Wu Ming's whole body is highly concentrated, and he can feel the faint spiritual power in the square world.

Secretly surprised in his heart, how could this person have such a strong mental power at such a young age.


Wu Ming felt the sound of his own heartbeat, a smile appeared on his face, and the light in his eyes was frighteningly bright. An excitement that he hadn't seen in decades surged in his heart. The kind of stimulation that could threaten his life made him tremble again. .

He likes this feeling.

A warrior hides his sword and puts away his fists, because no one in this world is worthy of him holding a sword again.

How lonely and boring that is.

So he lived in seclusion on a small island outside, and recruited some people, and returned to the Central Plains to commit various undocumented crimes, in an attempt to compete with others in wisdom.

This is a game he played when he was extremely bored. God knows how much he hopes that someone can find out the truth and find him.

But so far no.

So he once again felt bored and lonely, the kind of deep-rooted feeling made him have the idea of ​​assassinating the emperor and stealing the sky for another day.

In the words of ordinary people, he was looking for excitement.

Slowly letting out a breath, Wu Ming's eyes were bright, looking at the young man with the knife in front of him.

With this exhalation, the excited mind returned to calm.

Wu Ming's eyes were slightly closed, his mind was calm, and the water sword in his right hand was still flowing. Slowly, it seemed that his whole body became one with the water sword, and slowly spread around with the sea water under his feet.

In Dai Daojin's mind, the person in front is no longer there, only a sword is floating, and the sword's intent is filled in all directions.

From time to time, the silver snake in the dark cloud poked its head out, making the world flickering bright and dark, and the sound of rumbling water under its feet made the waves get higher and higher. People overturned and sank to the bottom of the sea.


There was a sudden light between the sky and the earth, and a bolt of lightning crossed the sky, shining on the sky and the earth.

The dazzling light made everyone on the bank blink involuntarily.

But that light did not disappear, like a bridge of light across.

Everyone immediately realized that it wasn't lightning, but the light of a knife!

Under the snow-white and silver-bright knife light, the faces of all the people were whiter than the knife light.

The silver snakes in the dark clouds scurry about, and there is the sound of muffled thunder.

But immediately, a unparalleled sword light suddenly pierced out, like a beam of light, piercing a hole in the crossing sword light.

Like a black spot on a light curtain, it is extremely eye-catching.

Through that hole, everyone on the bank can see the scene on the other side of the knife light.

After a while, the knife light slowly disappeared.

Only then did everyone look down and land on the sea, only to see a wave that split in two began to gather.

The gap opened just now can be vaguely seen.

The figures of the two were still standing on the surface of the sea, but they carefully discovered that the two of them were standing on the surface of the water, and the sea water reached their heels at most, but now they had no ankles, and their shoes were completely wet.

The wind stopped and the waves stopped, the dark clouds dispersed, and the sun shone.

The ice skate in Dai Daojin's hand shattered silently, and the ice shards flew around, reflecting colorful lights.


He let go of the handle of the ice knife in his hand, and the handle fell into the sea with a bang.

Breathing out a foul breath, the paleness on his face disappeared in a flash, his complexion returned to normal, and he looked up.

Wu Ming was expressionless, with an inexplicable look in his eyes, and a dark red color spread quietly from his feet in the water.


Inside the room, two people in clean clothes sat opposite each other.

Wu Ming returned to his usual kind and sincere appearance, took a sip of tea, and said with a smile, "What do you want?"

Dai Daojin said with a smile: "There are more than a dozen top masters gathered on your island, why not let me be the owner of this island."

Wu Ming nodded in agreement, and there was no abnormality on his face. To him, these were not important.

He was just curious: "What do you want these people to do?"

Dai Daojin didn't answer his question directly, but instead asked, "What do you think of this thing?"

He stretched out his right hand, strands of blood mist condensed, and a drop of blood floated in the palm of his hand. The blood brilliance was even stronger than before, and the spirituality in it was also fuller.

Wu Ming took it and looked at it carefully, with surprise in his eyes.

Seeing that he was looking seriously, Dai Daojin moved his head closer, and said with a smile: "One person counts the disadvantages, and two people count the strengths. Let's study together and see if we can use this spiritual blood bead to create a kung fu."

"I don't have much time myself, and so far I can only make superficial use of this thing, which is far from meeting my expectations and not systematic."

When Wu Ming heard what he said, there was a hint of interest in his eyes.

But then he reacted, looked up at Dai Daojin, and asked in doubt: "You don't have much time, what do you mean?"

Dai Daojin blinked his silver eyes, and said with a smile, "You will know later."

Wu Ming nodded without asking further questions.

Next, the two started a discussion on the spiritual blood bead. While talking, they talked about other martial arts, and the two began to discuss.

Wu Ming even got the method of condensing blood and tempering mind from Dai Daojin, and began to study this spiritual blood with great interest.


Three days later, in the big house on the island.

Everyone gathered here, servants were not included, even so, there were nearly 20 people.

Wu Ming turned around and said, "These are all the people on the island." The people he mentioned meant all the masters of the rivers and lakes, the members of the invisible people he was looking for.

Dai Daojin nodded, and glanced at these people slightly. There are monks and Taoists, Confucians and vulgars, all of which are good materials.

Wu Ming smiled and said, "From today onwards, this person will be the owner of the island."

Everyone's expressions were strange, and they couldn't help looking at Dai Daojin, thinking of the terrifying knife light that day, no one spoke, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

But someone dared to say that the beef soup looked angry and said, "Why?"

Wu Ming said lightly, "Why not?"

Beef soup said loudly: "I don't agree."

Wu Mingdao: "This matter does not require your consent."

Beef Tang's chest heaved, he looked at Dai Daojin who was smiling lightly, and said, "Don't be complacent, when Brother Nine comes back, he will definitely kill you."

But she knew in her heart that this man could defeat even the little old man, and her omnipotent Ninth Brother might be useless if he came.

Dai Daojin smiled and said: "Beef soup, we have no enmity, everything before was just a misunderstanding."

Beef soup snorted coldly, turned around and was about to leave.

Dai Daojin said, "Slow down, you can't go."

Niu Niu Tang turned around and sneered: "You won't let me go, I just want to go."

Dai Daojin frowned, then showed his face and said, "Are you afraid?"

Beef soup had just walked a few steps, when he heard this, he turned around and stared, "Afraid of you? Hehe."

Dai Daojin smiled and said, "How about we make a bet?"

Beef soup asked, "What are you betting on?"

Dai Daojin smiled and said: "Looking at the last time you made a move, you possessed the 'Ruyi Orchid Hand' kung fu. I've heard of this kung fu too. Martial arts, it is a pity that the descendants practiced for 30 years, and finally ended up exhausted and died of vomiting blood, which shows that it is difficult to practice."

"I know that you have spent five years practicing this kung fu, so you are considered quite talented."

"Let's just bet that I can practice this 'Ruyi Orchid Hand' in three hours, how about it?"

As soon as these words came out, even Wu Ming looked sideways. The martial arts of beef soup was taught by him, and this Ruyi orchid hand was taught by him, and it took three months to practice it.

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