Xixia, Zhongxing City.

As the sky was getting dark, a young eunuch quietly changed his clothes, jumped out of the palace wall, and then disappeared into the crowd.

Back at the inn, Dai Daojin ordered some food and wine, and after finishing eating, he sat cross-legged on the bed and closed his eyes.

The situation that has been lurking in Xixia for more than a month slowly flashed across his mind.

In the past month, Dai Daojin has changed multiple identities in the Xixia Palace, either as an eunuch, or as a courtier, or as a bodyguard, aiming to carefully observe every move of Xixia Emperor Li Anan, as well as every plant and tree in the palace, every concubine and concubine in the harem. For example, everything is fine.

Of course, he couldn't do this by himself alone. The news network established by Quanzhen Sect and the Beggar Gang also provided him with detailed information, such as the ministers of military affairs of the court, Chinese, and so on.

It is also thanks to Dai Daojin's photographic memory, otherwise how could he remember the vast amount of information.

After recalling everything and making sure it was correct, Dai Daojin slowly opened his eyes, the expression in his eyes reflected the flickering candlelight, which seemed extremely unpredictable.

On the second night, an assassin broke into the palace, the palace was flooded, and the guards were imprisoned. There was a panic.

"Your Majesty, there are assassins intruding, and we are here to escort you." A voice came from outside the bedroom.

In the bedroom, Dai Daojin was facing the bronze mirror, sorting out his appearance. A middle-aged man with a black beard appeared in the bronze mirror, his eyes were shining brightly. After Dai Daojin confirmed it was correct, he said loudly: "I'm fine, go to Liping, You can just guard outside the hall." His voice was a little rough, without the clearness of the past.

"Yes, Wei Chen obeys the order."

Dai Daojin turned around and looked at the fainted woman on the bed, her skin was tender, and she was full of spring.

However, Dai Daojin just glanced at him, then turned his head and looked at the ground, where a man with the same face as him was lying naked on the ground.

Dai Daojin took out the porcelain bottle he had prepared a long time ago, stepped forward, uncorked the bottle, and poured the liquid inside on the corpse.


Not long after, the body disappeared, leaving only a puddle of unknown brown liquid remaining.

Dai Daojin put away the porcelain vase and said, "Come here."


Two young eunuchs entered the bedroom, "Your Majesty, what are your orders?"

Dai Daojin pointed to the ground, "Clean up the dirty things on the ground."

The two young eunuchs bowed to answer.

Dai Daojin walked out of the dormitory, with his hands behind his back, and looked to the southeast, where the fire was flickering.

A middle-aged man in armor hurried over when he saw Dai Daojin. When he saw the Emperor Xixia coming out in only his white inner garment, he didn't dare to look any further. He knelt down on one knee and said, "Your Majesty."

Dai Daojin waved his hand and motioned him to stand up, "Xiang Liping, what's going on? Have you caught it now?"

Xiang Liping is the commander of Xixia's internal guards, and his main duty is to be responsible for the emperor's safety. When he saw the emperor's question, he cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I am incompetent and the assassin has not been caught yet, but the fire has been controlled and there is no serious problem. "

The Xixia Emperor "Li An'an" nodded.

In the dormitory, the little eunuch had already tidied up, so Dai Daojin turned around and entered the dormitory.


The next day, the Xixia emperor "Li Anan" stayed in the imperial study for a whole day, carefully read the dossiers of these years, and gained a more detailed understanding of Xixia's national power, political affairs, and military divisions.

On the seventh day, after some arrangements, the Xixia Emperor, dressed in a bright yellow uniform, summoned all civil and military officials to discuss matters with the court.

Dai Daojin used to be an emperor, but now he sits high on the golden chair, showing his power and power, but he doesn't show a sense of discomfort, as if he has returned to the time when he was the emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

Dai Daojin looked at the officials below, and information flashed in his mind.

At this time, the official system of Xixia basically imitated the Song Dynasty, divided into civil and military classes.

There are Zhongshu Province, Privy Council, Three Divisions, Yushitai, Kaifeng Mansion, Yiwei Division, Law and Accounting Division, Receiver Division, Farmland Division, Group Animal Husbandry Division, etc. Local administration is divided into prefecture and county levels. There are also counties and government offices.

In the country of Xixia, the Dangxiang ethnic group is the main ruling ethnic group, and it is jointly ruled by the Han, Tubo, and Uyghur ethnic groups.

In addition to these, there are also the divisions of upper, lower, middle, lower, and last five divisions, which can be described as extremely complicated.

With a flash in Dai Daojin's eyes, nearly one-third of the officials below him were Han officials, and even high-ranking officials also had Han Chinese.

Dai Daojin said: "Dear dears, I have received the news that the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin, Wanyan Jing, has passed away, leaving behind an edict to be located in King Zhao Wanyan Honglie, what do you think?"

The people below looked at each other without answering.

The prince Li Chengzhen came out and said: "Father, my son feels that he should go to the Kingdom of Jin to congratulate him."

Dai Daojin hummed, noncommittal, and looked at an old man in the civil service team, "I don't know what the master thinks?"

Grand Tutor Xibi of the Western Xia Dynasty replied: "Your Majesty, according to the news, King Wei of the Kingdom of Jin is quite dissatisfied with the fact that King Zhao is the emperor. The matter has not yet been settled. If we go to congratulate him in advance , in case King Zhao fails to ascend to the throne of God, wouldn’t I, Xixia, hate the new king by then.”

Dai Daojin nodded, turned his head and looked to the right again, "Gao Aiqing, what do you think?"

The Commander of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, Gong Gao Yi, bowed and said, "Your Majesty the Tai Tuo is old enough to speak out of a certain country, and the minister seconded it."

"The minister waits for a second opinion."

Dai Daojin said in a deep voice: "Then follow what the Taifu said, wait and see first."

Then he said: "However, today, we are going to discuss the powerful enemy of Mongolia."

As soon as these words came out, the civil and military officials below couldn't help but looked at each other in blank dismay.


Dai Daojin hammered the table case, got up and shouted angrily: "Tiemuzhen proclaimed himself 'Genghis Khan', and repeatedly attacked me in Xixia. The massacre of Orohai City the year before last, my dear friends must not have forgotten it, the people of the city , died tragically at the hands of the Tatars, but fortunately, you fought back with your life.”

"But Temujin's heart to Xixia is not dead, and sooner or later he will commit another crime."

"Is it possible that I, Xixia, can only sit and wait for death?"

The civil and military officials below quickly knelt down on the ground, "The ministers are incompetent and deserve death."

Dai Daojin said with a sullen face: "I don't want you to die, what I want is your good plan."

Gao Yi thought for a while, and said: "Your Majesty, the Kingdom of Jin is our suzerain, and we can ask the Kingdom of Jin for help at that time."

Dai Daojin's eyes showed disappointment, and he said in a deep voice, "Is that all? Didn't you see the Mongolian crimes in the past two times? How did Jin Guo ever manage us?"

Gao Yi hesitated and said: "Your Majesty, in fact, we can ask Xiliao and Tubo for help. If our Xixia Kingdom is destroyed, they will not escape the Mongolian invasion, but..."

Dai Daojin naturally knew what he meant. These things were easy to say, not talking about Tubo, just talking about Xiliao, and he would not easily provoke the Mongols.

However, these things can naturally be accomplished in other ways.

After thinking for a while, Dai Daojin stared at the people below and said in a deep voice: "When life is in danger, everyone's life, wealth and wealth may be destroyed overnight. I hope everyone will work together to protect our Xixia forever."

Among the people below, some of them had solemn faces and sensed some unusual information, while others only felt that today's emperor was a bit alarmist.

Dai Daojin took everyone's looks into his eyes and waved his hand.

The little eunuch next to him yelled sharply: "Teacher, Duke of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, Duke of Weiming... The imperial study is waiting, and the others can retire."

Dai Daojin turned and left.

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