The next day, when the sky was bright, everyone woke up.

After adjusting his breath overnight, Dai Daojin regained his true energy, and he was full of energy, and the brilliance in his eyes was hidden but not revealed.

After a night's rest, Cheng Shifei was also full of energy at this time. He played two games with Dai Daojin. Although he was tired, it also promoted the absorption of Tianshan Snow Lotus.

Seeing the mysterious man looking at him, Cheng Shifei took the initiative and said, "Come on."

Dai Daojin smiled and nodded, knowing that he wanted to verify whether the "King Kong Immortal Art" could be used again.

Cheng Shifei took a deep breath, and the zhenqi in his body circulated in a special way, just two or three breaths, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and his body glowed with gold.


Suddenly, a golden man appeared in front of everyone again.

Yun Luo exclaimed in surprise: "Cheng Shifei, your "King Kong Immortal Art" can really be used again."

Cheng Shifei also looked happy and nodded.

Shangguan Haitang asked: "Cheng Shifei, feel it, is there any abnormality in your body?"

Cheng Shifei glanced at the mysterious man, seeing that he was motionless and just looking at himself, so he relaxed, closed his eyes slightly, felt it for a while, opened his eyes, and said to Haitang: "I feel that my whole body is full of strength, It's never been better."

Haitang smiled and said: "In this way, your "King Kong Indestructible Magic Art" can really be used many times."

Dai Daojin said at this time: "Are you finished? Finished, let's start."

Although Cheng Shifei didn't learn martial arts since he was a child, he possessed eight major martial arts schools, and his skill should not be underestimated. At this time, he had already discovered that this person was using his invincible diamond skills to hone himself, and it was of no use to him. malicious.

In the previous sparring, it was discovered that when this person made a move, he did not kill him.

All the fear in his heart and worries about Yun Luo and the two of them were gone, and now he was working hard with all his energy, his aura was stronger than yesterday, and he looked like a different person.

Dai Daojin naturally discovered this, raised his eyebrows, and looked forward to it even more.

Yun Luo and Shangguan Haitang consciously stepped aside.

At this time, Dai Daojin did not directly urge "Nine Turns of Yin and Yang" to resist, but planned to truly feel the power of "King Kong Is Not Bad".

Cheng Shifei jumped forward and punched out.

With the strong wind blowing against his face, Dai Daojin's legs were slightly bent, loosened up, his arms were lifted up, hugging the ball of nothingness, and his eyes were slightly closed.

Seeing the golden fist coming, his right hand was not in a hurry, and seemed to be slow and fast to hit the fist of right and wrong, then took a step back, pressed down, pulled and stretched, turned to one side, and moved forward. deliver.

Immediately, Cheng Shifei's body swept forward following his original inertia.

Cheng Shifei was taken aback, turned around, looked at Dai Daojin, and saw that his feet were uneven, he waved his hands and raised his feet, and drew circles in his hands.

Cheng Shifei bullied him again, punching Dai Daojin with great force.

But he found that this time the sparring was not as smooth as yesterday, it seemed to be trapped in a swamp, and it seemed that there were invisible silk threads entwined around him. Rushed to get involved, very uncomfortable.

Shangguan Haitang has good eyesight, so she naturally discovered the strangeness of this mysterious man's martial arts.

Yun Luo couldn't understand, and said in a low voice, "That man punches slowly, like an old man."

Haitang's face was solemn, and at this moment, he paid more attention to this person, "You take it as right and wrong."

Yun Luo looked carefully, only to see that Cheng Shifei's eyes were anxious and impatient, and he immediately called out: "What's wrong with him?"

Haitang said: "Although that person's fists and kicks look slow, they strike fast with slow strokes. Cheng Shifei fell into the rhythm of this person's fists and feet, and he couldn't escape. If he fought for life and death, Cheng Shifei would lose his strength sooner or later if he continued like this. die."

At the same time, her eyes were thoughtful, and she said that "King Kong is not bad" is the best magic skill in the world. It seems too absolute. The martial arts that this mysterious person used today is to restrain " Is King Kong not bad?

Just as she was thinking, the situation on the field changed again.

Dai Daojin grabbed the sparrow's tail, and then reached the peak of his momentum. With a lean on his shoulder and a push, he sent Cheng right and wrong far away, and then he stopped and stood up.

Cheng Shifei stepped back a few steps, and after standing still, he gasped heavily, his eyes were red, and his golden body was still emitting a hazy golden light, like a demon.

Dai Daojin frowned, Cheng lacked morality, he was constrained everywhere in the competition, and under the upset, he tended to lose control, so he ended the competition in time.

"Let's go here." Dai Daojin said lightly, "Continue in the afternoon."

Cheng Shifei's eyes were red, his chest was heaving, and he was about to lift his feet to step forward, when suddenly a voice came to his ears.

"Cheng right, Cheng right, what's wrong with you?"

The crimson color in his eyes faded slowly, and Cheng Shifei regained his clarity, looking tiredly at Princess Yunluo who was holding his arm, his upturned pretty face was full of worry.

Cheng Shifei's voice was hoarse, and he shook his head: "I'm fine."

Shangguan Haitang asked from the side: "Cheng Shifei, what happened to you just now?"

Cheng Shifei let out a breath of turbid air slowly, the golden body faded away, and his skin color returned to normal. He thought for a while and said, "Just now I just felt like my whole body was sinking into a swamp. The tighter it gets, I want to move, but I can't move, the more I struggle, the tighter it gets, I feel so uncomfortable, I feel bored and vomiting blood."

Shangguan Haitang listened, looked at the mysterious man cross-legged to adjust his breath over there, and looked back to see right and wrong, thinking that Cheng right and wrong was impatient, and he used the "King Kong Immortal Art", but he couldn't exert his strength, just like his adoptive father Said, will not be able to control this overbearing power.

Seeing that he was haggard in spirit, Yun Luo hurriedly asked him to sit down and massaged his temples.

Cheng Shifei also closed his eyes and took a rest. The fight just now made him extremely tired, even more tired than yesterday when he exhausted his internal energy.

Dai Daojin closed his eyes and thought about it. During the confrontation just now, every time he touched each other, he would inject a wave of yin and yang true energy into the opponent, but due to the overbearing "King Kong Immortal Art", most of each yin and yang true energy was blocked On the outside, only a very small strand penetrated into its golden skin, and felt the strength of its muscles.

And each ray of yin and yang true qi that has been driven into Cheng Fei's body can only stay for four or five breaths, and then it will be under the combined force of the true qi in his body and the "King Kong Immortal Art", and will be crushed. Treat it as a different kind of true energy and force it out of the body.

However, for Dai Daojin, four or five breaths are enough. Just now, he has penetrated more than 30 wisps of yin and yang zhenqi and penetrated into various parts of his body. Although the time is not long, it is enough for him to explore some The secret of King Kong's Immortality.

Although it is not complete, he is not in a hurry, take his time, the characteristics of this "King Kong Indestructible Magical Art" will not take long to find out clearly.

After thinking about this, Dai Daojin gradually calmed down and carefully detected some changes in himself.

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