In front of the dojo of the Iga faction, Duan Tianya, who had traveled across the ocean, was dressed as an Dongying person. Looking at the dojo in front of him, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After some twists and turns, he finally joined the Iga School to learn ninjutsu, and became good friends with Kobayashi Masa.

From then on, he and Kobayashi began to learn martial arts in the Iga school.

During one free time, Xiao Lin was chatting with Duan Tianya.

Xiao Linzheng smiled and said, "Tianya, your martial arts aptitude is really good. It's only been a month, and you've just gotten a glimpse of it."

"Xiao Linzheng, stop making fun of me." Duan Tianya was rather embarrassed.

Xiao Linzheng shook his head, "Even the master praised you for making fast progress, so how could it be called making fun of you?"

Duan Tianya smiled and stopped talking.

Kobayashi said with a smile, "Tianya, if you are walking in Dongying, you must have some understanding of Dongying's martial arts. Don't offend those who can't be offended, and cause trouble for the Iga faction."

Duan Tianya was curious, "Xiao Linzheng, the Iga School is the first-class sword school in Japan, is there anyone who can't even provoke the Iga School?"

Masayoshi Kobayashi said, "Although the Iga Sect is very powerful and has many disciples, there is a place not far from us called the Yagyu Xinyin Sect."

"Liusheng Xinyin School?" Duan Tianya said.

Kobayashi nodded, "The Liusheng clan of the Liusheng Xinyin sect is very powerful now. The patriarch of the Liusheng clan, Yagyu Danma Shou, has a powerful sword technique. The killing god in his hand is a great skill in Dongying. You will meet him in the future." Now, be careful."

Duan Tianya nodded with a serious face. His education since he was a child was to avoid causing trouble to others.

Xiao Linzheng's face suddenly turned serious, "Tianya, besides Yagyu Danmashou, there is another member of the Yagyu family, you have to be more careful, facing Liusheng Danmashou, he might spare your life for the sake of Master and the Iga Sect , but if you meet that person, you must run as far as you can."

Seeing his serious face, Duan Tianya couldn't help asking, "Who is that person..."

Xiao Linzheng said, "That man is the eldest son of Liusheng Danmashou, Liusheng Shibingwei. He is ruthless and murderous like hemp. His martial arts are more advanced than his father Liusheng Danmashou. This person even wiped out the thirteen schools of Dongying."

"According to my master, this man is warlike and ruthless in his swordsmanship. Because of him alone, many sects such as Jiahe and Zhongerliu were exterminated, resulting in the loss of many secret skills of Dongying, which is enough to set back Dongying martial arts by 20 years."

Duan Tianya frowned, he was pure in nature, and he was a member of Hulong Villa, he didn't understand why this kind of person still lived in this world.

So he asked, "Since this person is a disaster for the martial arts, why not remove this person, and the government doesn't care?"

Xiao Lin smiled wryly, "If this person could be eliminated, he would have been eliminated long ago. Otherwise, how do you think that many people from the thirteen sects died? The world is in chaos, and you will understand after a while."

"In short, you just need to remember not to mess with him, otherwise no one can save you even if our Iga faction has some friendship with the Yagyu family."

Duan Tianya nodded, Xiao Lin was just doing it for his own good, so he would not take his kindness to heart, but he didn't think so, no matter how good this person's martial arts are, can he still be as good as his adoptive father?


On the mountain behind Yagyu's house, the clanging sound still resounded.

Dai Daojin, who had been swinging the hammer for nearly half an hour, coupled with the high temperature, was sweating like rain all over his body at this time, and the sweat dripped down his gnarled muscles, which were shiny under the sunlight.

His long hair was loose, tied up with only a hemp rope, and hung loosely behind his back, wet with sweat, and stuck to his back.



Afterwards, he changed to a small hammer weighing about [-] to [-] kilograms, and continued to jingle and beat.

At the corner next to it, there are already nearly thirty knife blanks that have been formed, presumably they are the finished products of him during this period.

Dai Daojin didn't put down the hammer until the sun was about to set.

Walking to a water tank, he picked up a wooden basin and filled it with water, and poured it on his head. After pouring it four or five times in a row, he put down the wooden basin, wiped off the water droplets on his face, turned around and walked to the next room.

When he came out again, he was already dressed in a black robe, clean and dry, with two swords in his hand, walking down the mountain.

Arrived at the manor at the foot of the mountain, after dinner.

Dai Daojin called Liusheng Xueji and Liusheng Piaoxu.

Piaoxu has a more lively personality, but she is still a little reserved in front of her brother.

Xue Ji said, "Brother, you called my little sister, what's the matter?"

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Dai Daojin took out two swords from behind and handed them to them.

"Here are the two knives I made, here you go."

Xue Ji and the two looked happy, took the knife, and pulled out a piece.


The blade is like water, with a cold air, and the edge of the blade is extremely sharp, but it is a good blade.

The two hurriedly thanked, "Thank you brother."

With a smile on his face, Dai Daojin shook his head, picked up the teacup on the table, and took a sip.

Xue Ji held the knife in her hand and asked, "Brother, do you want to continue making knives in the back mountain?"

Dai Daojin glanced at her and said softly, "What's wrong?"

Xue Ji hesitated for a while, and Piao Xu whispered, "It's father, let my sister ask you, how long will you have to do nothing?"

After hearing this, Dai Daojin's expression turned cold.

Piaoxu shrank back, Xue Ji saw it, and hurriedly said, "Brother, don't be angry, my father just felt that it would be a pity for you to forge iron and knives despite your martial arts."

"Besides, my younger sister doesn't want my elder brother to forge knives for the rest of his life."

Dai Daojin's expression softened, and he said lightly, "Who says I'm making knives?"

Then he glanced at the two of them, "You don't understand, don't worry about this matter from now on."

Xue Ji and the two nodded.

He waved his hand and let the two leave.

Dai Daojin felt the situation in the nebula world and estimated the time. It would take at least two years to completely solve the hidden danger. After two years, he would leave Dongpu and go to Middle Earth.

Looking down at the tea leaves floating in the teacup, Dai Daojin said in a low voice, "Iron Brave God...King Kong is not bad...Abi Dao Three Swords."


Time passed quickly, Duan Tianya came to Iga School to practice martial arts for more than half a year.

On this day, Mr. Musashi, the suzerain of the Iga sect, looked at Duan Tianya in front of him, and said, "Ichiro Takizawa, this time, I'm going to pay homage to Yoshinosuke Sato. He's one of the three top ninjas in Japan. You have to study hard."

Duan Tianya nodded respectfully and said, "Yes, Master."

Afterwards, Duan Tianya set out on the road and arrived in Edo three days later.

When he arrived at the gate of Sato's mansion, Duan Tianya handed over a letter of worship, and was then led into the mansion by the disciples.

Duan Tianya didn't dare to be negligent looking at the old man who was not tall in front of him, and hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "My disciple, Ichiro Takizawa of the Iga School, is here to pay a visit to Senior Sato on the orders of Mr. Musashi, the teacher of our family."

With a smile on his face, Sato said after reading the letter, "You are Musashi's disciple, and he and I are good friends. You are welcome."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to a middle-aged man next to him with two knives in his waist, and introduced, "Let me introduce you, this is Mr. Yagyu from the Yagyu Xinyin School."

Duan Tianya was slightly surprised, thinking that this person is Liu Sheng Dan Ma Shou?On the face, he said respectfully, "Takizawa Ichiro, I have met Mr. Yagyu."

Yagyu Tamaru smiled and said, "Hi, Takizawa Ichiro."


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