Xue Ji and her two had been here for a while, seeing that Dai Daojin was working, they didn't dare to disturb him, so they waited there.

Dai Daojin naturally knew that the two of them were approaching, but he didn't care.

Xue Ji stepped forward and saw that her brother's face was a little sweaty, so she took out a brocade handkerchief and handed it over.

Dai Daojin waved his hand, walked to the water tank, poured two basins of water directly, and then the yin and yang zhenqi turned, and a mist rose from his body. After a few breaths, his body was clean and refreshed, which surprised Piaoxu.

After entering the room and getting the black robe to put on, Dai Daojin looked at the two of them with questioning eyes.

Xue Ji hesitated for a while, feeling a little embarrassed.

Piaoxu couldn't help but say for him, "Brother, sister fell in love with someone."

Dai Daojin smiled, "Well, it's a good thing, according to his age, he has indeed reached the marriageable age."

"But that person is from the Iga Sect. My sister was afraid that my father would disagree, so I asked you for help." Piaoxu continued.

Dai Daojin laughed, knowing it in his heart, looking at Xue Ji, he saw a trace of worry in her eyes.

Dai Daojin smiled and said, "So what about the Iga faction? Since you like that person, go after him yourself. I'll help you block the resistance from the Liusheng clan."

Xue Ji's worries disappeared immediately, and her face was full of smiles.

Piaoxu yelled, "That's great, so my sister can find his sweetheart."

Seeing Dai Daojin looking at her with a smile on his face, Xue Ji blushed and said, "Piaoxu, what are you talking about."

"That's right." Piaoxu retorted with her lips pouted.

Immediately, Piaoxu looked at Dai Daojin, hesitant to speak.

Dai Daojin smiled and said, "Piaoxu, speak up if you have something to say."

"Brother, I think you are a little different today." Piaoxu whispered.

Dai Daojin was taken aback, then laughed and said, "It's different, what's the difference?"

When Xue Ji heard her sister's words, she also looked at Dai Daojin, and suddenly said, "Brother, you are indeed different today. You seem to... laugh more than before."

Dai Daojin heard this, and said in a low voice, "Love to laugh?" But he understood in his heart that his personality gradually returned to normal due to the gradual weakening of the aftereffects of practicing "Life and Death Yin Yang Knife Chapter", and he was no longer affected by those negative emotions, especially today. , is a qualitative leap, so there is such an obvious reaction.

Xue Ji nodded, "Brother, you used to have a sullen face most of the time, or you were expressionless. Piaoxu used to dare not speak in front of you, but today she dared to yell."

"I don't have it." Piaoxu protested.

Dai Daojin smiled lightly, didn't take it seriously, and said to Xue Ji, "If you have a chance, bring your sweetheart to see me, and I will check for you."

Xue Ji nodded with a red face.

Dai Daojin waved his hand, "Go back."

Xue Ji and Piao Xu bowed, "Brother, I won't bother you, let's go back first."

Looking at the backs of the two, Dai Daojin looked thoughtfully.


On this day, Duan Tianya, carrying a basket on his back, went up the mountain to collect poisonous weeds for ninjutsu. When he reached a stone bridge, he saw a pretty woman standing there.

It was none other than Liusheng Xueji, the daughter of Liusheng Danmashou whom he had been thinking about these days.

Xue Ji also saw him.

The two looked at each other and made eye contact.

Duan Tianya "Miss Xue Ji."

"Mr. Takizawa." Xue Ji replied, then smiled and said, "I heard that your Iga school martial arts is very weird, and I have always wanted to learn it, but my father did not allow it. Today, I can no longer restrain my curiosity and insist on Let’s see it, and I hope Mr. Takizawa will do it well.”

In fact, she really wanted to say that she couldn't bear the pain of longing, so she ran out to meet him.

Duan Tianya heard the words and said, "Swords have no eyes, I'm afraid I'll hurt Miss."

Xue Ji glanced at him and said, "If you don't draw your sword again, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Duan Tianya had no choice but to say, "Then I'd rather be respectful than follow orders."

The two stood facing each other, one on the bridge and the other at the end of the bridge.



The two of them drew their swords out in an instant, sprinting and getting close.

"Ding" two swords strike each other.

The two faced each other, and could almost feel the heat of each other's breath.

Just when the two were trying to compare skills, but actually kissed me, Dai Daojin also waited for what he was looking forward to.

Yagyu House.

Dai Daojin sat cross-legged, quietly looking at the person in front of him.

Inoue swallowed secretly, somehow, although Master Shibingwei never reprimanded him, standing in front of Master Shibingwei, he unconsciously became nervous.

Dai Daojin said lightly, "Have you brought anything?"

Inoue hurriedly said, "Master, I brought the things here. The knife maker was not willing at first, but he heard that the Liusheng family wanted his black iron, so he agreed in a hurry, and he didn't even want the money, hehe."

Dai Daojin glanced at him, and said softly, "You didn't pay?"

Although his voice was soft, Inoue's heart trembled, and he hurriedly said, "Yes, I have, young master, your order, this subordinate must obey."

Dai Daojin nodded.

Inoue secretly wiped off his cold sweat, and secretly thought that it was not your old man who wiped out the five knife-making households including Toma, and their reputation was outside, otherwise, how could they be willing to sell this family heirloom.

Dai Daojin naturally didn't know what he was thinking, and he didn't care if he knew, and said, "Where's the thing?"

Inoue hurriedly shouted, "Bring the things up."

Immediately, two subordinates came in carrying a box. Judging by their expressions, they seemed to be struggling.

When the box was opened, Dai Daojin got up, walked over, and looked down.

I saw a large black stone-like thing in the box, with a faint red light.

Dai Daojin was curious, if this is black iron, he stretched out his hand to touch it, and it was cold and rough to the touch.

He had learned by chance that this black iron was in the hands of a knifesmith in Siping, Shanguang, so he sent Inoue to buy it.

He waved his hand to let these people back down, then closed the box, lifted his foot, and the box was in his hand.

He dragged his right hand flat, and with his strength, it also sank suddenly, then he carried it on his shoulder, and went out and went straight to the back mountain.

Facing the person guarding the smelting furnace, he said, "Command me down, I want to retreat, no one here is allowed to come near, just bring food up every day."


Dai Daojin looked at the raging fire in the furnace, and then looked down at the black iron under his feet, with a flash of expectation in his eyes.


Maoshi, a mountain away from the Iga faction.

Duan Tianya sat on the ground, Xue Ji snuggled into his arms, looking at the rising sun in the sky.

The two enjoyed the warmth silently.

The sun rose, and suddenly the morning glow was shining, and it was very beautiful.

The faces of the two people reflected were also red. The two looked at this beautiful scenery obsessively, feeling the warmth of their lovers around them, hoping to stay in this moment forever.

After a long time, the sun had all risen, and the two of them knew it was time to go back.

At the time of parting, Xue Ji held Duan Tianya's hand and said, "Tianya, you and I are in love. I haven't met my brother yet. If you have a chance, go and meet me once."

Duan Tianya asked curiously, "Liusheng Shibingwei?"

Xue Ji nodded and smiled, "Yeah, did you hear some rumors that my brother kills without blinking an eye?" She naturally knows her brother's reputation, and she doesn't care what others think, but she doesn't want her sweetheart to do the same think.

Duan Tianya felt a little embarrassed and didn't speak.

Xue Ji said, "That's all rumors, you'll know when you go and see them."

Duan Tianya smiled and said, "Okay, I'll go see your brother in a few days." He also wanted to see what the almost demonized character outside looked like.


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