At this time, when the new emperor of the Jin Kingdom was not established and the political system was unstable, Mongolia assembled [-] soldiers and horses to prepare to attack Jin.

On this day, the banners are flying.

In the middle of the army, Genghis Khan's tiger eyes were exposed, looking at the many generals sitting below, like a lion patrolling his people.

Genghis Khan said, "Warriors, we have defeated Wang Han and conquered the Naiman people. Now that our Mongolian army is strong and strong, we no longer need to rely on the Kingdom of Jin to survive. It is time to take revenge."

"We want to avenge my Bahai Khan."

Inside the big tent, many generals shouted, "Revenge, revenge."

The next day, the army set out, and the army was divided into two groups, one of which was led by Genghis Khan himself.

A large army was led by Jebe, and went straight to the central capital. What's interesting is that this time Guo Jing also followed, and under Jebe's command, he led an army of his own, with Liu Anmin as his assistant.

Genghis Khan passed through Juyongguan and fought all the way to Zhuozhou and even Henan and other places.

But the army sent by the Kingdom of Jin was vulnerable, and was defeated by the Mongolian cavalry.

Seeing that Mongolia had reached the surrounding areas of Kyoto, the entire senior management of the Jin Kingdom became anxious, and was then persuaded by Wanyan Honglie. In this way, under the circumstances of foreign invasion, Wanyan Honglie ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor.

Afterwards, Wanyan Honglie used the crown prince Wanyankang to supervise the country, and the imperial conquests in person boosted morale. The soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin barely resisted the Mongolian invasion.

Fortunately, the time has entered winter at this time, and the Mongols withdrew their troops. This battle did not achieve Genghis Khan's goal. To be precise, this time was just a series of raids for the purpose of testing and expeditions for the purpose of plunder.

However, Mongolia's retreat also gave Jin an opportunity to reorganize the defense forces in the north and northwest.

This winter, Xixia also sent envoys to express their congratulations to the new emperor of the Jin Kingdom, and to discuss how the two countries could jointly deal with Mongolia, a powerful and murderous neighbor.

Wanyan Honglie is not the Wanyan Yongji in history, he has a strategy in his chest and knows the truth of cold lips and teeth, so he attaches great importance to the alliance expressed by Xixia.


Years later, Xixia, outside the city of Zhongxingfu.

Dai Daojin stood on the high platform, looking at the darkness below.

3000 people stood in the school field, silent, only the sound of banners.

The iron kite, the heavy cavalry unit of Xixia, was originally the guard of the emperor of Xixia, but now, the iron kite has become the main force of the Xixia arms, charging and attacking the enemy on the battlefield.

The most powerful military unit in Xixia, besides the iron harrier, is the mountain infantry. The iron harrier rides on a good horse, is heavily armored, and cannot be penetrated by thorns.In case of battle, the iron cavalry will rush out first, and when the formation is disordered, attack it; the infantry will advance with the cavalry.

Similar to the Iron Buddha of the Kingdom of Jin, they are extremely powerful heavy cavalry.

But the cavalry of the iron kite has only 3000 people, because their horses, weapons and armor are extremely demanding and expensive, and the cost of raising 3000 iron kites is almost the same as that of raising 2 infantry.

In order to save money, the selection method of the iron kite is basically hereditary. The armor of the father is passed on to the son, and the armor of the son is passed on to the grandson.

Dai Daojin looked at this army, turned his head and asked, "Wei Mingling, can you pull up another three thousand iron kites?"

Wei Mingling thought for a while, then frowned and said, "My Majesty, three thousand iron harriers cost a lot, and you have to recruit brave and skilled fighters from the five supervising military divisions to form them. It can't be done overnight."

"It's easy to recruit people who are brave and good at fighting, but it costs money..."

Dai Daojin nodded, and said casually, "I heard that those temples and Buddhist temples in China are very rich. Now that the country is facing a crisis, can you give generously?"

Wei Mingling heard this, his face changed, and he said anxiously, "Your Majesty, no." He was a little shocked, he really didn't expect that the emperor would want to get money from the monk, this matter is no small matter.

Xia Guo worships Buddhism, and there are many temples in the territory.The upper-level monks played a special role in politics, economy, and culture, and became powerful assistants for the party members to rule Daxia.The temple received generous donations from the imperial court, owned a large amount of land, opened quality houses, and issued usury loans.

Like the Buddhists of almost all dynasties, they don't do production every day, but they are fat and oily.

Dai Daojin saw Wei Mingling's urgent objection, so he skipped the topic, but he thought in his heart that it's all right now, when it's time to need money urgently, hey, the golden body of the Buddha is also melted for you.

But he still turned his head and said, "Go to Liping, with my imperial decree, summon craftsmen from all over the country to build weapons and armor, and dispatch 3000 people from the five major military supervisory divisions, pull me a new iron kite, and then give me emergency training, you He is the leader of this iron kite."

Xiang Liping looked overjoyed, knelt down on one knee, and said loudly, "Yes, Your Majesty."

Dai Daojin looked into the distance, thinking of some ways to strengthen Xixia's military power. If he was not afraid of causing economic collapse, he would have wanted to raise the tax rate, amass a lot of money, and then expand the army again.


Chuanshu, on this day, a woman dressed in black and holding a long sword appeared here, followed by a round black and white creature.

Three days later, Mu Nianci climbed the mountain slowly, and couldn't help but think of the days when he studied and practiced sword in this mountain in the past few years.

She walked very slowly, like an ordinary person.

After a stick of incense, Mu Nianci walked to the mountainside and was suddenly stopped by two people.

Mu Nianci's voice was cold, "Who are you? Why are you blocking my way?"

These two people were wearing gray clothes with the same style, so they should belong to the same sect or gang.

One of the young men originally thought that the girl was beautiful and charming, but when Mu Nianci glanced at her, his heart tightened, and he didn't dare to trust him, he cupped his hands and said, "Girl, this is my Tangjiazhai place." , if the girl is traveling in the mountains and rivers, should I find another place?"

Mu Nianci thought for a while, "Tangjiazhai? Could it be the mountain village on the west side of the mountain?"

The young man smiled and said, "Yes."

Mu Nianci frowned in doubt, "I lived here for a few years, when did it become the place of Tangjiazhai, why didn't I know?"

The young man was stunned for a moment, then looked at the giant panda behind Mu Nianci, and asked in surprise, "Is the girl's surname Mu?"

Mu Nianci nodded.

The man's face was pleasantly surprised, and he hurriedly said, "So it's Miss Mu, so I can go up the mountain naturally, please, please."

Mu Nianci didn't quite understand the change in his expression, but she didn't intend to inquire, and walked past the two of them and went up the mountain.

The young man hurriedly whispered something to the other person, and the other person hurried down the mountain after listening.

The young man looked up at the girl's back, rubbed his hands, and looked excited.

Mu Nianci went up the mountain, saw the bamboo huts, looked at them for a while, then opened the door and entered, a recliner came into view, and stepped forward to touch it.

His face was a little surprised, the room was spotless, it was obvious that someone came to clean it frequently, but when he thought about it, he thought of someone.

She put the long sword aside casually, went to the recliner, closed her eyes, and fell asleep.


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