The martial arts of the heavens start from Wudang

Chapter 265 Xixia Kingdom Destruction, Temujin Death

Zhongdu City, after all, fell into the hands of the Mongols.

The emperor of the Kingdom of Jin and the upper class nobles broke out and fled to Kaifeng.

After the Mongols occupied the capital city, they did not chase after the army of the Kingdom of Jin. Instead, they turned to Fengsheng Prefecture, passed through Dongsheng Prefecture, and directly attacked the Kingdom of Xia.

Just like a tiger coming out of the gate, after entering Xixia, the Xixia army will be defeated at the first touch of the angry army who came with the victory, and it is not an opponent at all.

In the rear, Dai Daojin was silent when he received the news.

He is not good at leading troops in battle, but he also knows that no one can resist the army led by Genghis Khan himself.

Dai Daojin's eyes were cold, he left the information on the table, turned and walked out of the imperial study.

He shouted, "Come here."

Then, the personal servant undressed him and put on the armor.

The Xixia Emperor, holding a long sword, got on his horse and galloped, and the iron kite commander Xiang Liping followed behind him.

At the gate of Zhongxing Mansion, Dai Daojin turned to look at the gate, and then looked at the large black mass of heads in front of him.

They were the family members of the Xixia nobles, who were taken out of the Zhongxing Mansion by Dai Daojin. He had to take good care of these people so that the party members could "peace of mind" fight to the death for him.

With a wave of Dai Daojin's hand, the large army began to move forward, heading for Yumen Pass.

Afterwards, Dai Daojin turned his head and said to Zhang Yuanwei and Gong Hongbo next to him, "You two act according to the plan."

The two of them looked at each other, and said in a deep voice, "Yes, Your Majesty."

Dai Daojin patted the shoulders of the two, looked at the large army marching forward, turned and entered the city.

He can't leave, if he leaves, the morale of the army will be exhausted, and there will be a fart, so he must sit in Zhongxing Mansion.


Although the Mongolian army was invincible in Xixia territory, they were able to overcome it with one attack at the beginning.

But when they arrived in the hinterland of Xixia, they encountered desperate resistance from the Xixia army.

Dingzhou, the city was destroyed, the Mongols refused to surrender, and the soldiers and civilians in the city were massacred.

In Xiazhou, the city was destroyed, Duke Wei Mingling was martyred, and all the soldiers and civilians in the city were massacred.

Both sides were jealous, and all the ordinary people behind the Xixia were expelled by the Xixia army to the outside of Xining Mansion, where the Kingdom of Jin came to receive them.

In addition to being a city for defense, the strong walls and clear fields have achieved the ultimate, leaving no trace of supplementary food for Mongolia.

Dai Daojin ordered the army to completely dig the Yellow River dams, the floods completely flooded, and the entire Yinchuan Plain became a country of Ze.

But Mongolia has long been prepared, and it only slowed down Mongolia's pace.

The Mongolian army still went straight to Zhongxing Mansion.

Outside the city, Mongolian flags fluttered, and the sky was covered with dark clouds.

At the head of the city, Dai Daojin in silver armor stood with a sword in his hand, quietly watching the Mongolian army encamped in the distance, a sense of oppression of the approaching wind and rain invaded all the defenders of Zhongxing Mansion.

The defenders looked at the Mongolian army outside the city with fear in their hearts, but then they looked at the white figure standing on the wall, and suddenly felt an inexplicable strength in their hearts.

The two sides seemed to have a kind of tacit understanding, and they did not send envoys to spread the word, and each buried their own pots to make food.

After the meal, take a short rest.

Genghis Khan rode on horseback, looked at the city in front of him coldly, and said coldly, "Attack, break the city, slaughter the city."

The flag officer next to him waved the flag in his hand.

The siege has begun.

Watching the fight in front of him, Dai Daojin stood silently.

Ning Jitong said anxiously, "Your Majesty, go down, the city wall is dangerous."

Dai Daojin didn't insist, turned around and went down the wall.

He went to prepare for other things. He knew that the Zhongxing Mansion would not be able to defend it. The total strength of the Zhongxing Mansion was only worth 6 people. How could it stop the wolf-like Mongolian soldiers.

In three days, the city was broken.

Dai Daojin led Zhang Yuanwei, Gong Hongbo, and hundreds of remnants to break out.

At this moment, Zhang Yuanwei and Gong Hongbo were shocked to discover that their emperor had come so bravely, and the Mongolian soldiers standing beside them were not his majesty's enemies with a sword.

After getting rid of the pursuers, Dai Daojin turned around on his horse and looked at the black smoke that went straight into the sky in the distance, dyeing the sky black.

That's right, Dai Daojin sprinkled a lot of kerosene in the Zhongxing Mansion, and lit the kerosene after the Mongolian soldiers entered the city. It was not difficult for him to make a timing device.

The kerosene fueled the combustion, and the fire spread quickly.

After Mongolia discovered it, it was basically impossible to extinguish it, because it was not a fire in one place, and there were almost hundreds of fire points in the city.

Many Mongolian troops were burned to death, and the losses were not insignificant.

Zhongxing Mansion burned for three days before it was extinguished, and a city was burned.

Afterwards, Dai Daojin fought and retreated.

Xiliang Mansion!

Xuanhua Mansion!

Suzhou City!

Guazhou City!

All broken!

In Shazhou City, the remaining [-] soldiers and horses of Xixia gathered here.

Dai Daojin also looked a little tired. Although he was strong in martial arts, he was not an iron man. Although his body was fine in this non-stop rushing and fighting, his spirit was a little tired.

In Shazhou City, the government office.

Dai Daojin sat in the hall, looking at the generals in the hall, including Ning Jitong, Gong Hongbo and Zhang Yuanwei.

He turned his head to look at Zhang Yuanwei and said, "How are those people's arrangements?"

Zhang Yuanwei came out and said, "Your Majesty, those who are willing to leave, the general has already let them go, including... including the families of all the empresses and princes."

The generals had strange eyes and glanced at the emperor.

Dai Daojin was expressionless, glanced at the people in the hall, slowly stood up and said in a deep voice, "It's the same with you, I will never stop anyone who wants to leave."

The generals below looked at each other in blank dismay, a little moved, the matter was obvious, Xia Guo was going to be destroyed, staying here now was no different from sending him to death.

Dai Daojin said in a low voice, "There is only one chance, you grasp it yourself."

In the lobby, there was silence.

After a long while, a general bowed and cupped his hands, "Your Majesty...Your Majesty, the last general is the sole successor of the seventh generation of our family. If the last general dies, our family will be extinct. The last general..."

Dai Daojin waved his hand, "I understand, but when the country is alive and dying, General Li is leaving, but I can't even send a few hundred taels of silver to see him off. I really owe General Li a lot."

Then General Li hurriedly said, "Your Majesty is serious. It is not right for the last general to leave. How can he ask for gold and silver?"

Afterwards, General Li took off his armor and left.

Not long after, several more generals left.

Dai Daojin looked at the only six people left in the hall, Ning Jitong, Gong Hongbo and Zhang Yuanwei were impressively lined up, Dai Daojin nodded without any fluctuation in his heart.

The rest of the people made some discussions about the next battle.

Outside Shazhou City, inside the military tent, Genghis Khan's eyes were bloodshot, and his expression was full of exhaustion. After all, he was old, even Dai Daojin felt tired, let alone him, he always felt dizzy and chest tight these days.

Genghis Khan looked at the tired Mongolian soldiers in front of him, sighed in his heart, and said, "Everyone, the dog emperor of the Xia Kingdom is in the Shazhou City ahead, and this is the last city they can hold on to in the Xia Kingdom."

Originally, Yumen Pass could be resisted, but Mongolia is fighting from east to west, which is equivalent to attacking from the inside out, so it naturally loses its effectiveness.

Torre said in a hoarse voice, "Father Khan, this time we will do our best to completely wipe out the country of Xia and avenge our elder brother."

Guo Jing was in good spirits. Seeing Genghis Khan's expression, he couldn't help saying, "Khan, take care of your health."

Guo Jing's performance in the battle against Xia was very impressive, and his military exploits were naturally not small.

Genghis Khan looked at Guo Jing, nodded and smiled, his eyes were dark, he didn't know what he was thinking.

On the second day, the battle began.

On the top of the city, a man still wearing the dazzling silver-white armor stood there silently, boosting morale, but the long sword in his hand was replaced by a dusty bow.

He found this bow from the Xixia Neiku. It was a ten-stone bow. When it was discovered, it was covered with a layer of dust, and no one had used it for a long time.

One stone needs 120 jin of strength to pull it apart, and ten stone bows need to have a force of more than [-] jin if they want to draw it fully.

At Dai Daojin's feet, there was a bundle of special iron arrows, or should not be said to be arrows, each one was as thick as a baby's arm, with a cold light shining on the tip, engraved with blood grooves, and basically killed when stabbed.

He didn't seem to notice the sound of fighting in his ears.

Dai Daojin quietly changed the bow from his right hand to his left, then picked up the three iron arrows, walked forward a few steps, and looked down.

The soldiers next to him rushed to protect him, but Dai Daojin pushed him away.

As if they had found their target, a group of people stood on horseback a stone's throw away, a full two hundred paces away.

Dai Daojin raised the bow in his left hand and put an arrow in his right hand, narrowed his eyes slightly, and slowly pulled the bowstring.

"Squeak... squeak"

As the entire bow was fully drawn, the bow made a toothache sound.


The three arrows, like three streaks of black light, instantly passed through the battlefield and headed towards Temujin.

Temujin was still paying close attention to the battle situation on the battlefield. The vigilance of the old eagle was still there, but it was a little sluggish. Suddenly, he felt a chill in his heart, and the hairs on his body stood on end. As soon as it hurt, he was taken off the horse by a huge force and fell to the ground.

When his consciousness fell into darkness, he heard the roar of his youngest son Torrey and the exclamation of his generals.

Dai Daojin put down his bow, his eyes were indifferent. There were two people who were very vigilant and blocked Temujin just now, but the arrows shot with strange force pierced through the three of them one after another, nailing Temujin to the ground.

Throwing the longbow in his hand, Dai Daojin turned around and went down the city, changed his clothes, and disappeared in Shazhou City.

Ning Jitong, Gong Hongbo and Zhang Yuanwei also disappeared at the same time.


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