More than half a year later, Mongolia joined forces and surrounded Samarkand.

Samarkand is the new capital and cultural center of the Khwarazm Empire. During the siege, the defenders and residents of Samarkand broke through several times, but were all repelled by the Mongols. As a last resort, Kaesong surrendered half a month later.

Genghis Khan ordered the expulsion of the residents out of the city, and the plundering of the soldiers. Later, all the defenders of Samarkand, including the Turkic soldiers, were executed, and the commander was sentenced to death.

In front of the school grounds, Guo Jing heard the screams in his ears, couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Khan, since they have already surrendered, can you spare them?"

Seeing that it was him, Genghis Khan laughed and said, "So it is our great hero. Haha, Guo Jing, you have done a lot to attack Khwarazmo this time. I will reward you when you return to Mongolia."

But he didn't mention the words of forgiving these people.

Just as Guo Jing wanted to continue, he was pulled from behind. When he looked back, it turned out to be Torre.

Seeing Torre winking at him, Guo Jing had no choice but to back away.

On the third day, it was still the same school, on the high platform, Genghis Khan looked at the people below.

He said loudly, "Zhebie, Subutai, and Tohuchaer, each of you leads a team of ten thousand people, and chases after King Khwarazmo Mokomo for me."

Then the army set out and divided into two groups.

Genghis Khan led a large army and began to return to Mongolia. Khwarazm has been basically destroyed by Mongolia. The remaining forces, three ten thousand troops are enough to wipe out. He will go back this time to let those who offended him know the power of Mongolian warriors .

In almost a year, Mongolia sent 15 troops to destroy Khwarazm.

During this year, Xixia and the Kingdom of Jin attacked Mobei six times.

Dai Daojin successively increased his troops by a total of [-], and the Kingdom of Jin sent [-] troops. Together, they sent troops to Mobei, Mongolia six times.

Since Mobei was the hometown of Genghis Khan, the [-] Mongolian soldiers left behind did not dare to take the initiative to attack, because Genghis Khan and other gold nobles' wives and children were there, and guarding these people was their main duty, so they could only defend passively.

But even so, these [-] Mongolian cavalry faced six attacks from the Xia and Jin alliances. With the help of the flat terrain of the grassland, they gave full play to the strength of the Mongolian cavalry, broke out huge fighting power, and repelled future enemies time after time.

Xixia lost more than 4 people, Jin Kingdom lost more than 2 people, and Mongolia lost less than 1 people. This ratio surprised Dai Daojin who received the news. It was almost six to one. Let him truly realize the powerful combat effectiveness of Mongolian soldiers.

After receiving the news that Temujin led the soldiers back, Dai Daojin also let Xixia's soldiers and horses back, borrowing from the Kingdom of Jin, and the speed was very fast.

Inside the Xixia Palace, the Imperial Study Room.

Dai Daojin looked at the three people in front of him with a smile on his face, "What did you gain this time?"

Gong Hongbo, Ning Jitong and Zhang Yuanwei looked at each other.

Ning Jitong's face was serious, and he said respectfully, "Your Majesty, thanks to His Majesty's attention, the promotion of the three of us gave us the opportunity to lead the army to fight. This year, we will fight against Mongolia six times. I have to say, they are really good!" powerful."

Dai Daojin's face was calm, and he smiled and said, "Why, are you afraid?"

Ning Jitong shook his head and said seriously, "Your Majesty, although Mongolia is powerful, we are not afraid. The last general and others discovered this time that Mongolia is not only powerful with his cavalry, but their infantry and artillery are equally powerful. If you want to win, It is necessary to strengthen the training of our Daxia soldiers, and at the same time establish our own artillery unit in Daxia."

In fact, Xixia also had its own artillery at this time, but because the imperial court did not pay attention to it, it was basically in a state of half-use.

Dai Daojin listened, and then asked the three of them a few more questions.

Observing the expressions of the three people, Dai Daojin was secretly satisfied. These three people were selected by him from the army. They were all of good talent and character, and they were all Han Chinese, and he secretly taught them Wu Mu's suicide note.

Dai Daojin's expression flickered, and he said with a smile, "I specially selected you three from the army. This time we have formed such a big enmity with Mongolia. The war is just around the corner. I hope you don't let me down."

Gong Hongbo, Ning Jitong and Zhang Yuanwei said in unison, "The last general will definitely do his best to repay His Majesty."

Dai Daojin heard this, and said meaningfully, "If you want to repay your kindness, then you must not die. It is the right thing to keep a useful body."

Then, he took out a secret letter in his hand and handed it to the three of them.


Genghis Khan did not return to Mobei, but directly sent troops to Xixia.

When Xixia got the news, the whole team immediately mobilized, and at the same time sent a message to the Jin Kingdom and the Tubo tribes.

In the Kingdom of Jin, outside Juyong Pass, there are 30 Chen soldiers, making a gesture of attacking Mobei with all their strength.

The news reached Genghis Khan, and Genghis Khan looked up at the Yumen Pass in front of him, wondering why Jin Guo and Xia were so united this time.

Genghis Khan looked at his generals and said in a deep voice, "The Kingdom of Jin has 30 soldiers at Juyongguan, and they are in an offensive posture. Everyone, Yumen Pass is right in front of us. As long as we attack, we can go all out and hit Zhongxing Mansion. The head of Emperor Xia, what do you think?"

The generals below were silent. Their wives and children were all in Mobei, so they naturally wanted to go back to help. They couldn't sit and watch the 30 soldiers of the Jin Kingdom attack without going to rescue them, but this is not suitable to say here.

Torre is the youngest son of Temujin. He was loved by Temujin since he was a child. He naturally knew the worries of the generals at this time, so he took the initiative to say, "Father Khan, the wives and children of the soldiers are all in Mobei. , the boy thinks that we should come back to help, we have conquered such a large territory of Khwarazmo in one year, and the Xia Kingdom is a tiny place, with the ability of our Mongolian warriors, revenge will come sooner or later."

Temujin looked at the crowd and said in a deep voice, "Okay, we will return to Mobei tomorrow."

Outside Yumen Pass, Wei Mingling looked at the Mongolian army going away with a heavy face, but he was relieved in his heart.


More than a month later, Temujin returned to Mobei.

After a short rest, the Mongolian army immediately sent troops south to attack the Kingdom of Jin.

Dai Daojin's speed is not slow. Xixia's military strength has almost doubled after the national conscription. At this time, it has reached nearly 60. He directly mobilized 15 people to step across Montenegro to help Jin Guo.

At the same time, with Wei Mingling as the commander, he led 20 soldiers and horses to Chen Bing in Heishui Town, ready to attack Mongolia at any time.

In the military tent, Temujin looked at the information in his hand, frowned, and then passed the information to his soldiers.

Said, "Now the Kingdom of Jin and the Kingdom of Xia seem to have reached an alliance. No matter which one I Mongolia attacks, the other will help. Moreover, the number of soldiers and horses in Xixia is more than [-]."

"The soldiers of Jin and Xia are naturally no match for our warriors on the grassland, but they should not be underestimated. What do you think of this battle?"

Shuchi said loudly, "Great Khan, the last general is willing to lead the troops to resist Xia's troops."

"The last general is willing to be the siege vanguard."

"The last general..."

They all asked for orders to fight, and no one proposed to withdraw their troops.

Temujin laughed loudly, "Okay, so what about the alliance between the two countries? The more than 1 warriors in our grassland cannot die in vain. This revenge must be avenged."


"Revenge..." The voice was deafening.

Temujin nodded in satisfaction.

The union of Xixia and Jin did not scare the Mongols, their invincibility made them more brave.

The next day, Shuchi led [-] soldiers and horses to resist Xixia.

Outside Juyongguan, Mongolia began to attack.


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