The martial arts of the heavens start from Wudang

Chapter 256 Reforming the Military System

In the imperial study room, the civil servants and military generals of Xixia were lined up one by one.

Everyone is an old fox. Although I don't know why His Majesty, who is a little abnormal today, summoned them, but thinking about what happened in the hall just now, I also have some guesses in my heart.


"Your Majesty is here."

"I am waiting to meet your Majesty."

Dai Daojin walked into the study quickly, waved to everyone, "Sit down."

Then sat behind the desk.

Everyone looked at His Majesty's actions, and found that His Majesty seemed a little different. Looking at his words and deeds, he seemed to be acting resolutely. When he first ascended the throne a few years ago, he retained a trace of his pretentiousness on the battlefield.

And often a person's words and deeds are the things that best reflect the person's mood and attitude.

Dai Daojin took a look at the seven people who were working on it. These were the top officials of Xixia, who held the military and political power in Xixia. These seven people were all party members.

Although the Han people have been able to serve as officials in the court, and their official positions are not low, there are still restrictions.

Dai Daojin smiled and said, "My dear friends, you are the mainstay of my Western Xia. I asked you to come to discuss something."

Wei Mingling sat on the chair and said respectfully, "I don't know if His Majesty summoned us, but for the Mongolian matter?"

Dai Daojin nodded, "This matter was originally supposed to be discussed at the court meeting today, but after thinking about it, I decided to discuss it with your noble families first."

The crowd nodded.

Dai Daojin said in a deep voice, "I have already said the same thing at the court meeting, so I won't say it here. I just want to ask you, what good strategy do you have for the Mongolian affairs?"

Gao Yi said, "Your Majesty, Mongolia is powerful and cannot be resisted forcefully. It needs to be dealt with carefully."

Dai Daojin turned his head and glanced, knowing that these people had been frightened by Mongolia, and he didn't dare to take the initiative to attack, but he didn't want to rely on the power of Xixia to defeat Mongolia.

Dai Daojin only needs to consume Mongolia's power to a certain extent before Xixia perishes.

Dai Daojin's thoughts turned in his mind, and he said in a solemn voice, "I am weak in Xixia country, but I can't be bullied by others, so I have some plans and want to discuss with you."

He waved his hand.

The little eunuch held several rolls of paper and handed them to everyone present.

After these people bowed to take it, they looked at it seriously, and the more they looked, the more their faces changed.

Grand Tutor Xibi couldn't help but said, "Your Majesty, should we discuss this matter in the long run?"

Wei Mingling had no expression on his face, "This matter is seconded by the old minister."

Xibi answered with a frown and asked, "However, the national conscription is carried out, and all people over the age of 15 and under the age of 50 join the army. Will there be resistance from the people?"

Wei Mingling said coldly, "This matter is not without precedent. When we fought against the Song Dynasty, all the people of Xixia were soldiers. The population was less than 300 million, but we were able to send 50 troops. Why can't we do it today?"

The others lowered their eyes and did not speak.

Dai Daojin sighed quietly, "I don't want to, but Mongolia is so powerful that the danger of destroying the country is in sight. The previous time, if the soldiers hadn't used their lives, the Mongols would have hit the Zhongxing Mansion. If there is such a day, will your lords Do you want to personally kill the enemy with a knife?" At the end of the sentence, there was a gloomy tone in his words.

When the emperor reached this point, all the people present were not fools, they all felt his determination, so they had no choice but to nod in agreement.

Dai Daojin saw him and waved again.

The little eunuch handed over the paper again for all present to watch.

While the adults were watching, Dai Daojin said, "In the past few years, I have been trying to survive in the cracks of the Great Summer, relying on the strong, attacking the weak, and seeking peace through war. Wars, large and small, have never stopped, but the military has been somewhat slack. As strong as ever."

"This time, taking advantage of the conscription, I plan to continue to use what my ancestors did before."

Xixia's military system was developed on the basis of Dangxiang's tribal military system and absorbed the Song system.The Privy Council is the highest military governing body in Xixia, with various divisions under it.The army consists of three parts: the Central Guard Army, the Capture Army and the Local Army.

The most slick of the party members is the "Proton Army" in the Central Guard Army. The number is about 5000. It is a garrison composed of those who are good at riding and shooting selected from the children of the wealthy family. It is responsible for protecting the safety of the emperor. The sixth class is straight", divided into three guards.

In fact, to put it bluntly, these people are the children of high-ranking officials. In order to prevent the generals who take orders from abroad from giving birth to dissent, the children and grandchildren of these generals must join the "proton army".

But don't underestimate this proton army, which is well-equipped and has strong combat effectiveness.

Dai Daojin continued, "In a special period, I plan to implement the integration of military and government, and spread the national military power from Zhongxing Mansion as the center, and change the twelve divisions of the hatchback to the five divisions of the supervisory army."

"7 people guard Zhongxing Mansion, 5 people guard Xiping Mansion in the southeast of Maju, 7 guard Helan Mountain, 3 people guard Jin on Anbei Road, and [-] people guard Tubo on Ganzhou Road on the right side. Of course, the deployment of these troops is based on the current situation. The troops will be distributed after conscription."

"When deploying troops to the west, gather from the east point to the west; if you want to go east, gather from the west point to the east; in the middle, gather from east to west."

"The imperial court set up a temporary combat readiness department to oversee all affairs. I am the director, and you all join the combat readiness department to assist me in handling major political affairs."

After finishing speaking, Dai Daojin glanced coldly at the seven people who were working, his eyes were full of coldness, "Everyone, what do you think?"

After saying these words, everyone present changed their colors, and there was a sense of oppression that was about to come, and everyone was a little out of breath.

The Imperial Envoy hesitated and said, "Your Majesty, are you in too much of a hurry?"

Dai Daojin narrowed his eyes, and popped out, "Is it because Mongolia has attacked Zhongxing Mansion and is about to chop off my head, so I can't be in a hurry? Ah, Aiqing."

With such heartbreaking words, Doctor Yushi immediately turned pale, and the leader in charge of the judicial supervision of Xixia immediately knelt down on the ground, saying in panic, "I dare not."

The others present didn't dare to do that anymore, they stood up and bowed to apologize.

Dai Daojin was expressionless, and said in a cold voice, "My dears, don't say much, you and I are on the same boat, we are both prosperous, and we are both damaged. I hope you can put yourself in the right place. In normal times, some things , I can open one eye and close one eye, but at this time, if anyone dares to go against my will and block my way, then don't blame me for being rude."

In fact, Dai Daojin didn't want to use thunderous means like this, but time waited for no one, he could only do this, he didn't care how many people died in Xixia, and whether there would be chaos, as long as his goal was achieved.

"Li An'an" was able to usurp the throne back then, and the military power he held in his hands should not be underestimated. With the addition of the Central Guard, he is not afraid that these people will find out.

The Yushitai doctor said, "Your Majesty, do you want to inform King Qi?"

King Qi?Li Zunxu?

Dai Daojin narrowed his eyes. Isn't this the Xia Shenzong who abolished "Li Anan" and usurped the throne in history?


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