The martial arts of the heavens start from Wudang

Chapter 351 Lonely and Boring Person

Wu Ming smiled lightly and said, "Little brother doesn't have any malicious intentions. If it wasn't for that, as long as the spiritual blood penetrates into the depths of her heart and completely merges with her body, even I can't help it."

Dai Daojin asked curiously, "I don't know how Brother Wu did it?"

While the two were talking, it seemed that they didn't pay attention to the attack of the incoming person at all, which made the incoming person even more angry.

Just when Su Bai's palm brushed against Dai Daojin's body, his figure was shattered, but it was a phantom.

The visitor was startled and turned around hastily, but no one was found.

No matter whether she looked forward, backward, left, or right, she couldn't see the villain who had made her suffer for so many days.

Wu Ming looked at her and said: "It's actually very simple. Although the spiritual blood you injected into her body is too strange compared to the fresh blood in her body, you still have to rely on the fresh blood attached to her body. The two They were stuck with each other, so I simply used bloodletting to get rid of the spiritual blood."

Dai Daojin raised his eyebrows and said: "If you want to get rid of the spiritual blood, using bloodletting, I'm afraid it won't work?"

That thing is not a different kind of true energy, it is sucked out by strong internal force, the spiritual blood and the blood of the beef soup are fused, it is difficult to distinguish each other, if you want to completely eliminate it, you will almost lose half of the blood in your body, if this is the case, people will die undoubtedly.

Dai Daojin's eyes flickered slightly, "Unless..."

Wu Ming said with a smile: "As you think, the blood is lost, and it needs to be replenished."

Niu Niu Tang could only hear Dai Daojin's voice, but couldn't see him, feeling a little hairy and impatient at the same time.

Voices came from all directions, so she didn't know where she was.

Jiang Shaman, who was not far behind Wu Ming, showed horror. In her eyes, the young man with silver eyes was like a ghost at this moment, sticking weightlessly behind Beef Soup.

It was as if the beef soup was carrying this person behind his back, but the beef soup didn't feel it.

This person's lightness kung fu is so high and so strange, it's simply unimaginable.

If she saw this scene at night, she would almost think that she saw a ghost.

Dai Daojin still didn't understand, and asked, "Aren't you afraid that she will die if you give her blood transfusions like this?"

Wu Ming didn't know about the ab blood type.

Wu Ming nodded and said: "You should be saying that some people's blood can be transfused, and some people's blood cannot be transfused, right? This is indeed a troublesome matter."

Dai Daojin asked: "Then how do you solve it?"

Wu Ming said lightly: "Find more people to experiment, and you will naturally find out which person's blood is suitable."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Niu Tang was going crazy. Through Wu Ming's line of sight, she found that someone might be behind her, but every time she turned around, she couldn't see anyone.

Dai Daojin was silent for a while when he heard Wu Ming's answer, and sighed. The word "experiment" is simple to say, but I don't know how many people lost their lives.

Here, the beef soup couldn't take it anymore, so he yelled and ran away.

Dai Daojin floated to the ground and stood in front of Wu Ming, not caring about the beef soup.

He looked at this unremarkable little old man, his gentle demeanor could not conceal the indifference and ruthlessness in his nature.

Wu Ming waved his hand sideways, "Please come in."

Dai Daojin nodded with a smile, and walked into the room.

Sitting opposite each other, someone serves tea.

Wu Mingdao: "What's your name, little brother?"

Dai Daojin apologized: "Excuse me, my surname is Dai, Dai Daojin."

Wu Ming repeated it, but he didn't have any impression, and said with a smile: "It's a rare surname."

Dai Daojin said with a smile: "The name is just a code name. Even if you live a hundred years in a hurry, it's just a handful of loess. It doesn't matter."

Wu Ming said with a smile: "Brother Dai has great wisdom, no wonder he has such strength."

Dai Daojin shook his head, "The way I obtained my martial arts is a bit strange, so I don't want to say more, but Brother Wu has shocking martial arts all over the world, but he is willing to stay on this nameless island, which I don't quite understand."

Wu Ming smiled lightly and said, "What are you going out for? Drinking tea here, growing flowers, basking in the sun, it's very comfortable and comfortable."

Dai Daojin smiled and said, "It's really comfortable."

Wu Ming asked back: "Brother Dai, you have worked so hard to see the little old man, what's the matter?"

Dai Daojin didn't answer directly, but asked with a straight face: "How do you think my martial arts are, Brother Wu?"

Wu Ming pondered for a while, and said: "Although I haven't fought against you, the little old man is confident that his eyes are not bad, and he can naturally see Brother Dai's martial arts. In today's world, it is difficult to find someone who can beat you. .”

Dai Daojin knew his own family affairs, and he didn't show any pride on his face. He smiled and said: "Although I don't think about being number one in the world, but as Brother Wu said, there are too few people in the whole Jianghu who are worth fighting, except The Heavenly Flying Immortal of Ye Gucheng, the lord of Baiyun City, failed to learn the lesson, and the others are not worth mentioning."

"Brother Wu is hidden from the world, that's probably the reason. He draws his sword and looks around, but no one can take the next move. How helpless and lonely."

Wu Ming was silent after listening.

Dai Daojin took a sip of the teacup, and continued: "That's why you made fun of yourself, using these people on the island to design many robberies in various parts of the Central Plains, and gradually gained a lot of wealth. After killing people, not only must you be absolutely healthy And retreat, and absolutely leave no traces, so although there are many tools to kill, there is absolutely only one correct method!"

"It requires not only great skill, but also great planning, great wisdom and patience."

Wu Ming squinted his eyes, as if recalling something, and didn't respond to Dai Daojin telling such a confidential matter.

Dai Daojin smiled and said: "But these things can no longer satisfy you, so you thought of stealing the day."

With a flash in his eyes, Wu Ming looked at Dai Daojin and said calmly, "What do you mean?"

Dai Daojin said: "Gong Jiu, the eldest son of King Taiping, you want to assassinate the emperor, and Li Daitao will become stiff."

Wu Ming sighed, "Who the hell are you? How do you know so many things? Don't you know that if people know too much, they often live short?"

Dai Daojin smiled and said: "Yes, people know too many secrets, and they often live for a short time."

"But there is one exception."

Wu Ming said, "What's the situation?"

Dai Daojin said: "When the person who knows the secret is strong enough."

Wu Ming looked at Dai Daojin indifferently, "Do you think you have enough strength?"

Dai Daojin said affirmatively: "At least I believe that there is no one in this world who can kill me."

Wu Ming stared at him blankly, then suddenly smiled.

Dai Daojin also laughed, "You don't believe me?"

Wu Mingdao: "No, I believe it, because no one has ever dared to fool me."

Dai Daojin smiled and said: "Actually, I know that you were a little excited the moment you saw me." This is indeed true. In Dai Daojin's spiritual perception, Wu Ming is like a dull volcano, but the magma inside is beating, Seems to be driven by an eruption.

This is a martial artist's natural reaction when he encounters a strong enough opponent.

Wu Ming stood up slowly, with a gleam in his eyes, he smiled and said, "If you can beat me, you can get whatever you want."

He hadn't done anything for nearly 30 years, and the zhenqi in his body became active, as if influenced by his heart.

This is a lonely and boring person.

But now, he seems to have found something interesting again.

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