The martial arts of the heavens start from Wudang

Chapter 266 Dragon and Elephant Prajna Gong

The battle of Shacheng shook the world.

The city was broken and Xixia was destroyed, and then the angry Mongolian soldiers killed all the remaining people in Xixia like locusts passing through.

Why are the Mongols angry?Because their god, Genghis Khan Temujin, died.

Two months later, Xixia was truly deserted for thousands of miles, with bones covering the plain.

So far, Xixia disappeared in the long river of history.


Two years later, Zhongnanshan.

In a room in Chongyang Palace, Dai Daojin and Ma Yu sat facing each other.

In front of the two of them, there were two cups of hot tea, the mist curled up, and the aroma smelled in their noses, making them seem peaceful and peaceful.

However, the conversation between the two was very uneasy and smelled like blood.

Ma Yu glanced at the person in front of him, and said softly, "The mission sent by Mongolia to Song Dynasty was killed before it entered the territory of Song Dynasty. What did you do?"

Dai Daojin nodded: "This is the third time, the Mongols really don't give up."

"Of course they don't want to give up. Now the Great Khan of Mongolia is Temujin's third son Okuotai. How can he give up if he wants to destroy the Jin Dynasty with the Song Dynasty?" Ma Yu said, and then wondered, "Why do you have to kill The dead Mongolian mission, the emperor of Song Dynasty and those high-ranking officials should not be so stupid, really think that after Lianmeng destroys gold, Mongolia will let Song Dynasty go?"

Dai Daojin chuckled: "You should never underestimate how stupid a person is."

May Yu remained silent.

Slight silence.

Dai Daojin suddenly said: "It's time for Wanyan Kang to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor."

"So fast? Wanyan Honglie is still alive and well." Ma Yu was surprised.

Dai Daojin shook his head, "The power of a single country in Xixia can consume more than [-] Mongolian soldiers and horses. In the past two years, the Jin Kingdom is recovering, and Mongolia is also recovering. Fortunately, they carried out the Western Expedition on the one hand, and on the other hand they tried to unite. The Song Dynasty attacked the Kingdom of Jin from both sides, although there were constant frictions, it was relatively peaceful."

"But we can't wait any longer. Although Mongolia has a small population, their combat effectiveness is too strong. When it recovers, the Kingdom of Jin will not be its opponent at all."

Ma Yu hesitated and said, "You mean to get rid of Wanyan Honglie?"

Dai Daojin said: "In the past two years, the royal family of the Kingdom of Jin and Wanyan Honglie are at odds, or those who are dissatisfied with Wanyan Kang being the crown prince are almost dead. The obstacles on the road have been cleared. As long as Wanyan Honglie dies, the court of the Kingdom of Jin will There is no one here who can stop Wan Yankang."

"Besides, he hasn't spent these years in vain. The power he cultivated can also contribute."

Ma Yu nodded, agreeing to the matter, and asked, "Jin Guo, what are your plans?"

Dai Daojin's eyes were inexplicable, and he said with a smile: "The Kingdom of Jin doesn't need to fight to the death with Mongolia. Although the Kingdom of Jin is not Mongolia's opponent, but with the financial support I brought from the Kingdom of Xia, the national strength is still not to be underestimated. If it is really unable to resist, it will be easy if it cannot be defeated." Come down."

Ma Yu was surprised, from Xixia's point of view, the person in front of him was trying his best to consume Mongolia's power, why did he change this time.

When Dai Daojin saw him, he smiled and leaned over to speak in a low voice. Ma Yu listened attentively, his eyes flickering.


Dai Daojin walked out of Chongyang Palace, suddenly thought of an acquaintance next door, so he turned around and rushed away.

The tomb of the living dead was still intact after all, and the people in the tomb were not driven away because of those soldiers and food.

Dai Daojin didn't want to be too troublesome looking for someone, so he went straight to the tomb of the living dead and said, "Li Mochou."

The sound was not loud, but the people inside the tomb could hear it clearly.

Not long after, only a sound was heard.


The stone door opened.

A woman in white came out with a long sword in her hand. Behind her was an old woman leading a little girl about eight or nine years old. The little girl was carved like a porcelain doll, very cute.

Dai Daojin glanced at the little girl, and then his eyes fell on the woman holding the sword. This woman looked about 40 years old, but Dai Daojin knew that the "Jade Heart Sutra" of the Ancient Tomb Sect could delay aging. This woman was Lin Chaoying's servant girl. Age is never young.

Dai Daojin cupped his hands, "Excuse me, is Li Mochou here?"

The woman looked cold, looked at Dai Daojin for a while, and felt a little dignified in her heart. The voice just now seemed to be whispered in the ear, and the inner strength of this person was really terrifying.

His voice was as cold as his expression, "There is no Li Mochou in the Ancient Tomb Sect, you can find him elsewhere." If it wasn't for the fact that this person's martial arts skills are not deep enough, according to this woman's personality, she might have just chased her away.

Dai Daojin was slightly taken aback, could it be that Li Mochou still betrayed the ancient tomb?

"Senior Sister and Master were angry and ran away from home." A crisp voice came from behind the woman, like big pearls and small pearls falling on a jade plate.

Dai Daojin looked back at the little girl.

Seeing his eyes, the little girl couldn't help hiding behind the old woman.

"Little Dragon Girl." The scolding sound made the little girl stick out her tongue in fright.

Dai Daojin couldn't help smiling, looked at the woman and said, "Since Mochou is not in the ancient tomb, then I won't bother you, let me go." He had other things to do, so he came here to have a look, but it was just a temporary idea.

The woman was also taken aback, the man was so straightforward, and then saw that the man turned around and left.

Looking at his back, he was a little puzzled, and then the three from the ancient tomb went back.

On the way down the mountain, Dai Daojin thought of the cute appearance of the little dragon girl just now, and couldn't help but feel a little pity that such a lively child was taught to have a cold temperament that does not eat the fireworks of the world.

But he has too many things to do now, and he doesn't have time to take care of them.

After descending Zhongnan Mountain, Dai Daojin went directly to Mongolia.


One month later, Wanyan Honglie, the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, became seriously ill and fell into a coma.

With the secret support of the Quanzhen Sect and other forces, the crown prince Wanyan Kang supervised the country and took over the military and political power of the Jin Kingdom.

After Wan Yankang came to power, he secretly supported his own people in power and eliminated dissidents. His methods were very spicy.

Not long after, there was no more objection from the court of the Kingdom of Jin, and Wanyan Honglie "died" in due course.

Wanyankang ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, with the reign title Tiansheng.


In the desert, Dai Daojin rode a horse, walking leisurely forward.

When he came to Mobei this time, besides doing some things, he also wanted to acquire a martial art. This martial art is the magical skill "Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu" of Tantric Buddhism.

"Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu" is divided into thirteen levels, and each level has the power of a dragon and an elephant. Dai Daojin naturally knows that this is nonsense, but this kung fu is well-known. , the power has no casting, even if there is some moisture, it should not be underestimated.

The Dragon Elephant Prajna Palm matched with "Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu" has strong palm strength, which can match Yang Guo's ecstasy palm force, which is enough to show its strength.

Originally, based on Dai Daojin's martial arts at this time, no matter how powerful the "Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu" is, it has little effect on improving it, but since Dai Daojin practiced martial arts, the "Yin Yang Jing" is already available in the internal martial arts, while the external exercises are not systematic. Therefore, I intend to learn from the "Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong" of Tantric Buddhism.

Any martial art has its unique features, and it is worth learning from and enriching oneself.

Thinking of this, Dai Daojin couldn't help but think of another martial art, "King Kong Is Not Bad". Once this kind of martial art is transformed, the whole body will turn golden yellow, becoming a truly invincible, invulnerable, indestructible, and invincible The indestructible body of King Kong, the higher the skill, the better the defense effect, speed, immunity, and destructive power.

Dai Daojin didn't know the difference and connection between this "King Kong Immortal Art" and one of the 72 unique skills of Shaolin Temple "King Kong Immortal Body Art". However, I have also studied it, but there is no way to become a golden body.

Shaking his head, Dai Daojin put these things behind him. It's useless to think about these things, so let's take care of the present first.

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