The martial arts of the heavens start from Wudang

Chapter 352 Is it natural or artificial?

The waves rush forward without end.

And just above the boundless blue waves, two figures stood impressively, as if they were walking on flat ground, unaffected by the ups and downs of the dark seawater beneath their feet.

On the reef by the coast, a group of more than a dozen people stood there, watching quietly.

The first one is beef soup, and the sea breeze blows her black hair, making it more charming.

Dai Daojin looked up at the scorching sun in the sky, then at the crowd watching the excitement on the bank, and then looked at the little old man in the distance.

At this moment, Wu Ming's image is completely different from his previous image. Instead of his sincerity and honesty, he now has a more indifferent sharpness. His waist is no longer bent, and he is straight.

Dai Daojin said lightly, "Let's begin."

As soon as the voice fell, the aura of the two of them rose sharply. As time passed, the aura became more and more domineering. Even the people standing on the shore could still feel the palpitations.

Under the aura of the two, the originally undulating sea level gradually became calm until it became as smooth as a mirror without the slightest ripple.

Dai Daojin's silver eyes flashed, and his figure disappeared instantly.

Wu Ming's figure didn't move, he clenched his right hand and threw it forward.


The strong wind blew out, breaking the calm sea surface, and the sea water splashed, covering the figures of the two.

The two of them changed shapes and shadows, tossed and turned, and countless unique skills were used from the two of them, without any fancy, they were all hard fists and hard palms, all of their internal strength was used, and the sea water kept blowing up, raising their heads high, It fell again with a bang, smashing out deep pits one after another.

There was another palm-to-palm, and the figures parted.

Dai Daojin stood still, turned his feet, and stirred his palms, the surrounding sea water seemed to be sucked into a thick water dragon, breaking through the water, and the water dragon turned as the figure turned.

There is a faint sound of dragon chant between the sky and the earth.

It seemed that enough power had been accumulated, and the water dragon was high-spirited, crashing towards Wu Ming.

Under this huge water dragon, Wu Ming's figure became thinner and smaller.

The eyes are full of light, the palm is stretched horizontally, like a long knife, and the figure suddenly rises vertically, soaring upwards.

On Dai Daojin's side, with his right hand forming a claw, he controlled the water dragon, and swung it towards the thin figure from bottom to top.


Wu Ming, who was in mid-air, swung his arms and slashed down suddenly. A huge saber aura burst out and slashed on the water faucet.


Affected by this counter-shock force, Wu Ming's body was raised again.

The people on the beach did not dare to blink, and stared at the two of them.

Dai Daojin also looked up at the sky.

Wu Ming swooped down from the air, his right hand suddenly doubled in size, faintly purple in color, his thumb flexed protrudingly, a bit like the mahamudra of Buddha Sect.

Dai Daojin's headband exploded, and his black hair immediately scattered in all directions, messy and flamboyant.

Staring at the swooping figure, feeling faintly suffocated, Dai Daojin murmured, "You thought your surname was Zhou."

If someone looked down from mid-air, they would be able to see that with Dai Daojin at the center, the surrounding water seemed to be under tremendous pressure, and kept running to both sides, forming a bowl-shaped pit.

Dai Daojin took a deep breath, "Nine Turns of Yin and Yang" was fully activated, his whole body was covered with jade-colored light, his muscles were like jade and his bones were like gold and iron. At the same time, the true energy in his body surged.

"Suction Dafa"

His figure sank suddenly, and the pit he was in became deeper and deeper, and then a huge seawater poured down and gathered above his head, as if forming a huge water polo, which was hollow.

Dai Daojin's eyes froze, and the seawater on the surface of the water polo moved more rapidly, gathering more seawater.

Through the water polo, Wu Ming's figure can be faintly seen.


The water polo exploded, and boundless water vapor rose.


Then there was another muffled sound, but after the water polo exploded, Dai Daojin's long-stored palm hit Wu Ming's big handprint with a bang.

Dai Daojin's body couldn't help being pressed down, and then he must have stepped on a deep reef.

The palms of the two touched and their eyes met.

The water walls on both sides suddenly squeezed towards the two of them.

The two closed their palms at the same time and jumped up.

When Wu Ming jumped out of the deep pit, his feet were like two poisonous dragons, silently pointing towards Dai Daojin's heart.

Dai Daojin's eyes were cold and silent, he gathered his fingers into a sword, and pointed at the soles of his feet.

Wu Ming felt the tingling pain coming from the soles of his feet, he retracted his feet suddenly, and went vertically.

But after such a delay, Dai Daojin was already squeezed by the boundless sea water around him, his throat was sweet, and his right hand suddenly plunged into the water wall, and when he came out again, there was an ice skate in his hand.

The deep pits converged, and the water column rose.

When the water vapor dissipated, Dai Daojin broke through the sea water.

Dai Daojin held the knife in both hands, his silver eyes were extremely cold, and he slammed it down.

"People die"

The boundless misty knife light, combined with the ubiquitous water vapor, under the sunlight, reflects colorful colors, hazy and beautiful, but under this beautiful scenery, there is boundless murderous intent hidden.

The light of the knife is like water, clear and beautiful.


A black-backed fish that was as long as an arm was scratched by the light of the knife, and it was cut into two without a sound.

The light of the knife is everywhere, but nothing can not be cut.

After cutting out with a knife, Dai Daojin stood with the knife in his hand, the ice skate in his hand glowed with a cold light.

The moisture in the sun dissipated quickly, and Wu Ming's figure appeared in front of his eyes, with a dignified expression, his arms were bare, and there were several bloodstains on them.

Wu Ming said softly: "Good sword skills."

He moved his right hand sideways, flipped his wrist, and a wave of sea water floated up silently, and it turned into a long sword when moved by his mind.

Holding the hilt with the right hand, the water on the sword body is still flowing, like a living sword.

Dai Daojin swung his skates, his silver eyes glowed, and he said calmly, "The next move is better, do you want to try it?"

Wu Ming smiled lightly and said, "Okay."

Dai Daojin no longer looked at him, his eyes were fixed on the tip of the ice skate, and the power of his mind flowed in all directions, slowly filling the world.

As the ice skate turned, Dai Daojin kept staring at the tip of the blade, his eyes moved accordingly, and said softly: "This trick is called 'ground cover'. I have never used it since I practiced it. You are the first person to see it. .”

At the same time, in the depths of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Hua Manlou's soul light group trembled slightly, and in the nebula world, the red amber-like knife tip of the bloody "speak first" also trembled slightly, as if excited.

Wu Ming held the long sword, raised his head slightly, and looked towards the sky.

I don't know when, dark clouds covered the sun, the wind and waves gradually picked up, and the wet sea breeze blew on his face, bringing a sense of coolness.

When the wind blew up, the clothes of the people on the shore rattled, blowing their eyes, and they had to squint their eyes to look at the two people on the sea.

One of the middle-aged men dressed as scribes showed horror and muttered in his mouth: "Is this natural or man-made?"

The climate at sea is changeable. One moment, the weather is clear, and the next moment it may be stormy.

Scholars have never seen martial arts that can change the natural weather and manipulate the mighty power of heaven and earth.

The people around him have never seen it either.

So no one can answer him.

As the sky turned dark, everyone couldn't help but hold their breath and looked forward, as if they were afraid that the loud voice would lead down the silver snake hidden in the dark clouds in the sky.

. m.

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