Hulong Villa, inside the Hulong Hall.

"...Father, the above is what happened to Haitang, Cheng Shifei and Princess Yunluo these days." Haitang's voice echoed in the hall.

Shenhou's eyes were deep, showing deep thought, "That is to say, the "King Kong Indestructible Magic Art" can be used unlimited times?"

Shangguan Haitang said: "Yes, adoptive father."

A gloomy look flashed in Shenhou's eyes, he remembered something, after a moment of silence, he said slowly: "How is Cheng Shifei?"

"After Cheng Shifei was diagnosed and treated by the genius doctor Sai Huatuo, there is no serious problem, and he can recover with good health care." Shangguan Haitang said.

Shenhou nodded and asked, "What do you think of that mysterious man?"

Shangguan Haitang thought for a while, "This person's martial arts are extremely high, and his mind is meticulous. In the process of fighting against Cheng right and wrong, apart from the hard martial arts that can fight "King Kong is not bad" and the martial arts that use slow to beat fast and soft to overcome rigidity In addition, they use some common martial arts that have been widely circulated in the Jianghu, and there is no direction."

"Haitang also can't guess its origin."

Shenhou thought for a while, and said: "Suddenly there is such a top expert in the Jianghu, and this person hides his martial arts everywhere, obviously because he doesn't want others to know his identity, that is to say, he is not a newcomer. , you go and check, foster father will send someone to cooperate with you."

"Yes, adoptive father." Shangguan Haitang said.

"Okay, you're tired these days too, take a good rest."

Upon hearing this, Shangguan Haitang cupped her hands: "Yes, adoptive father, Haitang resigns."

"By the way, foster father, what about a knife?"

Shenhou frowned when he heard the words, "Father received the news that Yidao was with detective Zhang Jinjiu during this time, it should be because his father was killed that year, you don't need to worry about it."

Shangguan Haitang had no choice but to say: "Yes, Haitang resigns."

Tie Dan Shenhou looked at Haitang's figure, his eyes thoughtful, he turned and walked up the steps, returned to the table, looked down at a secret letter on the table, the secret letter was sent by Feiying, the content of the letter It described in detail the scene of Cao Zhengchun fighting with the man in black when Haitang attacked and stole Tianshan snow lotus that day.

Shenhou said in a low voice: "Liusheng Shibingwei, this king really can't see through you more and more. You have never left Dongpu, but you are a master of Chinese martial arts."

Immediately thinking of the mysterious person Haitang was talking about, Shenhou thought to himself: Could it be you?

Thinking of "King Kong Immortal Art" again, Tie Dan Shenhou's cheeks tightened, anger appeared in his eyes, and the secret letter was tightly held in his hand, turning into dust.

Then he shook his hand and left the Dragon Guard Hall.

After half a stick of incense, Tie Dan Shenhou appeared on the ninth floor of the prison.

After passing the iron plate engraved with "Iron Brave God", Shenhou slowly walked inside.

On the stone platform, under the thick rusted iron chain, a pair of skeletons lay there quietly.

In No Man's Land, Tiedan Shenhou finally took off his disguise, his eyes were full of coldness and anger, and he looked at the skeleton for a while.

Words came out of his mouth, "Gu Santong, even if you lie to me that I am not a boy and practice the "King Kong Immortal Art", so what, if you lie to me that "King Kong Indestructible Magic Art" can only be used five times in a lifetime, you still lose You have lost half of my move..." The voice turned into a low growl.

With his clever mind, after knowing that "King Kong is not bad" can be used indefinitely, he thinks of Gu Santong's character, and naturally guesses that Gu Santong's so-called non-boy body can't practice is probably a lie to him.

He was very angry, angry that he was deceived twice by a person who was defeated by him, and even if it wasn't for this accident, he might have been deceived for the rest of his life.

He doesn't need to practice "King Kong Is Not Bad", but with his pride and conceit, he can't stand being played by others.


Madman's Villa.

Looking at the slobbering, silly waiter in front of him, Gui Hai clenched the long knife in his hand, and said in a deep voice, "You mean, he was the waiter in the restaurant where my father worked that day?"

Always holding a flagon next to him, Zhang Jinjiu, who was drunk, nodded, "Yes, I found out that when your father Gui Hai Bailian died, he was in the restaurant where Xiaoer worked. What did you see?"

Gui Hai Yidao's eyes were slightly cold, "What did you see? Even if you saw the murderer, do you think he can still tell me?"

Zhang Jinjiu shook his head, "That's the strange thing. According to the manager of the Madman's Villa, the waiter in this shop was far from being so stupid when he was sober occasionally. He suddenly became like this."

Gui Hai's eyes froze, "You mean, someone got ahead of you and turned this little girl into a fool to prevent you from continuing the investigation."

Zhang Jinjiu nodded, "Yes, the clue seems to be broken here."

Gui Hai was silent for a long time before he said, "Who is stopping me from investigating the murderer who killed my father? Could it be the murderer?"

Zhang Jinjiu said: "This possibility is not ruled out."

Gui Hai glanced at him with a sharp knife, then glanced at the slobbering shop waiter, turned and left, and walked outside the Madman's Villa.

"Go to the steward."

Zhang Jinjiu shook his head, raised the jug and took a sip of the wine, then turned around and followed out.

Afterwards, the two found the steward of the Madman Villa, took away the foolish waiter, and went to No. [-] Villa in the World, trying to cure the waiter.


After Dai Daojin returned to the capital, he ran to No. [-] Village in the World to stay.

While still asking everyone in the village for advice every day, he slowly mastered the seventh layer of "Nine Transformations of Yin and Yang", achieving perfect control.

At night, in the room, the lights are like beans.

A long black knife hung on the wall behind him. Dai Daojin sat in front of the table, holding a book in his hand, reading quietly.


After a long time, the sound of burning candles brought Dai Daojin back to his senses.

Putting down the book, Dai Daojin looked at the candlelight, his dark eyes reflected by the light, like two black pearls, deep and cold.

Dai Daojin thought of "King Kong Is Not Bad", and then thought of "Suction Dafa". He felt more and more that Tianchi strange man split one martial art into two, so the two martial arts complement each other. Dafa makes up for the shortcoming of "King Kong Indestructible Magic" which requires a long time of practice to achieve success.

He really wanted to know what would happen if he got the "Suction Dafa" and combined it with the "King Kong Immortal Art"?

Of course, all of this is also his idea.

At that time, Gu Santong had two martial arts, "Suction Dafa" and "King Kong Indestructible Magic", but there was no special change in him, but it is also possible that his failure was because Zhu ignored the absorption of the Eight Great Schools. The master was immediately imprisoned on the ninth floor of the prison, so it was not circulated.

Dai Daojin sighed, Gu Santong only passed the "King Kong Immortal Art" to Cheng Shifei, if it was combined with "Suction Dafa", it would save him a lot of work.

"Da da"

Leaning against the back of the chair, the tip of his right finger casually tapped on the table, the sound was extremely clear in the room at night.

Dai Daojin looked up at the roof, his eyes flickering, now only Tie Dan Shenhou knows the "Suction Dafa", but it is not suitable for him to fight to the death, but he has to find a way to get the "Sucking Dafa" is.

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