looking at the person on the bed.

After a while, Dai Daojin turned his head to look at the moonlight outside the window, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his heart, the day when it will happen is tonight.

He slowly closed his eyes, his mind was silent to Nebula, and the power of his mind was fully opened, flowing out, filling the whole room, and then gathering towards Gong Jiu at the same time.

In his perception, the endless reddish spirituality filled his "self". In the reddish center, a little bit of red, gold and black remained, and he used his own power to charge lightly.

Immediately, the red, gold, and black spots disappeared, and all turned into reddish, and then became chaotic, and suddenly returned to red, gold, and black.

Deep in Dai Daojin's heart, he seemed to have broken free from some shackles, and seemed to have gained something, which gave him a sense of completeness.

Yes, it is consummation.

At the same time, in his main body, the true energy of the Hua family's inner strength, within a few breaths, was completely transformed into the true energy of the "Yin Yang Jing", and his body was even more radiant, like jade.

Deep in his mind, Xingyun was generous and radiant, while Huamanlou in the corner trembled slightly.

The vital energy in the dantian is surging, accumulating deeper and deeper, this strong stored vitality rushes up the governor channel to the upper dantian, and then the opening and closing of the hair orifices of the whole body correspond to the breathing.

At such a time, when the fire is satisfied, the emptiness is extremely quiet, faint, and in a trance, when he seems to be asleep and still asleep, Dai Daojin's mind is moved.

The entrance is revealed!

A little spiritual light emerges from it, like a firefly like a star, like a fire in the wind, flickering, like a lamp in the rain, it seems to be bright and dim.

Afterwards, Dai Daojin moved his mind at will, maintaining a state of tranquility and emptiness, a calm mind, a state of mind without thoughts, worries, thoughts and desires, just like the Taoist saying "always should be always quiet and always clear".

I don't know the time or the space here, I just feel that a little real yang is enough, the six roots vibrate, and the seven orifices emit light. At this point, the porch is wide open, and the two qi of yin and yang intermingle, turning into one qi, extending the Ren meridian and descending, hidden in the return center and one orifice, without a trace , everything was silent, as if nothing had happened.

However, at this time, the true yin and true yang in the body are completely integrated, and there is no distinction between yin and yang in the body, and there is no distinction between dragons and tigers. Once the porch is opened, the orifice is opened, and hundreds of joints and hundreds of millions of cells in the whole body are revived. wake.

Dai Daojin and Gong Jiu on the bed opened their eyes at the same time.

No, it can no longer be called Gong Jiu, but Dai Daojin.

Dai Daojin on the bed sat up from the bed, and the two Dai Daojin looked at each other and smiled.

Dai Daojin smiled lightly, and only when the entrance is opened can he be considered to be on the road.

However, what made him even more satisfied was that when he opened the entrance, he devoured all the souls and spirits of the Assimilation Palace Nine, fed back himself, and turned into another self, not consciousness, but another that truly possessed three souls and seven souls. "soul".

Or it can be called "Second Soul".

Dai Daojin's thoughts turned, and his mind was scattered in the sky and the earth in an instant, and merged with the universe of the sky, the earth, and the universe. The thoughts in his mind came and went, and the speed was dozens of times faster than before.

Ordinary people's thinking and consciousness are always interrupted and cannot be absolutely continuous. Every thought and every thinking, consciousness produces a bounded space and short indeterminate time.

Therefore, there are faults in the speed of human thinking and the flow of consciousness, resulting in differences in the speed of thinking.

But now, his thinking no longer has spatial boundaries and short gaps, but has become an absolute continuous state, so his thinking speed is more than dozens of times faster than before.

Some of the previous questions, if you think about it now, you will soon be able to get the answer.

Dai Daojin stood up, under the cold moonlight, his whole body was like a statue, emitting a faint light, his eyes were like silver stars, like a standing god and demon.

With a heartbeat, there was a soft noise around the attic, as if something had left.

Those are the seven people in the grotto, who came here to protect him.

How could he not be prepared for such a big event.

Dai Daojin walked out of the attic, bathed in the moonlight, he was so ecstatic, as if he was going to fly away through the air.

He raised his eyes to look at a roof not far away, and there was a figure standing tall, and he knew it was Wu Ming.

Nodding to him, the figure slowly disappeared, like starlight dissipating.

Wu Ming stood on the roof, stood silently for a while, sighed quietly, looked up at the jade plate hanging in the sky, his eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking.


The next day, Jiang Shaman woke up leisurely, and suddenly felt that the people around him froze.

The smell was wrong, and he looked up at the person with closed eyes before heaved a sigh of relief.

He tilted his head again, closed his eyes and lay back, smelling the fragrance in his nose, a little obsessed.

Dai Daojin opened his eyes, looked at Ke Rener in his arms, and smiled slightly, but his eyes were no longer silvery white, but pitch black.

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