At this time, Dai Daojin was silent, reflecting on himself.


He heard the sound of blood flowing in his own blood vessels and washing them.

I also heard the sound of yin and yang true qi in the meridians, slowly recovering and gradually growing with the adjustment of breath.


The sound of bones and muscles rubbing against each other was like thunder, and a stream of hot air slowly released from all parts of the body, spreading between the muscles and bones, and a feeling of tingling and numbness spread throughout the body.

Not long after, I saw a burst of heat coming out of Dai Daojin's body, which was visible to the naked eye.

Circles of scorching air waves spontaneously generated without mobilizing Qi and blood, and dispersed in all directions.

On the other side, Yun Luo saw him, patted Shangguan Haitang, and said in surprise, " at him."

Shangguan Haitang also looked over, her complexion couldn't help but change, and then turned her head to look at Cheng right and wrong with closed eyes and breathing adjustment with a worried expression on her face.

Yun Luo asked in a low voice: "Haitang, he...why is he smoking? Is he insane?" There was hope in his voice.

Haitang shook her head, and said in a deep voice: "It's not that he is insane, on the contrary, the reason why this person is like this is because of the expression of his deep inner strength." She just heard that warriors have extremely deep inner strength, and when they practice, they will produce this anomaly.

Yun Luo's pretty face suddenly collapsed, and she said with a mournful face: "It seems that this time we are doomed."

Shangguan Haitang was silent.

After about an hour or so, Dai Daojin woke up, stood up, felt his body, sighed in his heart, secretly thought it was a pity, but seeing Cheng Zhengfei who was still closing his eyes and adjusting his breath on the other side, he had some expectations in his heart .

Although there is no breakthrough this time, it is too soon to think about it.

Dai Daojin didn't go over, and sat down cross-legged again, with his eyes slightly closed, waiting for Cheng Shifei to recover his skills.

After another half an hour, Cheng Shifei finally woke up.

Dai Daojin also opened his eyes at the same time, stood up, and walked over there.

When Cheng Zhengfei saw it, his face collapsed, and he said helplessly: "Brother, my master told me when he passed it on to me that it can only be used five times in a lifetime, even the one just now. , I've used it four times."

"Even if you want to fight me, I can only fight you this time, because I can't use the "King Kong Immortal Art", and I'm not your opponent at all, so it's meaningless."

Dai Daojin said indifferently: "Is your master Gu Santong?"

Cheng Shifei nodded, "Yes." By now, he had basically given up struggling.

Dai Daojin shook his head, and said: "The ancient Santong's "King Kong Immortal Art" comes from Tianchi strange man in Tianshan. I have read ancient books, and "King Kong Immortal Art" does not have a limit of five uses."

As soon as his words came out, the three of them were taken aback.

Cheng Shifei's face was overjoyed, "What you said is true?" No one who practiced martial arts would be willing to use it only five times after learning a magic skill, and Cheng Shifei was no exception, even though he was not very keen on martial arts.

Dai Daojin didn't care whether he believed it or not, "If it's true or not, you'll know when you hit it."

After finishing speaking, he stepped on the ground with his right foot.


Like an earthquake, Haitang and Yunluo, whose martial arts were temporarily blocked, almost fell to the ground, but Cheng Shifei helped them.

At this time, Cheng Shifei is no longer weak-minded, but eager to try, anyway, this person will force him to use the fifth "King Kong Immortal Art" again, so it is better to verify the truth of this person's words.


The golden light flashed across the field, and a golden man whose whole body was cast like gold appeared in front of everyone again, but Cheng Zhengfei directly used this magical power.

At this time, Dai Daojin was also running "Nine Revolutions of Yin and Yang" at full capacity, his body was shining with jade-colored brilliance, and he saw the appearance of right and wrong.

He said: "Okay."

Cheng Shifei stretched his arms, although the movement was slow, but it seemed to be with immense strength, the sound of gold and iron sounded in his mouth: "Yunluo, Haitang, you go to the side first."

Yun Luo nodded, "Cheng Zhengfei, then be careful."

Then, the two walked away.

Immediately, both of them dashed forward violently, only to see two figures, one golden and one jade white collide.


Shangguan Haitang and Yun Luo could no longer see their figures clearly from now on. They could only see two streamers of golden yellow and jade white flowing in the dusty grass and trees. .

The strong wind blew the black hair of the two of them back, and there was only one voice left in their ears.





Between heaven and earth, it was like a yellow bell and a great Lu, constantly roaring, even though Shangguan Haitang and Yun Luo covered their ears, the sound still shook them, their chests were tight and their blood was churning, like a sledgehammer hitting the ground. Between two people.

As a last resort, the two had no choice but to step back and stand on the hillside in the distance to feel better.

Standing on the hillside and looking down, I saw that the two hit here for a while, and then hit the other side for a while. Wherever they went, big trees were broken and huge rocks were smashed. Under the ravages of people, it has long since disappeared.

The two of them looked horrified. It was really shocking that their destructive power could reach this level.

Yunluo was simply shocked and unbelievable, but Haitang had to think more about it. A mysterious strong man appeared in the rivers and lakes, and the court of the rivers and lakes didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse.

There is also Cheng Shifei, if his "King Kong Immortal Art" can be used unlimited times, I don't know if it is good or bad. His foster father once said that Cheng Shifei suddenly acquired this superb martial arts, and his heart and mind can't control the "King Kong Indestructible Magic Art" at all. ".

After half an hour, the loud noise in the valley finally stopped.

Shangguan Haitang and Yun Luo looked at each other and walked towards them.

When I got to the front, I saw two people not far apart. Cheng Zhengfei was lying on the ground in big characters, panting heavily, sweating profusely. Apparently the pranayama resumed.

After a while, Dai Daojin opened his eyes and said calmly: "Cheng Shifei, that's all for today, and continue tomorrow."

Cheng Shifei nodded with a sullen face.

Dai Daojin glanced at Haitang and the two, and said, "Cheng Shifei, after a little breath adjustment, go get some wild game."

Cheng Shifei pointed to himself, "Me?"

Dai Daojin's eyes turned cold.

"Boss...Boss, don't be angry, I'll go...I'll go." Cheng Shifei said immediately.

Cheng Shifei rested for a while, regained some strength, stood up, and whispered to Yunluo and Haitang: "You wait for me here, I will be back soon."

The two nodded, and they also understood that this man kept them as hostages.

Not long after, Cheng Shifei brought back some pheasants and hares.

Dai Daojin asked Shangguan Haitang and Yunluo to deal with it, and set a fire to roast it.

There is no seasoning, the taste is average, but enough to fill the stomach.

Dai Daojin is not afraid of them being poisoned, they are not so stupid.

This night, the four of them had a rest in this messy valley.

The stars in Tianshan are very bright, starry, very beautiful.

Yun Luo lay on Cheng Zheng's pillow, looked at the sky, and suddenly burst out laughing.

Cheng Shifei asked, "What are you laughing at?"

Yun Luohan said with a smile: "Actually, think about it, it's very romantic for us to look at the stars together now."

Cheng Shifei rolled his eyes, "Nervous."

Yun Luo ignored him and smiled to himself.

Just like that, I fell asleep slowly, without talking all night.

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