Not long after Dai Daojin was in No. [-] Villa in the World, he received an invitation.

He looked at the big red wedding invitation in his hand, and said to the little eunuch in front of him: "Go back and tell the princess, and say that you will be there on time when the time comes, and congratulate the two of you."

The little eunuch gave a slight salute, "The little one will take my leave first."

"Eunuch, go slowly." Dai Daojin said.

Watching the little eunuch go away, Dai Daojin looked down at the wedding invitation and smiled, Cheng Shifei and Princess Yunluo, a pair of happy enemies, finally got together.

Putting away the wedding invitation and putting this matter aside, Dai Daojin thought about what happened yesterday.

He saw Guihai Yidao leading a foolish man into the No. [-] villa in the world, and went to the courtyard where Sai Huatuo was.

Dai Daojin is no stranger to that stupid person, he was the one who did it, but he didn't worry too much, he did it himself, he knew it in his heart, he violently destroyed the consciousness of Xiao Er with his tyrannical mental power, There is no cure for medicine stone, even Sai Hua Tuo can't cure it.

The only thing that bothers him is that the detective Zhang Jinjiu has a lot of investigative methods. I am afraid that if he is given some time, he will be able to find out Qi Linzi, Jian Jingfeng and Kong Kong.

He once promised Lu Huanong that he could not keep his word, so it seemed that he had to find a chance to chat with Zhang Jinjiu.


More than a month later, inside the palace.

Dai Daojin handed over the wedding invitation, and after going through multiple inspections, he entered the palace and arrived at the wedding scene.

Today he changed into a long gown, considering that he was going to enter the palace, so he didn't bring "speak first".

He looked around, his eyes fixed, and when he saw an acquaintance, he smiled and walked over to sit down.

"Brother Shangguan, brother Guihai, don't come here without any harm." Dai Daojin also sat down without seeing him.

This table is full of people from Hulong Mountain Villa, Dai Daojin has seen him before, but since he is still in the No. [-] Villa in the world, apart from Haitang and some familiar faces Besides, many people have never seen him.

That's why Gui Hai glanced at him with a knife, doubts appeared in his eyes, but he still nodded.

Zhang Jinjiu was also there, and he had brought Cheng Shifei back when he fled the battle.

Shangguan Haitang smiled and said: "Brother Dai is here too."

Dai Daojin nodded with a smile, and then the people at the table started talking in low voices.

After a long time, with a chorus, the wedding began.

Dai Daojin has proclaimed himself emperor three times, so he naturally understands how complicated the wedding ceremony is for the children of the royal family. But this time, as a bystander, he stood aside and saw a couple become husband and wife.

The position he was standing at this time was right next to Shangguan Haitang. He had excellent five senses, smelled a fragrance in his nose, and caught a glimpse of Shangguan Haitang looking at the newcomer in front of him with envy in his eyes.

Dai Daojin smiled and said softly: "What? Brother Shangguan, are you envious?"

Haitang was slightly stunned, she came back to her senses, her eyes flashed, she didn't turn her head to look at Dai Daojin, she just smiled and said: "Of course, Haitang also hopes to meet her beloved like Cheng Junma, and join hands for a lifetime." She is still The man showed up, so he said so.

Dai Daojin smiled and said meaningfully: "People always hope to find true love from the vast sea of ​​people, but they often ignore the people around them. If you look for it, you can't find it. Looking back is the truth, Brother Shangguan." People, of course, are not himself, but Gui Hai Yi Dao.

But others don't know.

Shangguan Haitang showed doubts in his eyes, finally turned around, gave him a strange look, and muttered in his heart, did this guy see through his own daughter?It's him who doesn't talk about it, right?

Haitang didn't know how to respond, so she just smiled and said nothing.

Dai Daojin suddenly pierced himself with a knife-like cold gaze. After sensing it, he turned his head and saw Guihai Yidao standing across Shangguan Haitang from him, staring at him expressionlessly. .

He was slightly stunned, did this poker face take the wrong medicine?Was it fine just now?Could it be that Zhang Jinjiu has already found out that he took "The Three Swords of Ah Bi Dao"?

After thinking about it for a while, he shook his head in his heart and ruled out this idea. He threw away that identity after using it up, and the ending was also very clean. Zhang Jinjiu should not be able to find out.

He couldn't think of the reason, and he didn't bother to think about it. He looked up at the newcomer's ceremony.

Gui Hai stared coldly at it for a while, then looked at Shangguan Haitang calmly, and then turned his head away, obviously he also heard what Dai Daojin said to Shangguan Haitang just now.


Two months later, Dongchang, at night.

A man in black blended into the night, like a ghost, sneaked into this mansion that everyone feared.

He obviously had explored the way before, and when he arrived, his figure flew across the room and went straight to the destination.

It was the residence of Cao Zhengchun, the governor of the East Factory.

In the room where you can't see your fingers, the furnishings are simple. On the bed in the inner room, the person in a white coat and eyes closed is none other than Cao Zhengchun.

Suddenly, Cao Zhengchun opened his eyes, turned over and got out of bed suddenly, and the protective energy spontaneously moved.


There was a sound of "bang" as an object fell to the ground.

Cao Zhengchun concentrated his perception, and realized that the person had gone far away. He felt dignified, lit a candle in the guard room, and looked around the room, seeing nothing unusual.

Suddenly, it seemed that there was a bag lying quietly on the ground.

He walked over, bent down, stretched out his hand, and opened the paper bag, but it turned out to be a book, and there was a piece of paper on top of the book, with a few words on the paper, making his eyes twinkle.

He picked up the book and letter paper, sat on the chair, frowned and thought, then put the paper aside, picked up the book and looked through it.

The more you look at it, the more your face changes.


On this day, Dai Daojin walked out of No. [-] Villa in the World, intending to go out for a stroll.

But he saw two servants from No. [-] Manor in the World, and they just walked out of No. [-] Manor in the World with the silly waiter from the shop he had seen before.

Dai Daojin saw him, and asked casually, "Where are you taking this man?"

That servant knew that this was the owner's friend, so he didn't dare to offend, so he cupped his hands and said: "Under the order of Master Gui Hai, send this idiot back to the Madman's Villa."

Dai Daojin let out an oh, waved his hand, turned and left.

Strictly speaking, since he entered the capital, he has never visited the capital properly, and spent most of his time learning things from everyone in the No. [-] Village in the world.

Things were progressing steadily at the moment, so he thought about going out for a walk.

While he was wandering around in Beijing, a group of people came to Tianshan Mountain and took away the woman in red in the ice coffin.

At the same time, it was the time for Tiedan Shenhou to go to Tianshan Mountain every year.


More than a month later, at night, Dongchang.

Even though it was late at night, the East Factory was still brightly lit. What surprised Feiying the most was that Governor Cao had already rested at this time in the past, but recently he was sitting in the lobby with his eyes slightly closed. As if waiting for someone.

Feiying waited at the side, and couldn't help asking: "Master Governor, it's late at night, it's time for you to rest."

Cao Zhengchun opened his eyes slightly, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes. He glanced at Feiying, and said calmly, "Go down and rest first."

Feiying's heart skipped a beat when he saw his eyes, and immediately said: "The governor has never rested, how dare the subordinates."

Cao Zhengchun ignored him, and slowly closed his eyes again, closing his eyes and adjusting his breath.

Feiying secretly frowned, and slowly recalled some of Cao Zhengchun's recent changes, and found that Cao Zhengchun spent most of his time in the room except for handling daily affairs, not knowing what he was doing.

Moreover, Cao Zhengchun gave him the feeling that he used to be gloomy and ruthless, but recently he has a strange feeling.

Feiying raised his head carefully, and took a sneak peek at Cao Zhengchun. His hair was still white. I don't know if it was an illusion. Under the candlelight, Cao Zhengchun's white skin was faintly glowing, giving him a seductive feeling. .

This made him tremble in his heart, and he withdrew his eyes, not daring to look more.

Another half an hour later, in the quiet and windless room, the candlelight suddenly flickered slightly.

Cao Zhengchun suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes flickered, and he looked at the figure coming in from the door with a smile on his face.

At this time, Feiying realized that there was an extra person in the house at some time, and he was shocked, drew his knife out of its sheath, and shouted: "Who are you? Dare to break into the East Factory at night, come here."

Within four or five breaths, more than a dozen factory guards entered the house and surrounded the man in black.

The whole body of the man in black, including his head, was covered, only a pair of cold eyes were exposed, his eyes were like knives, and he turned his head to look around at Feiying and the factory guards.

Feiying suddenly felt a pain on the skin of his face, and was terrified in his heart.

The man in black was not afraid of this battle at all, and said hoarsely: "Director Cao, is this the way of hospitality?"

Cao Zhengchun chuckled, waved his hands, and said in a high-pitched voice, "Everyone go down."

He has always been one-of-a-kind in the East Factory and has great prestige. Immediately, all the factory guards in the room went away, leaving only Feiying himself present.

Seeing this, Cao Zhengchun smiled and said, "The visitor is a guest, please sit down."

The man in black was also polite, Shi Shiran found a chair and sat down.

Cao Zhengchun picked up the teacup, gestured for a moment, saw that the other party didn't move, he was not surprised, took a sip of tea, and said, "What do you want to do?"

The man in black turned his head to look at Feiying, and said bluntly, "You go out too."

Feiying's face became angry, "You..."

Cao Zhengchun said at this time: "Feiying, you go out first."

Feiying wondered: "Master, my subordinates are afraid..."


Seeing that Cao Zhengchun's voice had dropped, Feiying had no choice but to bow and say, "I obey." Then he glanced at the man in black, turned and left, and closed the door behind him.

Seeing him, the man in black turned his head to look at Cao Zhengchun, seeing his expression, he laughed and said, "Look at Governor Cao's spirit, how do you feel?"

Cao Zhengchun's bewitching eyes rolled, he glanced at the man in black, and suddenly said with a smile: "Finally, what do you want? If you want to get the second half of the method, what will the governor have to pay?"

The man in black clapped his palms and said with a smile: "Director Cao is quick to speak, so I won't let you down. I want the "Suction Dafa" written by the god of iron and courage."

Cao Zhengchun's pupils narrowed slightly, and he said in a deep voice, "Do you know what you're talking about?"

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