Juyongguan of the Kingdom of Jin, even with the cooperation of 30 troops from the Kingdom of Jin and 15 troops from Xixia, still lost to the might of the Mongolian army.

Juyongguan is in danger.

In the military tent, Genghis Khan was discussing matters with the generals.

Guo Jing bowed and said, "Khan, the golden soldiers are at the end of their strength, and they will definitely be able to break through tomorrow."

Genghis Khan laughed loudly, "Okay, Jing'er, if you can be the first to break through tomorrow, I will make you ten thousand households."

Guo Jing didn't look too happy, and said calmly, "Thank you, Khan."

Genghis Khan nodded in satisfaction.

Guo Jing is now quite well-known in the Mongolian army. The Mongols value bravery and combat exploits the most. He has high combat prowess, takes the lead in battle, and loves his subordinates a lot, so he is loved by the soldiers.

Genghis Khan also liked him as a son-in-law who was good at fighting. The reason why he just let out the news that Guo Jingruo was the first to break through, so he sealed his ten thousand households, because he received the news yesterday that his precious daughter Hua Zheng was pregnant. .

But he didn't tell Guo Jing about this, and planned to tell him after the war was over.

"Report." A shrill cry sounded outside the big tent, and the faces of the generals in the tent changed.

Genghis Khan said loudly, "Come in."

Immediately, an unkempt Mongolian soldier with scars all over his body came in, knelt down on the ground, and said loudly, "Khan, General Jochi, he...he..."

Genghis Khan's face changed drastically, he slammed the table and said loudly, "What happened, tell me quickly."

The Mongolian wounded soldier quickly told what happened in Xixia.

Then he said, "Khan, out of the [-] infantry behind us, only a hundred escaped, and the remaining brothers were all killed in battle. The general chased the enemy ahead, I'm afraid, I'm afraid..."

Genghis Khan shook his body.

The person next to him quickly supported him, "Khan."

Chagatai yelled sadly, "Brother, I want to avenge you." As he said that, he was about to walk outside the big tent, and Wo Kuotai and Tuo Lei followed behind with sad faces.

All the generals in the tent looked angry.

Genghis Khan said coldly, "Stop."

Wo Kuotai said loudly, "Father Khan, is it possible that elder brother just died like this?"

Genghis Khan stood up and said in a deep voice, "A warrior on the grassland never fears death. Jochi, my son, Changshengtian took you away. I, the father Khan, will avenge you sooner or later."


Genghis Khan chopped off a corner of the table with his knife, and said solemnly, "I will kill all Xia people to avenge you."

He was very heartbroken. Mongolia had fought countless battles, large and small, and had never suffered such heavy casualties. At this time, Mongolia only had a total of more than [-] cavalry, and this time it lost [-].

But Genghis Khan knew that the most important thing now was to break through Juyongguan and Zhongjing.

Even with Jochi dead, Genghis Khan still believed that the Mongol warriors were invincible.

The next day, Jin Bing and Xixia Bing suddenly found that Mongolia was crazy and started to attack.

Juyongguan is broken.

Genghis Khan refused to surrender, and the Jinxia allied forces fled in a hurry.

Led by Genghis Khan, his generals Chahetai, Wokuotai, Menglik, Boershu, Muhuali, Huoerchi, Yilugai, Guo Jing, etc., drove straight in, and attacked the Zhongdu City directly.

In the city of Zhongdu, people were panic-stricken when they received the news of the Mongolian massacre from the front line.

Inside the palace.

Wanyan Honglie was dressed in a bright yellow uniform, looking at the city gate with a heavy expression.

Yang Kang cupped his hands and said, "Father, the Mongolian soldiers are fierce. This time, Zhongdu may not be able to defend. Father still needs to make a decision early."

Wanyan Honglie shook his head, with a solemn expression, "At this special moment, if I run away, I will definitely lose the morale of the army, and it will be out of control. I can't leave."

Then he asked, "You have been in contact with Xia Guo all the time, how do you reply?"

Yang Kang said, "They have sent 15 troops here."

Wanyan Honglie nodded and said, "That's good. Fortunately, we made preparations to fortify the wall and clear the wilderness before, and then we will see who can persist." Wanyan Honglie has the idea of ​​moving the capital at this time, and the central capital is too close to Mongolia. , not suitable as Kyoto.

The next day, Mongolia began to attack the city.

Suddenly, at the head of the city, there were broken limbs and arms everywhere, and the sound of screams and screams was endless, like a meat grinder.

Later, Wanyan Honglie and Wanyan Kang even climbed to the top of the city to boost morale, and the morale of the army was greatly shaken. The soldiers worked desperately and defeated the Mongolian offensive time and time again.

Mongolia was unable to attack for a long time, and immediately ordered the siege of the city.

The Mongols had a characteristic of fighting in the early stage, that is, they did not have much food and grass for logistics, because their cavalry had super mobility, and the Mongols had already brought cavalry tactics to the extreme. In addition, they were brave and good at riding and shooting, and they generally did not attack in battle. City, first rely on maneuvering to quickly intersperse to your important town and big city to surround you, and use the Quartet as military supplies.

Of course, this is just Mongolia in the early stage. At this time, Genghis Khan, like the grassland peoples in the past, had very little dependence on the city. After they broke the city, they would first tear down the city wall and destroy the enemy's fortress, making the enemy unable to defend.

In the later period, Mongolia had a large number of affiliated troops, especially after Mongolia strengthened its artillery troops, the siege became much more powerful.

This time a desperate siege is also rare, and all the soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin were also very surprised.


Western Xia.

Dai Daojin was not idle either. After sending 15 troops to the Kingdom of Jin, he immediately ordered Ning Jitong and Gong Hongbo to take action.

Immediately, the Buddhist temples in Xixia began to be plundered by several fleeing "Mongolian cavalry".

These cavalry, it's fine if you don't resist, but if you resist, you will be shot and killed.

Most of the Buddhist temples in Xixia have official backgrounds, and the memorials spread like snowflakes to Dai Daojin's desk.

Naturally, Dai Daojin couldn't ignore it, so he sent his generals to destroy it.

But these "Mongolian cavalry" are extremely fast, come and go without a trace, and seem to know the movements of the Xixia army. Often when the Xixia army arrives, there are only ruins left, and the "Mongolian cavalry" has long since disappeared.

More than a month later, in the Imperial Study Room of the Xixia Palace.

Dai Daojin looked at the news in his hand with a cold face. He was a little shocked. He just sent Ning Jitong and Gong Hongbo to rob temples, intending to alleviate the crisis of money and food in Xixia. He really didn't expect that he just robbed more than [-] Buddhist temples and looted The money and food in the country actually exceeded Xixia's annual treasury income by more than three times.

This must be how much people's fat and people's anointment.

Dai Daojin breathed out, glanced at Ning Jitong and Gong Hongbo, and said, "Gong Hongbo, you continue to raise 'food and grass' for me, Ning Jitong, you go to contact Tubo."

At this time, Gong Hongbo had lost all affection for those so-called monks. To be honest, he was also very shocked by the huge amount of money and food that he had robbed. After hearing the emperor's order, he immediately bowed his hands and obeyed the order.

Ning Jitong asked, "Your Majesty, if you contact Tubo, are you asking Tubo for help?"

Dai Daojin smiled, "Although the people in Tubo are stupid, their military strength should not be underestimated. When you go to Tubo as an envoy, ask them for help first, and explain to them clearly that if the Xia Kingdom is destroyed, the Mongols will deal with it next." It is the tribes of Tubo."

"If their tribal leaders don't understand the truth of the cold lips and teeth, then you spend money and hire them to send troops to fight in Xia Xia."

Ning Jitong was puzzled, "Employment?"

Dai Daojin nodded, "Yes, hire. We will pay them to help us fight the war. If they are interested, the price is negotiable." Money is nothing, as long as Tubo can send troops to kill or wound the Mongolian army, they will give them whatever money they want.

In order to reduce the Mongolian military force as much as possible, he has already resorted to unscrupulous means.

Ning Jitong was a little curious, and nodded thoughtfully.


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