Dai Daojin looked at the doctor Yu Shi coldly, and said indifferently, "What? What should I do, do I still need the consent of King Qi?"

Doctor Yushi bit his head and said, "Your Majesty, the King of Qi is commanding troops outside, so I think I should let you know about such a big matter."

Dai Daojin ignored him and glanced at everyone coldly.

With tense cheeks, "Do you also think King Qi should be informed?"

Wei Mingling said without hesitation, "Your Majesty can act arbitrarily." He is the confidant of "Li An'an", so he naturally follows His Majesty's lead.

Although Gao Yi also felt that he should be notified, he caught a glimpse of the murderous intent in the emperor's eyes, and immediately said, "The minister agrees with Wei Mingling."

"The ministers and others seconded the proposal." The others were not fools and said one after another.

Doctor Yushi's face was ugly, but he had a close relationship with King Qi, so he had to say what he said just now.

Dai Daojin turned around and looked out the window, whispering, "It should be here."

The people present were puzzled after hearing this.

But seeing the emperor standing there silently, they could only stand and wait.

About half an hour later, when the legs and feet of the adults were sore, a young eunuch walked in outside the door.

"Your Majesty, please see Lord Li."

Dai Daojin said, "Xuan."

Not long after, the travel-worn Ouchi bodyguard commander went to Liping, appeared in the imperial study, and knelt down on one knee.

"See Your Majesty, I am fortunate that I did not disgrace my order, and have executed the traitor Li Zunxu." After speaking, he untied the package behind his back and offered it with both hands.

Dai Daojin looked down and said lightly, "Open."

The other adults, seeing how tightly wrapped the package was, couldn't help but wonder what was inside, and looked suspiciously.

Xiang Liping then put the package on the ground, opened it, and finally revealed the contents inside.

In the imperial study room, several adults all exclaimed.

It turned out that the package contained the head of Qi Wang Li Zunxu.

Seeing the changes in the expressions of those adults, Dai Daojin said coldly, "The king of Qi, Li Zunxu, has been favored by the king. He didn't want to serve the country, but intended to rebel. Now he has been executed."

Afterwards, without waiting for the adults to react, they turned their heads and shouted, "Go to Liping, pass on my will, and order Yiwei Division to send people to put everyone in the Qi Palace into prison. All property will be confiscated and put into the treasury. .”

The words kept saying, "Li Shizhan, the official censor of Yushitai, during his reign, took bribes, violated the law and discipline, was dismissed from office, confiscated property, filled the treasury, blocked law enforcement, and executed."

Two beheaded characters in succession made the words smell bloody.

Xiang Liping's expression was shocked, knowing that after this time, he would be reused, endured the exhaustion, and shouted, "The minister leads the decree."

Master Li, the censor, immediately turned pale, and hurriedly fell to his knees and cried, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, is there no minister, I am loyal to Your Majesty."

With a wave of Li Ping's right hand, two soldiers outside the door came in and set Li Shizhan out.

Dai Daojin looked at the remaining six, and said quietly, "My lords, in the next few days, it is estimated that I will bother you to come up with a charter for the military system reform plan just now. Basic changes can be made, so please hurry up.”

The six people looked at each other, bowed and said, "I obey the order."

Dai Daojin said casually, "Young Master Wei Ming will stay, and the other lovers can step down."

"I'm waiting to retire."

After a while, only Dai Daojin and Wei Mingling were left in the imperial study.

Dai Daojin sat back behind the desk, and said lightly, "Do you think I'm too anxious?"

Wei Mingling hurriedly bowed and said, "I don't dare, but the matter of King Qi..."

Dai Daojin took a sip of tea, and said, "I didn't inform you about King Qi's matter in advance. This matter must be kept secret."

"Now, as long as I set up the five supervisory divisions according to the method I just set up, and use the combat readiness division to coordinate the overall affairs, I will be able to firmly grasp the military power in my hands. When the time comes, I will be able to deal with the Mongolian invasion and be united."

Wei Mingling frowned, and said hesitantly, "Your Majesty has worked hard, but I'm afraid some people won't understand."

Dai Daojin's voice was cold, and he said, "I just want those guys who have different intentions to jump out on their own initiative, and take advantage of the time to clean up the country, and kill whoever shows up."

Wei Mingling couldn't help but said, "Your Majesty, Mongolia has just been unified not long ago, and Xiliao, Jin, Huarazimo, and Southern Song are all present. Mongolia is really so powerful?"

Although Wei Mingling is Dai Daojin's confidant, he didn't bother to explain too much to the other party, he just said, "You have fought Mongolia so many times, how many times have you won?"

Wei Mingling was silent for a moment.


The next day, Qi Wang Li Zunxu attempted to rebel and was quarreled and killed. Li Shizhan, a royal historian, was dismissed from his post and ransacked his home for corruption and bribery in violation of the law.These two incidents caused a great earthquake in the Xixia Dynasty.

Dai Daojin didn't care how these people reacted. Now that he controls nearly [-] central guards in the capital, he holds a heavy army and doesn't care about these people at all.

That night, Dai Daojin met two people.

In the imperial study room, Dai Daojin shouted back the little eunuch and the guards outside the door, and looked at the man and woman in front of him.

He smiled and said, "Senior Brother Chen, Senior Sister Mei. How are you doing these days?" But his usual voice resumed.

Mei Chaofeng has recovered his appearance now, his appearance is clear and beautiful, and Chen Xuanfeng no longer has the feeling of eerieness before, he is a proper middle-aged handsome guy.

Mei Chaofeng's eyes showed surprise, and he said in surprise, "Junior brother, how did you become the emperor of Xixia?"

Dai Daojin waved his hand, "It's a long story, this time I would like to thank Senior Brother and Sister for helping me kill that Li Zunxu."

Chen Xuanfeng smiled and said, "It's nothing to do with a little effort."

Mei Chaofeng also said, "Junior brother, you have saved my wife and I, so what does this matter?"

Dai Daojin smiled, and said, "Senior Sister Mei, Senior Brother Chen, Junior Brother still has a busy schedule and would like to ask the two of you for help. Is it possible?"

Mei Chaofeng said, "Junior brother, you have something to do, but it's okay to say it."

Dai Daojin picked up a letter from the desk, handed it to Mei Chaofeng and said, "Senior Sister, you and your wife are going to Zhongnan Mountain to find Ma Yu, the head teacher of the Quanzhen Sect, and he will arrange for you when the time comes."

Mei Chaofeng received the letter, wondering why it was related to Quanzhen Sect again, but he still said, "Junior Brother, don't worry, Senior Sister knows."

Afterwards, Dai Daojin asked Xiang Liping to send the two of them away. Xiang Liping didn't know who the two were. He only knew that the two were strong in martial arts and they were the helpers His Majesty sought. If it wasn't for the two, Li Zunxu might not have been able to kill them.


One month later, the Emperor Xixia issued a decree that all the generals who commanded troops abroad should return to Beijing to report on their duties.

There are twelve capital commanders in the Twelve Supervising Military Divisions. Fortunately, the twelve capital commanders obeyed orders and returned to Beijing, and no one dared to disobey their orders.

Since then, under the strong wrist of the Xixia Emperor, the Xixia military system has been formally changed, with five supervisory divisions, east, west, south, north, and middle, the emperor sits in the center, leads the war preparation division, coordinates the whole affairs, and integrates the military and government.

Issued a decree, the national conscription, all those over the age of 15 and under the age of 50 are within the scope of conscription, if anyone hides, he will be punished as treason.


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