Jochi asked the subordinate next to him in surprise, "Did you hear the sound of water?"

The subordinate turned his head and said, "General, here..." Then he was speechless.

Jochi glanced at him, and saw him staring behind him in a daze, with a look of fear on his face.

Shu Chi's heart sank, he suddenly turned his head, looked at the monstrous blue waves, his pupils contracted immediately, and after being dazed, he hissed and shouted, "Retreat."


However, it was too late.

The flood was merciless and instantly submerged the 3 Mongolian cavalry. The screams of the [-] horses were covered by the sound of water.

The water goes to the lower place, but no matter you are a Mongol or a Xixia city, you will be flooded, and the water is rushing towards Zhongxing Mansion.

On the Helan Mountain not far away, countless people appeared densely at this time, all wearing armor and holding sharps, and a large part of them were holding bows and arrows, carrying two quiveres on their backs, and the quiveres were filled with shot arrows.

Dai Daojin stood with his hands behind his back, quietly looking at the flooded Mongolian cavalry below, and of course, Zhongxing Mansion, the capital of Xixia.

After a while, a soldier came over, knelt on one knee and said, "Your Majesty, general, when will the embankment be blocked?"

Dai Daojin said lightly, "Tell him to stop in half an hour."

Ning Jitong listened to it, looked at the submerged Zhongxing Mansion, and couldn't help saying, "Your Majesty, although the Zhongxing Mansion is deep and strong, if it is soaked in flood water for a long time, it may be in danger of collapsing."

"The final general thinks that the mouth of the Yellow River should be blocked immediately to avoid further losses."

Dai Daojin turned his head and glanced at him, then at the flood below, and said calmly, "Can you guarantee that the 3 people below will stay here?"

"Your Majesty." Ning Jitong walked out and knelt down on one knee, "The general promises that all these Mongolian cavalrymen will stay here. I implore Your Majesty to immediately block the mouth of the Yellow River."

Dai Daojin was silent, and waved his hand, "Go and order Gong Hongbo to block the embankment immediately."

The orderly led the way.

Half an hour later, the flood stopped, but the front of the Zhongxing Mansion had turned into a swamp, and at least [-] of the [-] Mongolian cavalry died.

But even so, seeing Ning Ji and the Xixia arrow team advancing slowly, the surviving Mongolian soldiers still bent their bows and counterattacked, causing casualties to the Xixia side. Their tenacity and ferocity made Dai Daojin look sideways.

But no matter how fierce it was, it was nothing more than a stubborn resistance. In the end, all [-] Mongolian cavalry were killed in front of the Zhongxing Mansion.

Except for Dai Daojin, none of the people on Xixia’s side thought they had won, because Xixia’s side paid a price of nearly 20 horses, and the Zhongxing Mansion was also flooded. Even if the people in the city were notified in advance to evacuate, they still suffered heavy losses. .

After Dai Daojin knew that the Mongolian cavalry was wiped out, he didn't pay any more attention, and just asked Ning Jitong to clean up the battlefield.

But his mind was on another place, waiting for Zhang Yuanwei's news.

However, while he was waiting for the news, a person came to him.

Dai Daojin looked at Wei Ming Linggong who was full of grief and indignation in front of him, and listened to his questioning in silence.

Wei Mingling knelt down on his knees, with a sad expression on his face, and said loudly, "Your Majesty, those 20 sons and daughters are all my Daxia people. Why is it so, why is it so for a mere [-] Mongolian cavalry?"

Today, Wei Mingling doesn't know that the emperor asked him to take recruits to guard Heishui City. It was a conspiracy against the Mongolian army. , How could His Majesty have the heart, how could he have the heart.

The name of Wei made the old man burst into tears, and in the imperial study, Ning Jitong and Gong Hongbo bowed their heads in silence.

Dai Daojin said expressionlessly, "Come here, inform me, let the chief officer of the third department come to see me."

Not long after, an official came in.

After saluting, Dai Daojin said directly, "Go and count the casualties of the soldiers. After death, the orphans and widows left behind must be taken care of, and the soldiers should not be chilled. How much pension will be paid to each household, and I will make a charter later."

The officials of the third division naturally knew what the emperor was talking about, he hesitated for a while, and stopped talking.

Dai Daojin frowned and said, "Speak up if you have something to say?"

The officials of the third department are in charge of the imperial court's finances, and said, "Your Majesty, forgive me. In recent years, there have been frequent wars in the country, and the money and food in the treasury..."

He didn't finish his sentence, but everyone present knew what he meant, and Wei Ming made Gong Gong's face even more miserable.

Dai Daojin said coldly, "What? Isn't it enough to pay for the casualties this time?"

Hearing the anger in the emperor's words, the official of the third department hurriedly said, "It's enough, it's enough, but after using it..." He had to say the second half of the sentence, otherwise the emperor would have to use the money again, and if he couldn't get it out, he wouldn't It's easy to explain.

Dai Daojin waved his hand, "Get this thing done first, I'll figure out a way to deal with the money and food."

The officials of the three divisions bowed and left.

Dai Daojin looked at Weiming Linggong quietly, and said, "How does Weiming Linggong feel about this treatment?"

Now that the matter has come to an end, Wei Mingling lowered his head, "Thank you, Your Majesty, on behalf of the soldiers who died."

Dai Daojin nodded, "Mr. Wei Mingling is quite tired from this battle, so let's go back and have a good rest."

"Farewell, my minister." Wei Mingling bowed and exited the imperial study.

In the imperial study room, Dai Daojin stroked his beard and walked up and down, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Ning Jitong and Gong Hongbo watched the emperor walking back and forth, not daring to disturb him.

After a while, Dai Daojin stopped and asked, "General Ning, how many Mongolian soldiers have been confiscated this time?"

Ning Jitong clasped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, apart from the broken ones, a total of more than [-] pieces of Mongolian armor were seized this time. The general is planning to send these to the foundry for recasting."

Dai Daojin waved his hand, "Leave [-] pieces."

Although Ning Jitong didn't know what to do with these things, he still said, "Yes, Your Majesty."

Dai Daojin waved, "Come here, both of you."

Ning Jitong and Gong Hongbo stepped forward, leaned over to listen, Dai Daojin leaned over, opened and closed his mouth, and whispered a call.

When the two heard the emperor's words, their faces changed drastically, and their expressions were shocked.

After the emperor finished speaking, Ning Jitong's expression was still horrified, "This... this... Your Majesty, is this a little inappropriate." Gong Hongbo also nodded in agreement beside him.

Dai Daojin said coldly, "What's wrong? Those people don't work all day long, accumulate a lot of property, and don't want to serve the country. When the country is in danger, I ask them what's wrong with borrowing some money and food?"

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help but sneered, "You think I don't know what their plans are, hehe, no matter who makes this world, they all want to sit on the Diaoyutai, thinking of good things, suck blood on weekdays, and use it when they come to the country When money is used for food, you can’t get out of it, how can it be so simple.”

Seeing that the two were still hesitant, Dai Daojin said directly, "Under the overthrow of the nest, there will be no eggs. If our Daxia is destroyed by Mongolia, the money will be cheaper for the Mongols. If we can resist the invasion of Mongolia and protect our Daxia Xia Zimin, how can such a mere price be unbearable, what do the two lovers think?"

In the end, Ning Jitong and Gong Hongbo had to take orders and leave.

Five days later, the news of Dai Daojin and others finally came. Looking at the information in his hand, Dai Daojin smiled. Zhang Yuanwei did not disappoint him. He gave him [-] soldiers and horses, and finally kept the [-] infantry soldiers brought by Jochi. Western Xia.

Our own side lost more than 3 people, but these Dai Daojin were indifferent.

Dai Daojin looked out the window, thinking silently in his heart, how to use Xixia's greatest power to consume Mongolia.


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