In the far north, a grand wedding is taking place.

A large yurt is extremely conspicuous on the vast land. Many people come in and out, and there are laughter and shouts from time to time.

Wearing new clothes, Li Ping listened to the bustling sounds outside, with a complicated expression, and couldn't help but think of that night for more than a month.


Guo Jing was a little dazed when he heard what his mother said, "Mother, what did you say?"

Li Ping's expression flickered, she looked at her son, and said, "Mother said, you are not too young, and it's time to get married. When you come back this time, you will marry Hua Zheng."

Guo Jing said in surprise, "Mother, if you call me back, you are marrying the boy and Hua Zheng."

Li Ping nodded.

Guo Jing was puzzled, "Mother, didn't you tell the boy before that we are Han people, and we will return to the Central Plains sooner or later, and you told the boy not to have too deep feelings with Huazheng, why today..."

Li Ping interrupted in a solemn voice, "There are three types of unfilial piety, and having no offspring is the greatest. Why? Didn't you listen to my mother's words?"

Seeing that his mother was angry, Guo Jing quickly knelt down and said, "Mother, I don't dare, I just feel that my father's great revenge has not been avenged, how can I be so obsessed with matters between men and women?"

Li Ping glanced at Guo Jing, stroked Guo Jing's head, and said, "Jinger, mother is very happy if you think so, but revenge is not in a hurry, but if your revenge fails and you lose your life, then our Guo family is not Extinct empress? If that's the case, how can you face your father after your mother dies?"

Said, silent tears.

Seeing his mother crying, Guo Jing hurriedly stood up, helped wipe away the tears, and said softly, "Mother, don't cry, Jing'er listens to you, get married first, and then take revenge."

Li Ping sighed inwardly and nodded.

Guo Jing said, "Mother, since you want to marry Hua Zheng, where is Da Khan?"

Li Ping said, "You don't have to worry about Da Khan, my mother has asked your master Jebe to ask Da Khan for help, and Da Khan is also very happy. After all, Hua Zheng is not young anymore, and Tuo Lei has two children. "

Guo Jing nodded.

Li Ping smiled and said, "What? Don't you like Huazheng a lot?"

Guo Jing blushed, scratched his head, smirked, and didn't speak.

Li Ping watched it, feeling a little sad in her heart.


Suddenly, the door curtain was lifted, and Li Ping came back to her senses.

Zhebie entered the yurt and saw that Li Ping's eyes were red, and said with a smile, "Sister Guo, today is Jing'er's big day, why are you staying here by yourself?"

Li Ping stood up and said with a smile, "Master Zhebie, I like to be quiet, so I just sit here for a while."

Zhebie laughed and said, "Sister Guo, that's not going to happen, hurry up and go with Zhebie, Jing'er and Huazheng are going to worship and get married."

As he spoke, he took Li Ping out of the yurt and walked towards the place with the largest number of people.

When they arrived at the place, Li Ping was invited by the crowd to take the seat and sit side by side with Temujin.

Huazheng was Genghis Khan's favorite jewel, and was deeply loved by Temujin. Moreover, at this time, the Mongolian army was in full swing, and all tribes and tribes naturally came to congratulate Khan when they heard that he was marrying a daughter. It was very lively.

The rookie comes on.

Under the blue sky and white clouds, Guo Jing and Hua Zheng walked on the red carpet in full attire, and they came slowly, and everyone around them booed loudly.

Hua Zheng's face was crimson, and Guo Jing's face was filled with a silly smile.

Li Ping looked at Guo Jing who was approaching with a smile, and suddenly the tears couldn't stop falling down, and she couldn't stop after wiping.

Temujin saw it, and said with a smile, "Old sister, today is a happy day, don't let the young couple feel bad."

Guo Jing, who had already stepped forward, came to Li Ping and wiped away her tears.

She said loudly, "Mother, Jing'er will be a real adult from today onwards, mother, you will enjoy your life in peace and security, and leave everything to Jing'er and Huazheng."

Hua Zheng also stepped forward and said, "Aunt Guo, Guo Jing is right, Hua Zheng and Guo Jing will definitely respect you in the future."

Torre next to him shouted, "Sister, are you still called Aunt Guo?"

Everyone next to him booed, "That's right, that's right, it's time to speak."

"Yes, yes."

Huazheng was coaxed by so many people, even though she had a generous personality, she couldn't help but blushed, bowed her head and whispered, "Erji."

"The sound is too low, I can't hear it."

"Yes, speak louder."

Huazheng raised his head and said loudly, "Erji."

Li Ping smiled and nodded.

Afterwards, there were various customs and etiquettes, and the whole venue has become a joyous place, and countless fine wines and meats are brought up.

And the people of many tribes in the field also know that starting today, Guo Jing will officially become a member of the Golden Family. Although he is a Han, his daughter-in-law is the Mongolian princess Huazheng, and his sworn brother is Torrey. , and the other three sons of the Great Khan are also very good, and his master is Temujin's general Jebe.


In March and April, a major event happened in the Kingdom of Jin.

That was the sudden sudden death of Emperor Wanyan Jing of the Kingdom of Jin, leaving behind a will, which was passed on to his sixth son, Wanyan Honglie.

The court of the Kingdom of Jin was in turmoil.

Prince Wei's Mansion, in the study.

The floor was covered with shattered porcelain pieces from smashed teacup vases. Wei Wang Wanyan Yongji sat behind the desk with a gloomy face, panting heavily, clenched his fists on his legs, showing blue veins.

Outside the door, the two guards looked at their noses, their noses, their noses and their hearts, not daring to breathe.

After a while, there was a knock on the study door.

"dong dong dong"


The person who knocked on the door trembled, hesitated for a while, and said, "My lord, my concubine Yuan, Mrs. Li, the servant of the Huangmen, and Mrs. Wanyan, the political official of Pingzhang, are here, and they are waiting in the hall now."

Not long after, with a creak, the door opened, and Wanyan Yongji, whose face was sinking like water, walked out of the door and went straight to the front hall.

After arriving at the front hall, Wanyan Yongji saw the people sitting there, and sat directly on top without saying hello.

Huangmen servant Li Xinxi and Zhang Zhengshi Wanyan Kuangding looked at each other and frowned in unison.

Wanyan Yongji said in a deep voice, "Didn't you say that Wanyan Jing intends to pass it on to this king? Why did you leave a legacy to pass it on to King Zhao?" Under the rage, he didn't even have the honorific title for Emperor Jin. its name.

Concubine Yuan was only in her thirties, and she was as beautiful as a peach blossom. When she heard the words, she said with a puzzled face, "I did find out what the emperor said about this matter, but who knew that he passed away suddenly and left behind this edict."

Wanyan Yongji said impatiently, "What's the use of talking about it now? Tell me what to do now?"

Concubine Yuan didn't see the edict before, she turned her head to Li Xinxi, the servant of the Huangmen, and said, "Lord Li, is the edict really written by the emperor?"

Li Xinxi nodded, and said in a deep voice, "I and all the adults in the court have checked it with my own eyes. It is indeed His Majesty's handwriting, and the seal is also true."

Concubine Yuan asked, "What should we do now? Is it possible that we really want to support Wanyan Honglie?"

Li Xinxi and Wanyan Kuangding looked at each other and remained silent.

Wanyan Yongji was even more angry when he saw it. Originally, he was incompetent but arrogant. He thought that he was the emperor, but he killed Wanyan Honglie halfway.

While the three of them were discussing countermeasures, the Prince Zhao's Mansion was also very restless at this time.

In the study, Yang Kang's excitement was palpable, and he said, "Father, after you ascend the throne, you will be the emperor of our Great Jin Kingdom." He added in his heart that he was the crown prince.

Wanyan Honglie also had bright eyes, but he was much calmer than Yang Kang. He shook his head and said, "Kang'er, this matter is not that simple. Even if the first emperor passed down an edict, it is not easy for me to sit in that seat." easy."

Yang Kang nodded. He knew that in the court, although there were many ministers who had good relations with the father, some people supported King Wei.

On this matter, in his mind, he thought of the words Ma Yu passed to him, "The opportunity has been given to you, and the next thing will depend on your father and son, and Pindao will also help. If we can’t pass it, we will never mention the matter of cooperation again.”

Yang Kang's heart was still not calm at this time, he did not expect that the opportunity the other party mentioned was such an opportunity.

Yang Kang took a few steps forward, looked at Wanyan Honglie and said, "Father, now we have the edict in hand, except for those officials who are originally from our line, those neutral ministers will think more about it, Father, we now occupy the righteousness Fame, but you need to prepare early."

Wanyan Honglie nodded. Although he had some thoughts before, they were not strong, and he never thought that such a day would come.

However, since God gave him this opportunity, he must seize it. Thinking of this, Wanyan Honglie's eyes flickered with thoughts. He always looked down on those weak and incompetent members of Wanyan's royal family.


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