In the next five days, Dai Daojin and Cheng Shifei fought a total of eleven times.

That is to say, Cheng Shifei shared the "Vajra Indestructibility Magical Art" thirteen times in this short period of seven days, which has both advantages and disadvantages for Cheng Shifei.

The advantage is that his martial arts come too easily, his foundation is not stable, coupled with his impetuous personality, which leads to his poor control over his own martial arts, and his lack of experience in fighting the enemy, he usually just crams his feet temporarily, and after these After Tian's non-stop sparring, his combat experience has greatly improved. He inherited the mantle of the "undefeated naughty boy" Gu Santong. Who is Gu Santong, a fighting madman, and his martial arts are domineering.

At this time, Cheng right and wrong can be worthy of the characteristics of being a father in three parts.

The downside is that his body has suffered a lot.

These days, Dai Daojin finally figured out the essence of "King Kong Immortal Art". It is not like other martial arts to generate body-protecting energy around the body.

It is the combination of true qi and qi and blood, which is a bit similar to "ignition", using qi and blood as fuel, true qi "ignites", and then the combination of true qi and qi and blood produces a special change that makes the skin and blood of the human body The subcutaneous muscles instantly condensed into a state like gold and iron.

In this state, once cast, the appearance of the human body is like wearing a golden armor, turning into a vajra body, which can resist all attacks from external forces, truly invincible, invulnerable to poison, indestructible and invincible.

But there is no perfect martial art in this world. The better the effect, the greater the power, which means the greater the price to pay. , but has high requirements for the body's qi and blood.

Even so, "King Kong Is Not Bad" is still an extremely powerful martial art.

After Dai Daojin understood the principle, he also guessed that Gu Santong did not tell Cheng the truth. In addition to his lack of understanding of Cheng's character, he was worried that he would do evil by relying on his magical skills. , causing unavoidable damage to the body.

Dai Daojin walked up to Cheng Shifei and the three of them, and looked at them.

Cheng Zhengfei saw him, shook his body, and said with a sad face, "Boss, I really can't use it anymore, let me go."

Before Dai Daojin could speak, Shangguan Haitang pleaded: "Brother, Cheng Shifei has used the "King Kong Immortal Art" too many times in the past few days, and his energy and blood have been severely depleted. If you use it again, it may cause irreparable damage to your body energy. ..."

Dai Daojin waved his hand, interrupted Shangguan Haitang's words, and glanced at the pale-faced Cheng Zhengfei. He has good medical skills, and he learned from Sai Huatuo, the number one doctor in the world, for a period of time, and he has become leaner. He knows right and wrong about his physical condition.

After thinking about it, he said, "Let's go."

Cheng Shifei and the three of them were taken aback for a moment, thinking they heard it wrong.

Princess Yunluo asked anxiously: "You said... let us go?"

With a flick of his hand, Dai Daojin released Princess Yunluo and Shangguan Haitang's restraints, and waved his hands, "Let's go, of course, if you don't want to go, you can stay here for a while longer."

Cheng Shifei immediately said: "No, no, big brother, leave, see you later."

After speaking, he immediately held Yun Luo's hand, and together with Shangguan, the three of them walked out.

Cheng Shifei and Yunluo didn't turn their heads, they hurriedly walked, wishing to leave this ghostly place immediately, only Shangguan Haitang turned his head from time to time to look at the figure standing in the distance behind him.

Dai Daojin glanced at the three of them, turned around and used lightness kung fu, his steps were light, and he rushed away like green smoke.

Not long after, when he reached a mountain top, Dai Daojin took out a package from behind the boulder. After opening it, there was a black long knife and some clothes inside.

Dai Daojin grabbed the clothes on his body and tore them.


At the same time, his body shape changed, and the sound of "cha...cha" continued.

In a few breaths, the muscular man who was originally not tall and with a strong physique disappeared, and was replaced by a man with a handsome face and a slender figure.

Dai Daojin put on his clothes again and took the long knife in his hand.

The mountain wind blew his clothes into a mess, he looked up and could still see the three people walking forward in the distance.

Dai Daojin was silent for a long time, until the figures of the three of them disappeared, and said in a low voice: "Cheng Shifei, I have benefited from you. When the time comes, I will reunite your mother and child for the rest of their lives, which is considered to be repaying your love."

While speaking, the yin and yang zhenqi in his body circulated, and the qi and blood all over his body continued to rise and beat without causing it.

Suddenly, a faint light burst out from his body, even in broad daylight, it can still be clearly seen, this shining light, against which Dai Daojin's skin is like jade, with a faint transparent texture.

Standing on the top of the mountain, the whole person seems to be carved from transparent crystal jade, and the brilliance flows, not like ordinary people, but like a statue standing on the top of the mountain.

His eyes turned silvery white at this moment, devouring the light like a vortex, deep and cold, strange and breathtaking.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo up" the mountain wind was blowing, shrill like a ghost howling.

As white as jade, in sharp contrast with the black robe, it set off his whole person, like a god and a demon.

Dai Daojin raised his right hand, lowered his eyes, glanced at his right hand, and faintly saw five jade-like joints under the jade-colored flesh, and flicked his index finger.


There was a vague sound of Jin Tie clanging, sharp and sharp.

Different from the domineering roar of the King Kong body in "King Kong Is Not Bad", it has a touch of crispness and purity.

Dai Daojin said in a low voice: "The seventh turn...well... let's call it 'Glass Jade Body'."

The strong wind blew, and the tattered clothes under his feet were blown into the air.

Dai Daojin waved his hand, then turned around and swept down the mountain. In a few breaths, the figure was vertical and horizontal, as if in a flash, and only a black spot could be seen jumping.

The sound of "chi...chi" sounded from the top of the mountain.

The tattered clothes seemed to be crushed by countless knives, and dissipated on the top of the mountain with the mountain wind blowing.


In a roadside tea shop not far from the gate of the capital, Dai Daojin was sitting at the table, drinking tea, as if he was waiting for someone.

After about an hour or so, three people appeared on the official road, they were right and wrong.

When they got close, Dai Daojin stood up, paid the tea money, and went up to meet him.

Shangguan Haitang saw Dai Daojin and said, "Brother Dai, why are you here?"

Dai Daojin said with a smile: "I'm putting you in the backseat. After solving the troubles, I went to look for you. I searched for several days, but I couldn't find them. I also wanted to wait here and see if I could find you."

"Before I, I went to ask Shenhou to help find you. Fortunately, you returned safely."

Cheng Shifei asked suspiciously: "Brother Dai?" Dai Daojin was still wearing the mask of studying at No. [-] village in the world, so Cheng Shifei didn't know that the person in front of him was Liusheng Shibingwei, so he didn't recognize him.

Yun Luo didn't recognize it either, but said: "Cheng Shifei, this is Haitang's friend, he also helped save you with snow lotus."

Shangguan Haitang also said: "Yes, it's right and wrong, if Brother Dai hadn't dragged Cao Zhengchun, Haitang would never have gotten the snow lotus so easily."

Cheng Shifei suddenly realized, nodded, and said with a smile: "It turned out to be Cheng Shifei's savior, thank you very much, if it is useful to me in the future, just say it, don't be polite."

Dai Daojin nodded with a smile and didn't say much.

He asked, "Where have you been running these days?"

The complexions of the three of them all changed slightly, and Cheng Jifei's complexion was still not very good at this time, a little pale, but Haitang gave him a pulse, and he could recover after making up for the deficit, so there was no big problem.

Shangguan Haitang heard the words, smiled wryly and said: "It's a long story, let Rong Haitang tell you slowly later."

Dai Daojin nodded and said nothing.

A group of people walked into the city.

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