Half a month later, Duan Tianya's performance in Sato Mansion was appreciated by Yagyu Tanmamoru, so Duan Tianya was invited to visit Liusheng's house.

Duan Tianya naturally wouldn't reject others' kindness, so he went there happily, and he was very curious about the Liusheng family that Xiao Linzheng said was like avoiding snakes and scorpions.

On this day, Duan Tianya made an appointment and came to visit.

Arrived at Liusheng Dafu, after being notified by the guards, he was introduced into the mansion.

When Yagyu Danma Shou saw him, he smiled and said, "Longze Ichiro, you are here."

Duan Tianya bowed and said, "I met Mr. Liu Sheng."

"You don't need to be polite, I, Yagyu Xinyin Sect, and your Iga Sect have always been inseparable. You are a disciple of the Iga Sect, so you don't need to be too outsider when you come here." Yagyu Tanma Shou said.

Duan Tianya hastily said a few polite words.

Everyone is a member of the rivers and lakes, Duan Tianya came here to experience the martial arts of Liu Sheng's Xinyin School, what is so brilliant about it.

Yagyu Dan Ma Shou also admired this young man with good qualifications, and wanted to make a point.

On Xiaochangshan, after everyone sat down, Liu Sheng Dan Ma Shou glanced at Duan Tianya, and they nodded to each other.

Yagyu Tamaru clapped his hands.

Afterwards, Duan Tianya saw a woman's figure walk in from the side door, lowered her head, walked slowly into the school grounds, turned to face everyone present.

The figure slowly raised its head, and Duan Tianya finally saw the woman's appearance clearly.

His eyes were bright, and he stared at the woman's face in a daze.

Liu Shengxue Ji bowed and saluted, and then drew out the knife from her waist.

With a sound of "clang", he drew his knife out.

Stepping lightly, he jumped up, and then, the sword blazed, and the figure was everywhere, and the fierce wind scattered, and Duan Tianya's black hair in the first row was blown up.

But for Duan Tianya at this time, he couldn't feel these things, he focused all his attention on the woman, he forgot everything else, and also forgot the etiquette he followed since he was a child.


In the backyard, Liu Sheng Dan Ma Shou led Duan Tianya here, and called Liu Sheng Xue Ji.

Liu Shengdan Ma Shou introduced, "This is the little girl Xue Ji. She specializes in spear and sword skills. Among Liu Sheng's younger generation, except for his elder brother Shibingwei, she is the best in martial arts. Let's get to know each other in the future. can communicate with each other.”

Duan Tianya looked at Xue Ji and said, "Sure enough."

Yagyu Tanma Shou pointed to Duan Tianya and introduced, "This is Takizawa Ichiro, a high-ranking disciple of the Iga School. His Iga swordsmanship is very good."

Xue Ji looked at Duan Tianya, the corners of her mouth slightly curved, "I met Mr. Takizawa."

Duan Tianya also bowed, "I met Miss Xueji."

Feeling the beating of his heart, Duan Tianya knew that there was something wrong with him, and the crux of the problem lay in this beautiful woman in front of him. He asked himself if this was love at first sight?

After staying in Liusheng's mansion for three days, Duan Tianya never saw the woman who made his heart beat faster.

Duan Tianya knew that he could not go on like this, he said goodbye to Liu Sheng, but Ma Shou, he couldn't forget his foster father's instructions just because of a woman, he still had to practice hard The martial arts of the Iga sect.

However, he didn't know that Liu Shengxue Ji, whom he had met once, also missed him, but due to the strict etiquette of Dongpu, he dared not put into action what was in his heart.

On this day, Xue Ji was alone in the room again in a daze.

Suddenly, a hand came from behind and covered Xue Ji's eyes, startling her.

Smelling the faintly familiar fragrance from the person behind her, Xue Ji said unhappily, "Piaoxu, don't make trouble."

Piaoxu smiled and came to Xueji and sat down, "Sister, what are you thinking? You have been in a daze for the past few days, your martial arts are so strong, you didn't find me when I walked behind you, if I were you enemy, you have been killed long ago."

Xue Ji rolled her eyes and ignored her.

Piaoxu pouted, "Sister, if your father finds out about your behavior, he will definitely be angry."

Xue Ji pinched Piaoxu's little face, and said with a smile, "Then you don't need to tell Father."

"Then tell me, why are you so dazed?" Piaoxu looked curious.

Xue Ji blushed and did not speak.

Seeing her sister's face, Piaoxu's eyes lit up, rolled her eyes, and suddenly realized, "I know, my sister wants a man."

Xue Ji was ashamed when she heard this, "Damn girl, don't talk nonsense."

"I'm not talking nonsense, your appearance is the same as what mother said before, that is, you have the appearance of a sweetheart, don't lie to me." Piaoxu said with certainty.

Xue Ji smiled and said, "You are still young, you don't understand."

Hearing this, Piaoxu looked unconvinced, and said loudly, "I'm not young anymore, I'm already 12 years old."

Then, he tilted his head, "These days, you didn't go out to perform missions. We only have a disciple of the Iga sect here. Oh, I see. You like that guy. What is his name Takizawa?"

Xue Ji froze for a moment, then looked at Piaoxu in surprise.

Seeing her sister's appearance, Piaoxu was very proud, "How about it, I guessed it right."

Seeing her complacent, Xue Ji couldn't help smiling, and then she seemed to think of something, and her face couldn't help showing a hint of worry.

Piaoxu asked puzzledly, "Sister, mother said that women are very happy when they find their sweetheart, why are you unhappy?"

Xue Ji shook her head, "Takizawa Ichiro is a disciple of the Iga Sect. We Yagyu Xinyin Sect and the Iga Sect have always been at odds with each other. Father also has the idea of ​​annexing the Iga Sect. If Father finds out, I like it." The man in question is from the Iga sect, he will definitely not agree."

When Piaoxu heard this, she couldn't help worrying about her sister.

Suddenly, Piaoxu's eyes lit up, and she called out, "Sister, I have a solution."

"What way?" Xue Ji asked hastily.

Piaoxu said, "Sister, if Father disagrees, you can find someone to support you. As long as he supports you, Father and the elders of Liu Sheng's family will not object."

Xue Ji wondered, "Who is he?"

Piaoxu giggled and said, "Sure enough, women in love will be stupid, who else in Liu Sheng's family can make Father give in?"

Xue Ji's eyes lit up, "Brother."

Piaoxu nodded.

Xue Ji said excitedly, "That's right. If my brother supports me, my father won't stop me. I'll go find my brother." After finishing speaking, she got up and ran outside, ignoring the shouting behind her to wait for her. fluttering.


In the back mountain, the sound of clanging and clanging is still heard.

Dai Daojin was still in a pair of trousers, his upper body was bare, and his bronze skin was covered with sweat. He swung the sledgehammer with his right hand and hit the jade steel on the forging table one by one.



The voice became more urgent and denser.

At this time, if there are experts around, you can find that the muscles, bones, and blood of Dai Daojin's body are all trembling slightly, and even when you get close, you can hear the vibration.

Dai Daojin was expressionless, still swinging the hammer non-stop.

Suddenly, as if he had reached a critical point, his whole body shook, and then the sweat on his body flew out, leaving his skin.

The sound of "chi...chi" sounded.

On the curtains, tables, and walls, small holes appeared one after another, which were punched out by the sweat on his body.

Dai Daojin's eyes flashed silvery white, phantoms flashed, and the sledgehammer was raised high. In the nebula world, the white sledgehammer transformed by spiritual power seemed to grow a little bigger, and it also raised its head high.


The hammer slammed into the forging table.

With a "boom", the forging table couldn't bear such a strong force and collapsed.

In Nebula World, the white sledgehammer also smashed on the red blood mist, and the red blood mist suddenly shrank.

Dai Daojin let out a long breath, "The fifth turn of "Nine Turns of Yin and Yang", it's done."

He looked down at the collapsed forging platform, but didn't care, then dropped the sledgehammer and looked up at the two people standing not far away.

Smiling, "You have something to do with me?"


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