Wei Mingling was defeated, 20 against [-], still lost.

Wei Mingling looked embarrassed, and retreated with an army of less than [-].

If it weren't for the mountainous terrain in Xixia, which is not conducive to cavalry raids, the casualties would be even more serious.

Wei Mingling looked at the soldiers around him, shook his head with a wry smile, and secretly said, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, you are wrong this time.

It turns out that among the 20 soldiers and horses, there are 15 recruits and only [-] old soldiers.

The reason Dai Daojin gave was that Temujin would definitely retreat when he saw Xia Guo's offensive posture.

Wei Mingling has rich experience in leading the army, so he naturally knows that he can't take risks, and he speaks earnestly, but Dai Daojin insists on his own opinion.

Wei Ming made the public helpless, so he had to accept orders.

The remaining 2000 is the result of Wei Mingling's careful handling. These new recruits met such a brave Mongolian cavalry for the first time, and their hands and feet trembled. If there were not [-] veterans following them, they might collapse at the first touch, and the entire army might be wiped out Yes, and about [-] people were killed or injured in Mongolia.

Among the remaining less than 10 people, old soldiers accounted for more than 4.

These people fight and retreat.

Zhu Chi, the leader of the Mongolian army, was also very surprised. Mongolia had attacked Xixia twice, and he also fought against the Xixia army. In his impression, he should not be so miserable.

Xixia's mountain soldiers are extremely powerful, and he has also experienced them before.

"General, could it be that the Xia people tricked me?" the general asked suspiciously.

Jochi frowned, "Cheating? It's possible, that old guy Wei Ming is full of tricks, but..."

"but what?"

"But in this battle, the Xia Kingdom lost a total of 10 soldiers. That old guy Wei Ming would not dare to sacrifice the lives of [-] soldiers. How many soldiers does the Xia Kingdom have in total? He is not afraid of the emperor's old man watching." His head?" Jochi asked doubtfully.

The general also frowned.

Jochi waved his hand suddenly, and said decisively, "Whether he is a conspiracy or not, I will lead [-] cavalry in the rear of the pawns, and chase them from behind, killing the enemy as much as possible. If there is a trick, with the bravery of my Mongolian warriors, You can retreat, I don't believe Xia Guo's soldiers and horses can stop me."

The general thought about it, cavalry come and go like the wind, as long as you are careful, it should be no big deal, the temptation to wipe out 20 soldiers and horses of the Xia Kingdom is too great, and he doesn't believe that the Xia Kingdom used the lives of [-] soldiers to make plots and tricks .

The fighter opportunity is fleeting, and he will take orders, but he still said, "General, it's better to be careful, if something goes wrong, retreat immediately."

Jochi nodded, waved his hand, and rode forward.

All the way to kill, all the way to escape.

By the time he reached Mount Helan, Xixia's 10 horses had been reduced to less than [-].

Wei Mingling looked at Keyimen, an important military town in front of him, and heaved a sigh of relief. After crossing Helan Mountain, he would be the Zhongxing Mansion in Kyoto. If these [-] Mongolian cavalry passed Helan Mountain, it would be unimaginable.

Wei Mingling raised his hand, "Come here, take this commander's warrant to report."

There were soldiers to do it. After a while, the soldiers told that there was no one in the town.

Wei Mingling turned his head to look behind him, and he could vaguely see dense cavalry trailing behind him.

Gritting his teeth, he wanted to give orders, but when he saw that the soldiers around him were all exhausted, with pale faces, he swallowed back the words that came to his lips.

Along the way, he couldn't eat well or sleep well, and he was threatened with death at any time. Not to mention the recruits, even the old soldiers were on the verge of collapse.

Looking at those blank eyes, although Wei Mingling sighed in his heart, he made up his mind that even if all 20 horses were killed in battle, the Mongols would never be allowed to cross Helan Mountain.

Immediately passed the order to rest in place.

About ten miles behind, Shu Chi's face was a little excited, 20 horses, 15 were killed by him, he can be sure that Wei Ming is really fleeing with his life, not some conspiracy.

During the chase all the way, Jochi didn't go all out to chase and kill him, for fear that the opponent would jump over the wall in a hurry and fight desperately, but at the same time he was a little cautious.

The general next to him rode his horse and walked up to Jochi, with some worry on his brows, "General, there is Helan Mountain in front of him, and behind Helan Mountain is Zhongxing Mansion, the capital of Xia Kingdom. Could this be a trick of the other party to lure the enemy in?"

Shuchi laughed and said, "Yehu, you lure the enemy deep, will you let your 15 sons go to die first, win the enemy's trust, and then only for the enemy's 3 people?"

The general immediately shook his head.

Shu Chi patted the other party's shoulder, and said with a relaxed expression, "Ye Suhu, my good answer, the emperor of the Xia Kingdom is a softie. This time, he probably thinks that we in Mongolia will definitely retreat when we see them allying with the Kingdom of Jin, so It is so careless, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, if we can break through the Zhongxing Mansion, Father Khan must be very happy."

Then a scout came on horseback.

"Report to the general, the enemy has started to rest on the spot, looking at the change in formation, it seems that they are going to fight us to the death."

Shu Chi's eyes lit up, if the opponent dared not fight and crossed Helan Mountain, then he had to think carefully, but at this time the enemy was going to do his best, with the capital of Xia Kingdom behind him, it would be strange if he didn't do his best.

Reassuring, Shuchi waved his hand, and the soldiers next to him saw him and waved the command flag in his hand. The 3 horses suddenly became agitated and began to run slowly.

It's getting faster.

Wei Mingling bowed his head, felt the dust shaking on the ground, took a deep breath, stood behind a large improvised horse-repelling post, and shouted, "Prepare to meet the enemy."


On a hilltop of Helan Mountain, Dai Daojin looked down at the battlefield below with an expressionless face.

Beside, Ning Jitong felt chills in his heart, looked down the mountain, then glanced at the emperor next to him fearfully, sighed in his heart that the emperor is ruthless.

Dai Daojin naturally noticed Ning Jitong's gaze, but he didn't care, he only cared about whether he could succeed this time.

After a while, Dai Daojin waved his hand, and after a man in black bowed and saluted, he jumped and ran down the mountain.


After Wei Mingling killed a Mongolian soldier with a sword, just as he was about to continue, a man in black rushed to his side and shouted, "Wei Mingling, Your Majesty has an order to order you to retreat to Zhongxing Mansion."

Wei Mingling heard this, his face changed slightly, and he glanced at the gold medal in his hand.

His cheeks tensed, and he roared, "Retreat."

With this order, all the soldiers scattered in all directions and fled in a hurry, fleeing for their lives, where they could gather together.

The Mongolian cavalry chased after them, like chasing and killing fleeing cattle and sheep.

After chasing and killing them with horses, the Mongolian cavalry finally crossed Helan Mountain.

In front of Zhongxing Mansion, chasing all the way, Jochi gathers the Mongolian army, looking at the big city ahead, and the defeated remnants of the Xia Kingdom running towards the Zhongxing Mansion, less than [-].

But no one came to the rescue.

At this moment, Jochi sensed something was wrong, so he made a decisive decision, waved his right hand, and immediately raised the flag at his hand.

The army is about to retreat.

At this moment, Jochi suddenly heard the sound of water.


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